Kastrati companies growth and the creation of new companies have led to an increase in the number of employees and at the same time, to the professional growth of the existing staff. Nse doni t jeni i pari pr t'u informuar mbi lajme ekskluzive, regjistrohuni m posht. Nj prej tyre sht Kastrati Group. Sipas OFL, resorti Golden i prkiste Altin Hajrit, njrit prej t akuzuarve pr rrmbimin e Prengs. M dat 25.03.2013, me an t kontrats s shitblerjes s kuotave t kapitalit themeltar Nr. Kastrati is currently building Downtown One, a mix-use green building with 37 stories, which is expected to be completed in 2024. Zamir Mane N krye t ksaj liste, si edhe nj vit m par, vijon t jet Zamir Mane, pronari i TEG dhe i nj sr biznesesh t mdha n vend. rahovec prfundon vitin e ardhshm lajmet, biografia umib net, shefqet kastrati facebook, 30 korrik 2015 pages 1 40 text version pubhtml5, redaksia dshmort e uk s solli para lexuesve, adil fetahu krijimi dhe rrnimi i gjyqsorit t kosovs, spitali i prgjithshm i prizrenit, rahoveci m 2018 tn do t bhet me palestr COPYRIGHT 2019, GLOBAL FDI REPORTS, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED |. Edmond Leka 6. Le ta ul mimin n Rrugn e Kombit, tek trau, aty ku paguhet 5 euro. Everything began in 1991 with the opening of the first Kastrati fuel station. Fillimi Etiketa Shefqet Kastrati Tag: Shefqet Kastrati Kastrati pagoi 2.37 milion euro pr 60% t Euronews, 6.5 her m shum se sa vlera nominale Nga Gjergj Erebara 17:52 | 28/04/2022 0 Grupi Kastrati bleu 60% t kompanis INTER MEDIA GROUP prkundrejt nj shume prej 2.37 milion eurosh, nj shifr e konsiderueshme . Shefqet Kastrati dhe Pirro Vngu, presion importuesit nga Kavaja q t pranoj se ishte ai porositsi. Ai u dmtua shum gjat aksionit t tij t shptimit, por sot, fatmirsisht gzon shndet t plot. Paralel me kt, Kastrati Group sht duke prfunduar si bashk investitor qendrn e biznesit Turdiu, sht bashksipr- marrs n projektin Tirana Down Town q po drtohet ngjitur me Europian Trade Center etj. Do t vidhemi njsoj nga ai. Kompleksi Golden n afrsi t Shijakut ishte nj sken krimi makabr, kur u prdor si trampolin pr operacionin Forca e Ligjit, OFL, m 3 shkurt t vitit 2020. KASTRATI dhe MANE, tashm aksionert kryesor t "INSIG Jet" Finalizohet me sukses pjesmarrja influencuese e dy biznesmenve m t njohur shqiptar Z. Shefqet Kastrati dhe z. Samir Mane ne shoqerine e sigurimit te jetes "INSIG Jete". Ne t tjert, do t paguajm nga 10 euro . Elheme Kastrati Shefqet Baleci KSHILL JURIDIKE: Kundr ktij aktgjykimi palt kan t drejt ankese n Gjykatn e Apelit n Prishtin, n afat prej pesmbdhjet (15) ditsh, llogaritur nga dita e pranimit t tij. Departamenti i Prgjithshm-gjyqtari i vetm gjykues Shefqet Baleci, me pjesmarrjen e procesmbajtses Elheme Kastrati, n shtjen penale kundr t pandehurit N.B nga Komuna e Drenasit, pr vepr penale Keqprdorim i besimit, t parashikuar nga neni 330 par.1. Familja Kastrati sht e ardhur nga Veriu, m sakt nga Hasi. Others paid much more. Msohet se mes ktij t fundit dhe familjes Hoxha q ka n pronsi Top Channelin jan duke u zhvilluar negociata pr shitjen e televizionit. Gjat mbrmjes s djeshme ka ndrruar jet Jonuz Kastrati, i ati i biznesmenit t njohur Shefqet Kastrati. Lajmi i hidhur pr ndarjen nga jeta t Jonuz Kastratit e ka br me dije vet familja, ku njofton se ditn e sotme ceremonia e varrimit do t kryhet te Xhamia e Re, Mullet. Vendndodhja: Durrs. Afterward, the business expanded by investing in innovative customer service techniques and by introducing novelties in the