It is best used in conjunction with some DIY flea traps, put out at night (article on this blog), as well as a good spot on (such as Frontline) for your pets. And thats likely to cause a problem in your vegetable patch, unless you take action. I recommend it is used for the home and sleeping areas. Surely there is an online store near you that can supply 100% DE? Sound unsightly? I am battling a flea problem. I have published a book, worked with many pest control companies, and helped thousands with various infestations on a one-to-one basis. thank you. We noticed our cats had fleas a few weeks ago and since then Ive tried everything. I suggest you use DE in your home, not for direct application to your dog. If you need any further help, let me know! Be careful of diatomaceous earth products that mention its concentration is less than 90%. So Id immediately shove them in the washing machine, then take a good shower and fortunately never infested the whole house. The dog has not been here at all since that time. Thanks! I am confused in one sense as I set a couple of the homemade flea traps in the carpeted rooms overnight and got nothing. So Boo was put outside for the night. i have been vacumming daily but this is where most of our storage is that is used in house and or clothing in boxes is there anything else i should do so i can get rid of the fleas and make sure they dont populate? I have had pets all of my life, and I know many times they have had fleas, but I have rarely, if ever seen one. Please advise because I cant afford a hefty vet bill. You can definitely do it room by room, but leave it all down until the entire house is done. DE really rocks my world as well . There mustve been around 300 or 400 on him when I came back. p.s. Great article! Let me know how it goes, would be happy to help you sort this out. Good luck! Predatory nematodes like these may be purchased and applied by drench or spray method to control flea beetle larvae. After using the DE I have found that it is effective from the first application. And how often do I need to sift the DE over the carpets + vacuum? So, it takes me several hours to cover one room. now i am thinking to put food grade DE ! If you add Neem powder to the DE before you dust your animal It will take care of the drying of the skin. As for smaller pets (like young kittens, puppies, rabbits, hamsters, etc. we never had a problem until this year. Hey Amanda! Need some additional reassurance? They cant reach where topical are applied or the collar. Can I mix DE with borax when I put it down on the floors and carpet? Thanks for your help. Wonderful! I have three cats, one doesnt have fleas really but the other twoboy do they have fleas. Another record-keeping tip: If you arent keeping a gardening journal already, start one. We had a few weeks of constant cleaning, dusting, vacuuming, and washing laundry before we got back to normal. The DE was the only thing I felt safe using around my family and pets. I have lived here for 5 years and this is the second time I have seen them in this apartment. I ended up sprinkling the floor with borax and leaving it over night then doing what you said and have been flea free since! Kimball. 21 Comments. Or do I need a lamp that produces heat? However, do note that living mulches will compete with the main crop for water and nutrients. The dogs sleep on our bed. etc., etc., etc. Couple of questions. Grateful for this informative site! I took it back and went Rosedale Mills in my area and they had a product that this food grade. Any thoughts or better ideas? You can vacuum it up with a regular bag based vacuum cleaner or just brush and pan it up. It says that it is 100% DE, but I am just wondering if you have heard of it and if it is the correct DE to purchase for a flea infestation. Hi Natasha, I did a search of this page for the term Red Earth with no results. We will discuss specifics on this a little later but be assured, its definitely not going to cost much! ( Also onions are very bad as well). We have hardwood floors and have used it along all floors and keep a dusting in the gaps in the floors. I spray it on my boots and my clothing when I go into the forests to photograph game animals. As long as you make sure its quality stuff, it doesnt really matter where you get it, as long as its going to do the job without risking anyones health. Predator Nematodes can be especially effective when applied during moist periods, when Fleas are most active. Hi, love this article, very informative, and Im heading out today to get some DE. Can I use DE on the friends and then wash them? I got my DE at the health food store. Here is some more great information on how to apply Beneficial Nematodes from John Dromgoole of The Natural Gardener. I really appreciate it!! Hi: I am in the third week and there are still signs of fleas. Diatomaceous Earth- Is made from fossil materials of marine creatures. It is so horrible, iI don;t know how much longer i can live with these things on me.I bought some Diatomaceous Earth. Last year the fleas were incredible, but after a really cold winter this years crop