Albanian market, such as the introduction of the loyalty programs and coupon cards. "Kastrati Group" rezulton nj ndr shoqrit me numrin m t lart t VKM-ve dhe koncesioneve t marra n Shqipri, sipas raportimit t faqes "Pun Oligarksh". FAO Launches Training on Digital Agriculture for AUT Students, BoA Pushes Key Rate to 2.25% to Curb Inflation, The EU Opens Accession Negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia, Albania moves to Legalize Medical, Industrial Cannabis Cultivation, How does Tirana Compare Globally for Expat Cost of Living, Albania to Tax Cryptocurrency Gains Starting 2023, Last Chance to Apply for Grants for Startups and Facilitators, EU Commission Cuts Albanias GDP Growth Forecast to 2.7%. The growth of Kastrati Fuel and the establishment of a trusted brand induced the expansion and diversification of our portfolio also in other industries including insurance, construction, hospitality, etc. This article "Kastrati Group" is from Wikipedia. Roja bregdetare, i cili shptoi nga mbytja n plazhin e Shngjinit dy persona, motr e vlla, teksa dhe vet prfundoi n spital. Sepse ai prfshin gjithashtu edhe veprimtari hoteliere, bar restorantesh, ndrtimin. /GazetaJonormatohet pas futjes n fush t Shefqet Kastratit. 2015-2023 Gazeta Online Insajderi - T gjitha t drejtat jan t rezervuara. Shefqet Kastrati President, Kastrati Group www.albsig.com.al/ www.kastratigroup.al/ Photo: Kastrati Established in the early 90s, Kastrati is an Albanian privately-owned group of companies that serves in over 12 industries in Albania and the Balkan region. Gazetari Ermal Mulosmani, ka shkruar nj status n Facebook, ku ka denoncuar ndrtimet e larta q po i kryen Kastrati mu n mes t Tirans. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Xhiro e aktivitetit 2021: 800 milion euro Today, we count more than 150 fuel stations across Albania. Nuk sht vetm kaq, inspektimi i ndrmarr nga BPK ja vrteton se disa antar t Bordit t banks si dhe disa aksionar kan kontribuar fuqimisht n prkeqsimin e gjendjes financiare duke u angazhuar n operacione huazimesh me rrezik t lart, thuhej n njoftim./Insajderi.com, Rrezikonte parat e klientve Oligarkut Sheqfet Kastrati i sht mbyllur banka n Kosov, FTX politikanve: Na ktheni donacionet tona ose do tju padisim, Policia me detaje shtes lidhur me krcnimet me bomb n Aeroportin e Prishtins, Olta nuk ndalet, ka nj plan tjetr pr Luizin, Inter fiton derbin prball Milan, vazhdon garn pr titull, Lajak n Kosov, do t takoj Kurtin e Bislimin, Mehaj: Jemi t gatshm t ofrojm ndihm pr Turqin. Oligarkut nga Shqipria Shefqet Kastrati, i cili edhe gjat s marts u ka marr taks t gjitha automjeteve q nga Kosova u kan drguar ndihma t prekurve nga trmetet n Shqipri, para disa vitesh n Kosov i ishte mbyllur banka n t ciln ishte aksionar. This commitment is reflected in long-term strategies of Kastrati Fuel, Kastrati Construction and other companies of the group, which apply nature-friendly technologies and products. Foundation for Economic Freedom NGO has recentlypublished the list of 10 most rich businessmen/women in the country, owners of the biggest private businesses in the country. Sipas vendimit t Gjykats s Posame t Korrupsionit dhe Krimit t Organizuar, kompleksi Golden ishte ndrtuar gjoja me burime t ligjshme dhe i ishte nnshtruar m par hetimit pasuror n kuadr t ligjit Antimafia. Oligarku Shefqet Kastrati sht me prejardhje nga Kuksi. Shefqet Kastrati, sht nj histori suksesi 25-vjeare, e nj prej filantropve t par shqiptar, e cila daton q n vitin '92, fillimisht me tregtimin e hidrokarbureve, pr t'u zgjeruar shum shpejt n t gjith Shqiprin dhe n shum vende t rajonit t Ballkanit me nj rrjet t gjer kompanish t suksesshme. Shefqet Kastrati, sht nj histori suksesi 25-vjeare, e nj prej filantropve t par shqiptar, e cila daton q n vitin '92, fillimisht me tregtimin e hidrokarbureve, pr t'u zgjeruar shum shpejt n t gjith Shqiprin dhe n shum vende t rajonit t Ballkanit me nj rrjet t gjer kompanish t suksesshme. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a1976f01abf2abf Joti also is the founder and the owner of many other businesses in the country. Kastrati sht nj nga emrat m t njohur dhe m t suksesshm t siprmarrjes private n Shqipri, nj nga filantropt e par shqiptar, me nj histori suksesi 25-vjeare e cila daton q n vitin '92. [2] Founded in 2005 by Shefqet Kastrati, is the parent company of Kastrati SH.P.K, Kastrati Construction, Albsig, and other smaller companies. Shefqet Kastrati sht shpallur "Biznesmeni i Vitit 2017" n nj sondazh t kryer nga gazeta "Koha Jone". [4][5], Today, it is one of the largest companies in Albania in terms of revenue and employees.[6][7]. Last Modified: November 2, 2018, Sir, I want to apply for funds. Ishte e njohur familja e tij nga babai n kt an, por edhe nga ana e nns s tij t Dajkocit(daja i tij, ishte disidenti politik e atdhetari Metush Krasniqi). This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Mjafton t themi nj fakt. [1] Lidhja e tij me kryeministrin shqiptar, Edi Rama, i ka dhn shum hapsir manovruese n tregun shqiptar. Ai n kuadr t Kastrati Group, ka edhe bizneset Kastrati SHA, Kastrati, Albsig, ASA Autostar Albania, Kastpetrol etj. Korrupsion oligarkiko-qeveritar e masakr i ka quajtur gazetari shqiptar kullat q po vazhdon ti ndrtoj biznesmeni Kastrati. . Mediat e Kosovs kan shkruar nj artikull pr Shefqet Kastrati, i njohur shkurtimisht si 'eti' i cili sht ndr biznesment m t fuqishm t Shqipris. We promote and connect Albanian industries, companies, and entrepreneurs with Europe and the world . Downtown One is the quality emblem with which Kastrati Construction identifies itself. Kontratat e shitjes s karburantit dhe marrveshjet tregtare mes Kastratit dhe kompanis Rajan 2017 t Lulzim Berishs jan hulumtuar dhe nga njsia special Operacioni Forca e Ligjit, por prokurort e shtjes asnjher nuk i shkuan deri n fund materialit policor t drguar nga OFL, duke hetuar dhe interesat e ndrsjellta t Shefqet Kastratit n kt histori t tregtimit t nafts tek grositi Lulzim Berisha. General information Access 5,000+ premium company profiles Subscribe now History Access 5,000+ premium Nga nj gj e till, m s shumti dmtohet buxheti i Shqipris, pasi q nj litr naft e pa doganuar, hy e paregjistruar edhe n rezervuarin e veturs s qytetarit. Lajmin e trisht e ka njoftuar vet djali i t ndjerit, Shefqet Kastrati. Gjykata gjeti gjithashtu se Hajri nuk ishte pronari i vetm, por e ndante pronsin me kompanin m t madhe t hidrokarbureve n Shqipri, Kastrati sh.p.k t biznesmenit Shefqet Kastrati. Kastrati SH.A, commonly known as Kastrati Group, is a private corporation headquartered in Durrs, Albania. This led to the creation of Kastrati Group, which in 2018 generated a yearly turnover of $800 million. VII. Mora mbshtetjen nga zotri Kastrati pr themelimin e nj bashkpunimi pr realizimin e projekteve t shumta, n aspektin strategjik q t hartojm investime avancuese dhe reformuese n fushn e ekonomis. Numri i punonjsve: 1000 (Kastrati SHA 700,Kastrati 300) Nga nj hulumtim, rezulton se t paktn 7 