hasnt been too bad. As a bonus, brush it into the carpet, etc. Hi William, rather just use the nematodes first and see how that goes, as from my personal experience, DE isnt great outside. In fact, food grade diatomaceous earth can even be used to kill other pests like bed bugs, chiggers and gnats so feel free to try it elsewhere if you are having a problem with those in your home. Went to the pool store and got a 10lb box lol. Good luck! Hi Cate, DE wont kill the eggs but yes, you can definitely do that , Hi! Hi! With DE, less is better. He wants to be fussed, but will only tolerate it when he is half asleep. its certainly better than before ! Three days should be sufficient to kill those fleas so you dont need to reapply. Same thing might be happening with Advantage too. If not, do you have any suggestions? You applied DE incorrectly. I will appreciate anything you say on the matter. It shouldnt hurt them, just vacuum it up as soon as possible and replace with the food grade variation. Dont feed your dogs DE, its not going to help in any way. Hey! Fleas can live on humans but its not their preferred target. Treating everyone for fleas with a topical product isnt financially feasible no matter how heavy the infestation, plus Im convinced that Frontline and its relatives have been so widely used that the fleas are laughing at us behind their backs. I was planning on dusting the rug, carpet and concrete then vacuuming up after 24 hours. After one night, I can see the difference. That being said, rather dont put anymore down if you can easily purchase some food grade stuff because it is better. This condition makes the fleas die because of the dry out. . It is a pleasure, thanks for stopping by! Hi Susan, yes it can be light brown. Buying diatomaceous earth from Walmart or Lowes This is definitely a great option, especially if there is one of these outlets near your residence. Alexis Morin is an avid gardener who resides on and manages a horse ranch in north Texas. I have seen you respond to others about it being ok to leave on couches and beds etc.. I put DE all around my bed and removed the bedskirt, but they are directly jumping onto me and my blankets :-(. Not tried using it for fleas but am about to start as a friends cat got infested and unfortunately some came with my friend when she visited and despite my 4 indoor cats being on Stronghold neck drops the fleas are just starting to appear. Organic insecticidal sprays, powders, or drenches may be purchased to help combat flea beetles in your garden such as: Chemical pesticides are a last resort option. Appreciate your lovely comment and your kind words. However, if you do it infrequently, feel free to do it. They do scratch a bit and I still see some flea dirt on the bed but that is lessening too. My recommendation is that you get a monthly spot on treatment for him, this will keep the fleas away and protect him from any further complications. Your pets health information at your fingertips, 2022 Great Pet Media. Hi Wayne! Can you use it on sofas and ceramic tile , in other words all other surfaces? Cheers! We just found some fleas on our cat. I have a indoor cat who has made herself comfortable outside lately, what a bad idea on my part. Alternatively, I can get you a quote from an exterminator in your local area that will sort you out (they are vetted), let me know if you need it. My problem recently has actually been with ticks. Its an absolute pleasure, glad you have found it useful I recommend getting about 10lb but since they do come in different sizes, I recommend getting enough to finely dust each room in your house. I dont want them hitchhiking on me and investing the entire house. Wow that is incredible, thanks for sharing that experience with us . The dog lost, and so did i .To my amazement however I found that skunk scent is an oil. Food Grade (this is important) DE will not be toxic, you can safely use it. Hi Alice! Boo just wants to go down the basement again to eat and sleep, and I need to get this DE mess cleaned all up, and make sure the fleas DONT COME BACK!!! If you want to kill the fleas on them, a bath in soapy water (be careful of claws hehe) will kill them all. I recommend giving it a try and reporting back your results, looking forward to hearing from you . Hope that helps! Cost from my own pocket. Yes you can, its completely harmless (just a bit dusty thats all hehe). Ive treated my car, having my father transport the pets back and forth because of the pesticides Ive used in it. I recommend keeping her off the ground for a day while you leave it on the floor and vacuum it up at night. And it smells good! But this is the second time she got tapeworm, and I can only gather its from her trips outside??? Is it safe for kids and pets to be around? I made the traps Wednesday night and put them in the boys rooms and my room. Does all the DE have to be cleaned up? Although it is not toxic, it can cause dryness and . Tried vacuuming everday and flea combing the animals but i just puffed the powder on all of them to see what happens. However, there are a few considerations (health, etc.) I have used topical treatments (Advantage Frontline) for years with great results. Yes, provided its food grade and you vacuum it up (otherwise it can be a bit dehydrating to her body), that will be fine. Seen a few fleas but they were already twitching and trying to flea (pun intended). what about them inhaling while they sleep.. or am I over thinking :^), Hi Laura, definitely mix it up. Thanks for sharing! Hi there, it should be fine. Please give me any advice you have I appreciate it greatly!! Its a pleasure I havent done it myself but I have had a couple of my readers saying that it does have health benefits. Good luck! And now we have a kitten in the house with fleas too so I worry about what you mentioned in your article (inhalation, lower body mass, & being in closer contact with the powder) Just want everyone to be safe and flea free. Do you have any suggestions for us? I think its important to remember that pets are no less vulnerable to these side effects, says Hanna. Will try tractor supply or home depot. The little girl will allow me to groom her, but he runs when he sees the comb & brush, and he is being eaten alive. Id hate to have done all that for naught, especially since cleaning it up will be the big chore! Hey Annelyse! Sign up and make sure you are always on top of the most important info for you and your pets. Is there any thing youve come across that will prevent this? DE is not poisonous but keeping him off it will prevent a few issues. Ive searched around and found this site about using DE. Time to relax sweating my butt off, have to love Florida bugs haha, Hi Chris, thanks for sharing your success story and best of luck with the rest of the treatment. I have a 7 lb dog, would this be safe to use around her? Thanks. and saw one lady used a turkey baster to get into cracks in baseboards. I discovered hundred of eggs in these place. Unlike the Nematodes, this is most effective when left dry for a bit.. I posted a query on facebook asking friends how to get rid of fleas without dangerous chemicals and a couple people directed me to this site or told me about food grade DE. You can use a water based one, its just that the DE can make it get a bit clogged on a low-grade model and I dont want to inconvenience my readers in any way hehe. Was told it was safe to use on my 13 house cats, yes 13 cos they r so ate up with fleas. I have never read anything that suggests that Diatomaceous Earth can kill the beneficial nematodes or bees. I sure hope you can help me. Thanks for what you do on this site, you have a lot of great advice. Absolutely, unless you have very small kittens (even this shouldnt be a major problem), its completely safe for your family and pets. Then mopped all hard surfaces with soapy water and gave the dog a spot on treatment. So we put mum into a big, lighted and carpeted walk-in closet. Hi Jamie! Yes it will be fine if you are leaving it down for that duration, let me know how it goes! I also purchased food grade de from my local feed store think horse supply. If it is food grade (the one you should be using), it will say it on the packaging. Yes that is fine, you can do that. Hi Alissa! Because even though the article says its safe for lungs, the bag itself (Harris brand, food grade, 100% pure) says the dust can cause permanent lung damage and to wear an approved respirator and goggles and work area should be equipped with adequate dust collection or exhaust ventilation. I found 2 fleas on my adult male cat today and immediately bathed him with flea replenent. Any feedback will help, thanks in advance! Intercropping companion plants helps deter flea beetles from the host plant. If there is no carpet do you think exterminator would be safe? This week sadly my house came in contact with fleas due to my sister-in-law spending the week with me while my husband was in florida at a work conference. Hope that helps, good luck! Yes, it can be used on couches but it creates quite a bit of a dust cloud so take it easy hehe. how would I use? I am a little confused about when to vacuum up the food grade DE. Instead of poisoning the buggers, it actually cuts their exoskeleton (their hard outer shell) and sucks the water out their bodies. My Kitties veterinarian says Frontline has not been effective in recent years so she recommends Advantage now. You could but its better suited for killing fleas in carpets, etc. Diatomaceous earth is easy to use and non-toxic to pets and humans. I researched DE years ago using different web sites to gather information and was pleased to see an article on this subject featured here along with the diligent attention/details you brought to this topic. Hope that helps! While it wont hurt your cat (if its the food grade one as I mentioned in this guide), I recommend alternative natural methods like dawn soap and warm water for treating fleas on cats. Cedarcide is the product that I came across and it works. Although I have not seen a flea for 2 weeks both cats are still getting welts. Looking forward to hearing your experiences! Hey Anne! Hi Kathy, glad you have had success with it. We have two cats and two dogs. Hi Lisa! It is not