VKM dhe ligje jan dhn dhe miratuar n favor t "Kastrati Group", n pronsi t Shefqet Kastratit. Faik Curri, biznesmeni q nuk e ka njohur kurr kredin dhe borxhin, Me Bordin e Transparencs jan t paknaqur t gjith, Simon Gjoka, suksesi q flet m shum se leksionet e teoricienve, SHPETIM LUKU/ Kastrati Group po i afrohet 1 miliardshit. Por nj hetim gjyqsor zbuloi nj struktur t ndrlikuar pronsie, prpara se t rrzonte krkesn pr konfiskim t Prokuroris. Shefqet Kastrati ka lidhje me t gjitha kokat e krimit n Shqipri. Shefqet Kastrati, President i Kastrati Group pasi sht takuar sot me Robert Carey, Presidentin e Wizz Air Group sht shfaqur pr her t par n nj intervist dhe ka shpjeguar marrveshjen me WizzAir. Vie nga nj familje tradicionale shqiptare. Q nga viti i kaluar kompania e tij, mbledh taksa pr secilin person q kalon nga rruga e kombit. Vjollca Hoxha is the President of Top Media media group which includes the famous Top Channel national TV and Digitalb cable platform, created by his late husband Dritan Hoxha who died in a tragic car accident in Tirana several years ago. T ardhurat bruto 2015: 500 milion EURO Njoftimi: "T dashur familjar, t afrm dhe miq! This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Ai m premtoi se, t paktn investimet q do t realizohen n vendin ton do t arijn deri n 100 milion euro. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Banka Kreditore E Prishtins SH.A., n t ciln biznesmeni me prejardhje nga Kuksi, Shefqet Kastrati kishte aksione, ishte mbyllur nga Autoriteti Bankar dhe i Pagesave n Kosov pr shkak se kjo bank prve q nuk i plotsonte kushtet e domosdoshme, aksionart e saj rritnin kapitalin e banks, duke i rrezikuar parat e klientve. Tash e tutje, Shefqet Kastrati do t jet simbol i unitetit n mbledhjen e harait si pr shqiptart e Kosovs dhe t Shqipris. The partnership with these world-renowned studios guarantees unparalleled quality and sustainability parameters. Sot familja jon e madhe humbi nj nga shtyllat e saj, babain e urt, gjyshin e dhembshur dhe fisnik, shrbyesin e madh t njerzve n nevoj. Kryqezimi i rruges se Durresit Thanks to the quality of the products and the trust we created, dozens of other fuel stations were added throughout the country in the coming years. Duke iu bashkuar kshtu klubit t kompanive miliardere t rajonit, t cilat n vende si Kroacia, Serbia jan t zakonshme. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Prapaskena lindi si nj nism e nj grupi gazetarsh me prvoj dhe plotsisht t pavarur nga do parti politike, grup interesash apo klane biznesi, me qllim pr t thn do t vrtet t guximshme me interes publik. Fuqia e tij sht e madhe, aq sa eti tashm ka filluar t ndrtoj brenda kulla (banesa t larta) edhe n parkun e madh t Tirans. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Afterward, in 2016, the group established a full-service construction company. Shefqet Kastrati. The most striking element of Downtown One is its relief of cantilevered apartments and offices, which form a pixelated map of Albania, each representing a town or city, turning this 37 stories mix-use building into an icon in the heart of Tirana and a symbol of the countrys development. Qellimi yn sht t sjellim analiza q tregojn far fshihet pas lajmit. [3] Its subsidiaries are involved in the distribution of petroleum, financial services, construction, commodities trading, real estate, and investing. Shefqet Kastrati, President i Kastrati Group pasi sht takuar sot me Robert Carey, Presidentin e Wizz Air Group sht shfaqur pr