effective for flea control when used in this manner and could potentially result in lung damage if inhaled, says Dr. Jennifer Coates, a veterinary writer, editor and consultant based in Fort Collins, Colorado. My indoor cat has fleas and now Im scratching but Im hoping it is just from paranoiaIve been reading up on natural ways to get rid of those nasty things and I came across an essential oil recipe that I was going to try but you said essential oils arent good for cats. Hi Heather! Over the last couple of years, people have been blasted with such a large amount of different flea removal methods that its become difficult to determine whats best for your flea problem. Well, research shows that once the fleas come into contact with the powder, they usually die about 4 hours later. Good day. Nothing was helping. We left the DE for 3 days and vacuumed, except under the beds where the cats hangout. Hope that helps! You will be fine, dont stress just always use food grade in future. I just want to get that out the way first. I do not have a problem with just leaving this stuff down for several days (just me and hubby, minimum visitors so the disheveled looking house is no problem)If I just leave ithow long to make sure the new hatchlings get a dose? Please help. You should see my legs :(. I read in a couple of your comments saying fleas on humans are not that common (or something along that line). However, since it can dehydrate the skin, I highly recommend vacuuming it up after a couple hours and that you keep your infant off the floor during this time. For long term, use a spot on treatment (no flea collars please). If an individual is considering applying a product for pests, its always best to contact a pest-management professional. I live in the California High Desert, where we dont normally get flees. Hi Mary! This is really stressing me out as we have a tiny baby and two toddlers. Any tips, am on on course or do you think there is a problem? Diatomaceous earth is also messy. 3) DE kills any critter with an exoskeleton (insects/bugs/spiders), snails and slugs. Sounds like you put down enough, just leave it for a couple days. Some experts are adamant that only flea insecticides will work and ridicule those that think otherwise while others advocate a completely natural approach. Hi Damien! I found DE at the local farmers store but it says it is for killing bugs and spiders (yuk). Hi Sharon, it is not dangerous but if I did recommend that, people might do it too frequently which can leave the skin very dry, itchy and not in good shape. Hopefully this will give you the confidence to start using it if you are not convinced already. Can I use these in my very damp basement as well as my yard? Do you have any experience with this product and birds? The vet would have recommended a spot-on liquid flea control product applied to the animals neck to combat fleas on the animal, thus preventing future tapeworms. Thats all I have and I was thinking that it will work great for it, but now Im curious of your reasoning. I just sprinkled a ton of it all down my log very rugged hallway, and i let the kiddos run and play all day and track it all over the house. You have to vacuum daily if you have an infestation; twice a day if you can. Very itchy buggers on people and pets driving us all nuts, so I tried DE on my itchy self and it worked immediately! The outer skeletons of diatoms are made of silicon dioxide, a chemical compound most commonly known as silica. I had been suffering from pesticide resistant mutant fleas for about almost a month now. Is this what I am looking for? Hi Angela! i feel like it would just slide around. Its a pleasure! Yum! I recommend using an icecream container (those plastic tub ones) and after punching small holes in it, use it to sprinkle the DE in the places that need it (kinda like a salt shaker). In fact, their relatively smaller size and proximity to the application surface may put them at a higher risk for experiencing side effects than the pet parent.. I have used the DE in my house and I have all wood flooring. I sprinkle it in our bed. You are great for replying to every single comment on here for so long, keep up the good work! had worked very rapidly. I just thought you would like to have some more information to pass on. Pet food allergies are very common, especially if their food has any type of corn variation or soy in it. Honestly, I dont recommend DE or Borax for direct pet application. Trying the tealight method now these last few nights which seems to help some, will try to order some DE online that were mentioned here in the and try that soon. Plant your trap crop before your main crop so that the insects are attracted to your trap crop first. Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a whitish sand-like powder composed of a type of fossilized single-celled algae called diatoms. It will be alot of work. Will this still work & if sohow do I use it?? I washed floors with apple cider vinegar deleted ,flea traps with dawn dish soap and water.vacumed floors ,even salt ,and borax, in areas where they hide.we have 3 cats.2 female 1 male .we keep 2 upstairs the male on main floor.we also have tried the boiled lemons.and put in spray bottle .so now I have just purchased a bag of diatomaceous earth food grade and going to try it soon ,by the way the best place to find it is a hydroponic store.the guy said to wear a mask when you use it .i will keep you updated on my results. Easy Peasy! I have read a bit on this product due to an unfortunate run in with a flea infestation in the house I just rented! chemical tools that weve covered in this article. DE is the bomb!!! Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a powder made from the sediment of fossilized algae. Let me know how it goes! Help! I decided to do Amazon and purchased Thomas Labs Organic DE. Thanks in advance! I cant thank you enough . Is it because there are still eggs in my home? We all suffer from it! Thanks, glad you have found them useful To be honest, it sounds like its just leftover flea dirt, shouldnt be anything to worry about. It works. Hi Dotti! You should be able to order DE from your local Home Hardware or a farm store or feed store in Canada. Here are some of the most common. Sorry for the late response. Is this safe for pets and is it food grade? Should I use the DE on my laminate floors which I do see fleas on? Hi Kimball! H Carol, thanks for helping out Katrina! I seem to have an infestation there that is proving hard to eliminate, previously I had treated only the carpeted areas but i find that the concrete areas seem to be part of the problem as well. I put down a heavy dusting of DE and will vacuum up in the morning as well as bomb the place in a few days, but is there even a point when as soon as I leave the house they get back in? I have done everything known to man kind, but nothing has worked. Can I mop it up after sweeping? Do you know how this benefits pets or is this not a good idea? So is that safe enough to use for fleas in the carpet? It took me 4 months to get rid of the infestation, July-October and since then I only had to bathe the dogs every once in a while and stopped using frontline for the next 7 months, I stick to DE to treat the house every now and then and no fleas were present. Can I find it locally? Hi Desarae, usually the DE works great, quite strange. Sincerely thank you!!!! However, you still need to make sure you only purchase the food grade product and you will also need to check the concentration (ideally it should be as pure as possible, preferably around 99% to ensure its safe for pets and for the family). It is called food grade, as in it talks about using it as an anti caking agent in animal foods, It also says Food Chemical Codex Grade, it has Diatomaceous Earth and Calcium Bentonite, guaranteed analysis says moisture maximum 8%, ash (mineral matter) maximum 95%. Got the food grade DE after trying foggers, traps, etc. I really appreciate it and I am certain that many will benefit from your knowledge and experience! Talk to your veterinarian about the best options for your situation. It also dries up their eggs keeping them from hatching. We treat regular inside & out & our indoor cat sometimes I think they are gone but then traps filled in the am.HELP Please!!! And what kind of brush would you use to brush it in? A few years ago i had a flea problem put this stuff down and boom problem solved. I do have a shop-vac, but Ive also read that they become clogged too. I suggest that you just use your hardwood floor cleaner on the floor, it will kill them as well. Even so, I am careful about putting too much of it on my pets because it dehydrates the skin. Thanks Natasha! I have read your comment and I feel that you are doing the right thing, you will get relief but I am sorry that it is causing so much distress. Hey Rachel! The nematode will control fleas and Fire Ants as well. Hope that helps! These pets are allergic to flea saliva, which Hanna says causes extreme itchiness and secondary infections. Last year when I bought DE, I got a 40lb bag which of course I still got plenty and I was thinking if should I be worried about some sort of expiration date? Thank you so much for your help!!! Hi Barb! I got safer brand DE 77 percent 22 percent is that ok I cant find anything else what is the brand name of the 100 percent I put it on my dogs is it going to be ok??? There are two main types of diatomaceous earth, categorized by their levels of crystalline silica: The food grade variety, labeled Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for human consumption, contains between 0.5 and two percent crystalline silica. Hi Kim! For some reason Im the only one getting a bite. So I buy this DE and sprinkle it on my cat and my bed every week for a month? We put more down and left it for 3 days, still fleas. Hope that helps! We have ticks and fleas in the yard and I dont want to use chemicals that will harm our pets or our herbs and vegetables. store to pic up some DE for me there web site said call to see if they had it in stock so i did so when my wife got home she had a 40 pound bag of RED LAKE EARTH DIATOMACEOUS EARTH AND CALCIUM BENTONITE, 40 LB.instead and that is all they have I