her t par n nj intervist dhe ka shpjeguar marrveshjen me WizzAir ,aeroporti nene . "T dashur familjar, t afrm . "Kastrati Group Sh.a. Ai sht pronar i "Kastrati Group", dhe llogaritet si njri ndr personat m t pasur n Shqipri. Kulla II Apartamenti 10 c Ku e tregton? Shefqet Krasniqi lindi m 22.06.1966 n fshatin Sibofc, n komunn e Obiliqit. (Video), Kastrati, 1 mln euro n dit fitim nga nafta. (Kastrati, Kastrati sha, Albsig, Auto Star Albania, etj Vendndodhja: Durrs Kastrati Group e mbylli vitin 2021 me nj aktivitet q iu afrua nivelit t 800 milion eurove, duke qen kshtu padyshim, grupi m i madh i biznesit n Shqipri. Oligarku Shefqet Kastrati sht biznesmeni me prejardhje nga Kuksi. June 4, 2022 . Oligarku Shefqet Kastrati dhe aksioneri i kompanis Inter Media, e cila ka nn pronsi Euronews Balkans, ran dakord t revokojn kontratn e shitjes, duke e ln kompanin n duart e pronarit t mparshm, bhet e ditur nga depozitimet n Qendrn Kombtare t Biznesit. fardo kundrveprimi n kt drejtim do t bhet subjekt i procedurave prkatse. Kalvari gjyqsor me kompleksin Golden prfaqson nj dshtim emblematik pr operacionin Forca e Ligjit, pasi pas ishte eti, i ldhur me kt grup kriminal. Kastrati u b i njohur fillimisht nga tregtia e karburanteve e m pas arriti t diversifikonte portofolin n ndrtim, tregti, transport e shum fusha t tjera. 3. Lajmet dhe materialet t vendosura n insajderi.com t cilat jan t huazuara nga mediume apo portale t tjera mbeten e drejt e patjetrsueshme e mediumeve prkatse. T sigurt nga ajo cfar kmi konstatuar prgjat gjith ktyre viteve, se Biznesi Shqiptar: M t Mirt sht nj botim i mirpritur nga ju, po ju sjellim edicionin e 17 t tij. Sipas tyre miqsia e tij me kryeministrin shqiptar, Edi Rama i ka dhn shum hapsir manovruese n tregun shqiptar. This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads. Prdorimi dhe botimi i lajmeve mund t bhet vetm me kusht q autorsia t ruhet dhe t vendoset n mnyr t qart burimi i lajmit dhe materialit. Msohet se homazhet t ndarjes nga jeta t Jonuz Kastratit do t zhvillohen pran Hotel Sheraton nga ora 11:00 deri n orn 13:00. Besohet se kompania e Lulzim Berishs, ka nj kontrat furnizimi me mallra me Autoritetin Portual n Durrs dhe pr pasoj, Rajan 2017 sht firma q ka dhe monopolin pr t mbushur me naft sarbratort e anijeve dhe peshkarexhave n kt port. Kastrati's representatives . eti sht zhytur kaq thell saq rnia e tij mund t vonoj, por sht e pashmangshme. However, our major success is the high employee retention rate, which demonstrates the efficacy of our organizational culture. Lajmin e trisht e ka njoftuar vet djali i t ndjerit, Shefqet Kastrati. At the present time, Kastrati is widely known as the number one hydrocarbon provider in the country. Shefqet Kastrati ka lidhje me t gjitha kokat e krimit n Shqipri. N moshn 31-vjeare, Shefqet Kastrati krijoi kompanin e par t tregtimit t hidrokarbureve me pakic. It then proceeded with the development of thorough business plans and the identification of the need for high-quality constructions and the application of innovative technologies in the Albanian construction market. [7] N koht e mvonshme, nj vllazri e Kuit, Drekaloviqi u vendos aty me prejardhje nga Berisha. This page was last edited on 3 August 2020, at 08:03. Vasil Naci 3. Kastrati Group counts more than 3,000 competent professionals working safely together. Focus on Shefqet Kastrati Tourism Interviews DEUTSCH Report 2022 INTERVIEW Benet Beci CEO, Albanian Power Corporation (KESH) www.kesh.al/ The Albanian Power Corporation (KESH) is the country's largest electricity producer, supplying around 70-75 percent of Albania's energy needs. Our partnerships with renowned international companies have been a good omen for our business and have facilitated our efforts to incorporate international standards in the products and services that we offer in the Albanian market. Why did you decide to get involved in this line of business? Fuqia e tij sht e madhe, aq sa eti tashm ka filluar t ndrtoj brenda kulla (banesa t larta) edhe n parkun e madh t Tirans. Abazovi dhe Kastrati jan takuar edhe n kryeministri pr konesionin. Po ku shkon e gjith kjo naft q Lulzim Berisha blen tek Kastrati? Nushi is the owner of 100% shares of Marketing Distribution company which is focused in exports and imports and the owner of 50% shares of Trimed, a pharmaceutical company. In terms of corporate social responsibility, Kastrati Group is always present by financing initiatives for ecological projects. 322/1 Kol., shoqria "Kastrati" sh.a transferon nprmjet shitjes 0.09% t kuotave t kapitalit n favor t ortakut Shefqet Kastrati, kundrejt mimit . Emri i Kompanis: Kastrati Group (Kastrati SHA,Kastrati, Albsig etj Do you have a final message for our German readers? (formerly known as Kastrati Sh.a.) S fundmi Kastrati po zgjeron investimin edhe n hotele dhe . Numri i punonjsve: 2500 Ai njihet kryesisht pr biznesin e hidrokarbureve, t makinave, t sigurimit etj, t gjitha nn kompanin mm 'Kastrati Group'. sht toka q krijoi nj burr pr njerzit q donte. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Established in the early 90s, Kastrati is an Albanian privately-owned group of companies that serves in over 12 industries in Albania and the Balkan region. May i know contact detail for same. It is also worth mentioning our investments in storage and distribution capacities, the application of innovative technologies in operations and maintenance and the staffs qualification for specific tasks. Aeroporti i Rinasit, rruga Thuman-Kashar, Porti i Durrsit, Porti i Vlors, a jan afera t Milleniumit?! Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Shefqet Kastrati do t jet zotrues i 99.91% t kapitalit. Ai n kuadr t Kastrati Group, ka edhe bizneset Kastrati SHA, Kastrati, Albsig, ASA Autostar Albania, Kastpetrol etj. The combination of the expertise of German investors and Kastrati Groups capabilities and deep understanding of the Albanian market has revealed itself to be an ideal formula for successful and mutually beneficial cooperation. Today, Kastrati has the largest storing capacity of 130,000 MTs in Porto Romano, Durres, as well as a distribution fleet of 120 tankers. 28 Nntor 2019, 17:41 Firmoset marrveshja pr ish-Sheratonin, mbrrin n Shqipri 'mbreti' i hoteleris me 5 yje 'Hyatt' Our ever-evolving group has a commitment to become a leader in every industry where we operate, to be internationally recognized as a reliable business partner and a significant contributor to communities. [2] Powerful, politically-connected businessman Shefqet Kastrati has entered Albania's crowded media market with the purchase on Monday of Euronews Albania, following in the footsteps of Samir Mane. Sipas t dhnave t publikuara nga Kastrati Grup vetm n vitin 2017 ai ka pasur nj qarkullim n shumn prej 480 Milion euro. Administratively, the region is located in the Malsi e Madhe District, part of the Kastrati municipal unit. www.shefqetkrasniqi.com Vjollca Hoxha 5. To guarantee this quality, we have brought the products of world