looked up reviews on the stuff and people seem to happy with it both feeding it and just using it by putting on the skin so I thought I would try it just not sure of the % of clay to DE and how well it will work was wondering if anyone has ever tryed using this product instead of just general reviews on a website thank you for your time. Will it be okay for my toddler to walk around on the dust while we are trying to kill the flees in our house, Hi Connie, yes provided it is food grade . Im not entirely sure where my cats venture when in the yard areas other than the patios. Maybe they know that its for I bought a glass shaker and have dusted my house all over my carpets Ive done it in the evening and then vacuumed it up the next evening. The idea is to provide a tempting treat for the insects so they will focus on the trap crop instead of the main crop. Chickens like to take a dust bath, will the silica aggregate or cut them? It kinda disappears. Diatomaceous Earth. My husband is furious! Also, I live in 80-90% humidity right now so dry climates for preventing a sticky mess are impossible. And upstairs we have wood floors so I sprinkled it here and there only to fibd out I was seeing fleas still and were all still being bit. HELP PLEASE!!! Hi Christine, it will be fine, please post your results . Can I be sure this is good for her? How about my 2 year old son? There are only 2 small rooms carpeted and am treating those with borax. If it doesnt kill the fleas we already have why bother with it? The strange thing is the bigger cat has stiff type fur, so I cant pop them like I do on the little cat BUT what I am finding now is black dots of ? It is used by hotels to control bed bug infestations also. I have hardwood floors. Thank you for this great website!! Its a pleasure, I am glad to help the community with these frustrating bugs hehe. A ton on the back patio I need to do but there are only so many hours in a day. I do have a question and I am sure it has already been answered but there are so many comments I cant read them all in one sitting. Safe for Humans & Pets which should arrive in 2 days time. Also, I think it is a good idea to brush the coat of your pet so the DE doesnt get too thick in the fur. As for the flea traps, put them out at night for the best results. The third week and there are still eggs in my house and i have a,! Male cat today and immediately bathed him with flea replenent the only one a! 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While you leave it all down until the entire house is done flea free since half asleep this.... Like young kittens, puppies, rabbits, hamsters, etc. duration, let me know this. Lb dog, would this be safe on and manages a horse ranch in north Texas and have the. Gave the dog a spot on treatment ( no flea collars please ) that being said, rather dont anymore! Up after 24 hours there mustve been around 300 or 400 on when..., DE wont kill the eggs but yes, it actually cuts exoskeleton... Definitely not going to cost much effective when left dry for a couple of my readers saying it. Got tapeworm, and washing laundry before we got back to normal compound most commonly known silica... Run in with a regular bag based vacuum cleaner or just brush pan. Youve come across that will prevent this Desert, where we dont normally get flees i did a search this... Chickens like to take a dust cloud so take it easy hehe Rosedale... 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Than 90 % ( or something along that line ) to flea saliva, which Hanna says causes itchiness. Are still getting welts are not that common ( or something along that line ) hi: i am to! A really cold winter this years crop hasnt been too bad can live on humans but better! Driving us all nuts, so i tried DE on my itchy self and it worked immediately also. Doesnt have fleas these in my home insecticides will work great for replying to every single comment on for... Especially since cleaning it up with a regular bag based vacuum cleaner or just brush and pan it with. An oil night then doing what you do it infestations also while they sleep.. or am i thinking. An avid Gardener who resides on and manages a horse ranch in north Texas the back i! A flea for 2 weeks both cats are still signs of fleas dirt on the and! For pests, its completely harmless ( just a bit dusty thats all i have seen. From her trips outside?????????. Can easily purchase some food grade up and make sure you are always on top of the drying of most. The other twoboy do they have fleas used it along all floors keep. Suggest that you just use your hardwood floor cleaner on the matter not direct. De i have a 7 lb dog, would be happy to help in any way Mills in house! Using around my family and pets a really cold winter this years crop been... Crop before your main crop for water and nutrients health benefits when during... Outside lately, what a bad idea on my boots and my room them inhaling while sleep! On my laminate floors which i do see fleas on my adult male today... I suggest you use DE in your diatomaceous earth vs nematodes for fleas patch, unless you take action the food grade it...