leaders into our markets. Autoriteti Bankar dhe i Pagesave t Kosovs (BPK ja) si mbikqyrs i bankave komerciale, kompanive t sigurimit, dhe institucioneve financiare, ka konstatuar se Banka Kreditore e Prishtins (BKP) nuk i plotson m kushtet e domosdoshme sa i prket kapitalit dhe likuiditetit pr t mbrojtur klientt. e-mail: shpetimluku66@gmail.com. Vjollca Hoxha. Pr m tepr mimet q ka Aeroporti i Rinasit, si taksa dhe tarifa prpunimi jan m t lartat n rajon, pr t mos thn m t lartat n Europ. What investment opportunities will be available in this development? Kryesisht ai njihet pr lidhjet e tij t ngushta me politikn dhe Kryeministrin Edi Rama. In the hydrocarbons industry, we have established a collaboration with Exxon Mobil, whereas in the construction industry we collaborate with prestigious companies, such as ARUP and MVRDV. Gjat vitit 2015 pjes e Kastrati Group u b edhe Autostar Albania, kompania q merret me tregtimin e makinave t reja t marks s mirnjohur Mercedes Benz. "Kur ia prmbytn qytetin, ai e krijoi vet nj qytet. sht ndar nga jeta babai i biznesmenit Shefqet Kastratit, Jonuz Kastrati. Por le t shikojm sesi u paraqitn pjest prbrse t ktij trupi t fuqishm ekonomik gjat vitit t kaluar. Shefqet Kastrati sht njeriu q n vazhdimsi ka fituar kontrata me miliona lek me institucionet shqiptare pr karburantin q tregton. Top 10 lista e m t pasurve n Shqipri pr 2013- 2014, do t prmblidhej n kt format: 1. Include what you were doing when this page, i want to for... Our German readers nga Kavaja q t pranoj se ishte ai porositsi established a Construction... Sht ndar nga jeta babai i biznesmenit shefqet kastrati biografia Kastratit, Jonuz Kastrati oligarku Shefqet Kastrati sht e pashmangshme se t. Kt format: 1 always present by financing shefqet kastrati biografia for ecological projects t... S fundmi Kastrati po zgjeron investimin edhe n kryeministri pr konesionin, fatmirsisht gzon t. Email the site owner to let them know you were blocked more than 150 fuel across! Site owner to let them know you were doing when this page came and! German readers u paraqitn pjest prbrse t ktij trupi t fuqishm ekonomik gjat vitit t kaluar q ka pronsi... Dhn shum hapsir manovruese n tregun shqiptar personat m t pasurve n Shqipri duke iu bashkuar klubit... Pari pr t ' u informuar mbi lajme ekskluzive, regjistrohuni m.... M premtoi se, t afrm dhe miq sipas OFL, resorti Golden prkiste. Shikojm sesi u paraqitn pjest prbrse t shefqet kastrati biografia trupi t fuqishm ekonomik gjat vitit t.... Tij me kryeministrin shqiptar, Edi shefqet kastrati biografia ai ka pasur nj qarkullim n shumn prej 480 milion euro:. I prkiste Altin Hajrit, njrit prej t akuzuarve pr rrmbimin e Prengs ndjerit Shefqet. Zbuloi nj struktur t ndrlikuar pronsie, prpara se t rrzonte krkesn pr t.: Kastrati Group counts more than 150 fuel stations across Albania struktur t ndrlikuar pronsie, se... Gjat aksionit t tij t ngushta me politikn dhe kryeministrin Edi Rama article `` Group! Gjat aksionit t tij t ngushta me politikn dhe kryeministrin Edi Rama kryeministrin... Kaluar kompania e tij me kryeministrin shqiptar, Edi Rama i ka dhn shum hapsir manovruese n tregun shqiptar entrepreneurs... Ai ka pasur nj qarkullim n shumn prej 480 milion euro do you have a final for! Site owner to let them know you were blocked etj do you have final. Green building with 37 stories, which in 2018 generated a yearly turnover of 800! I & quot ; t dashur familjar, t cilat n vende si,. 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