HA! Also, that T types are smarter than F types, because NFs do not apply "critical thinking" to their patterns, conceptualizations and plans. These types are also adept at taking in and sorting information that is sent their way, she adds. They are protective over others who look out for them. I am an INTJ-T on most days and an INFP-A on random others. You are simply wrong if you think we're close-minded. With all the time they spend with others they wont learn much. Absolutely. This is a very loose analysis and sorrowly inaccurate. I think that if you look at the leaders of Silicon Valley, of the ancient kingdoms, of the lost societies, of philosophical ideologies (note: not politics! ISTJ is the third most common personality type out of the 16 personalities which means there is going to be a higher amount of ISTJ geniuses due to sheer population numbers. INTJs and ENTJs introvert feeling, often being seen as self-centered or cold, when really, they just get all emotional validation from within and don't see why everyone else can't, although that's an assumption. These series lost their leads, sometimes abruptly, but still continued on. People with this type are highly analytical, objective, and logical but able to adapt. - ISFP/INFP: Most self aware..enouhh said So: personality type can accurately be used to measure how somebody will solve a problem, but when it comes to intelligence it is less accurate - as there are exceptions. For example, if an ISFP grows up and his parents expose him to math, theory, and information a lot and it almost begins to be a family bonding thing, the kid will be much more analytical and display himself as an INTJ/INTP/ISTP to the outer world. I really don't think dominant f types should be that high on the list just because they have an n. intp is the smartest, INTJ just knows how to use their intelligence more because of the J. 8. Protagonist ENFJ-A / ENFJ-T Charismatic and inspiring leaders, able to mesmerize their listeners. It would be interesting to know the the frequency of the combination of personality type AND IQ. But I'm smart, somehow. So intuatives are generally more intrested in learning than sensors. Go on, I dare you. Yes, you don't use socionics, yes you haven't used any data, but I still don't see why people hate this article so much. Is it fully accurate? Didn't even get past the first sentences. - ESFP/ESTP: Most aware of their enviornment, as well as how far they can push their limits. For example try to bring up the subject of "intuitive bias" within the MBTI Community and there would be RAGE and trolling immediately. Why would they when it strokes their egos so nicely and gives them an imaginary way to feel superior to the hordes of mindless "sensors" who are out there accomplishing things with their lives while these intuitive "geniuses" sit in their basements unable to function in society or, as one said, even drive? Loretta Swit begged the writers to stop using it. I put them lower than the INFJ because they are prone to anger, which can seriously cloud ones judgement. I'm just saying that if your friend were an INTJ, with his current emotional intelligence and cognitive ability, he would gain the talent of unlimited perspective, deep critical analytical thinking, and rationality, making him a genius with more effective power. Although the article is interesting I believe that you need to validate your theory by going in the street and test people. It's nice to sit here and think that only sixteen personalities can define our species, but likely, this is just us trying to once again, categorize and generalize ourselves within the holistic processing of acknowledgment: Another psychological bias. - INTP/ISTP: Most logically realistic, I don't know why you're going off of letters thats retarded. xhr.send(payload); The graphic sparked our interest, but we wanted to know more. The least intelligent main character from Peaky Blinders is Finn Shelby, who is the youngest member of the Shelby family. var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-72659260-1&cid=c5bc9501-7c6b-4791-87b5-1df9ce7e11fa&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=7498571900291713234'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); ESFP, eh? Thanks for sharing :). Kardashians have a lot of influence bit I wouldn't necessarily call them intelligent. An introvert is going to be more accurate than an extrovert. Haha, if you would agree to that on the basis of functions you would know that INFJs have Ti in their tertiary slot. Tell me why Ns are not smarter than Ss. And the INFJ is the rarest of personality traits. And for the record on the NEO-PI-R Big Five test, I also score very high in openness, again demonstrating how the correlation is far from perfect. in general i'd agree with you. They are also trivia hounds. My original problem was confronted by the same exact problem, thereby leading me within a third logical concept, that would ultimately burn out by the realization of everything resulting in an opposing perspective. From Myers-Briggs 16 personality types to the 9 Intelligence types identified by Howard Gardner, it has become apparent that overall intelligence combines traits and experiences. But you will find that a majority of the studies points more towards those who are (I), those who are (N), those who are (T), and those who are (J). I was once a Pantheists until I couldn't understand how something could be infinite, without infinitessence, and so the infancy of my intimacy with infiniticy, infinitively vanished. Some people call it complexity science. Then, maybe it could be usefull if you learn a bit more about empathy, and how it is the skill that developed our cognitive system, and maybe you could take a look about how oxytoxin plays a critical rull in civilization progress How would you order the MBTI from most intelligent to least? 3.They rely too much on their experience as if their life is the center of the universe. But attempting to rank "types" like this from smartest to dumbest is pointless, asinine, and pretentious. They revel on manipulating systematic structures. One of the most vocal people in my Colloquy group is an ISTJ. ENFP is also the most common type out of all the intuitives by a large margin with having nearly twice the population over the second most common intuitive personality ENTP. And another one that is Istp. As they get older, many sensors start to rely more and more on their intuition because they develop their 3rd and 4th functions later in life almost to the point that they can be mistaken for intuitives. There is a strong relationship between MBTI intuition and high intelligence. I find it very hard to take this article seriously without any facts to back your ideas up. But all humans are different, so if you are esfj or not Intp/intj/entp/entj you are not worst off than us, just different and good in places we are not like public speaking/making friends. Influence as in inventing theories that add to our understanding of the world, or influencing as in literally going out there and changing the world (politically, for example)? I have 2 masters degrees. I expect I'll offend, and I expect in many cases I'm wrong, but I suspect many who flail around their IQs and personality types as credentials are a lot like me, basing their self-worth on abstract numbers and combinations of letters because they haven't much else to prove it, be it as obvious as a scientific discovery, or subtle as a well-worded, original argument not relying on self-professed expertise as evidence. I'm 24, unemployed, I can't drive, and I don't even have a good excuse for any of those. I's may prefer to think more rather than talk, but that doesn't mean they are better at thinking (in my experience). You should dig a little deeper because you barely get past kiersey. So with all this said I would put the INF above the ENT. So I shall break down exactly what those statistics mean, and how many smart people there are based on them. Personality Solutions MBTI Type Stories: How Each Decider Prefers to Dream Based on Their Cognitive Functions Darius Foroux Save 20 Hours a Week By Removing These 4 Useless Things In Your. The first is axiomatic and self evident. Do you just sit and think of provacative nonsense to state? T's are generally more mechanical and technical. However, you are right. Also your considering the letters that MBTI uses but not the actual cognitive functions. In simpler terms, Average INTJ's have a higher IQ than average INTP's, but genius INTP's have a higher average IQ than genius INTJ's. I agree completely with Khalil El Alami. They can be ambitious, forceful, optimistic, and even egotistical. Don't forget Voltaire and Benjamin Franklin. I wonder if NFs would come up on top in a study that involves EQ. Intp seem to be more "spiritual". They are good at consuming large amounts of information and solving analytical problems for widespread application. Their energy are just spent in different directions and at different intervals, Great input and I would have to agree. I think I'll have another dorito..Yep! Reasonably common, comprising 8% of the general population, with 10% of women and 6% of men exhibiting this personality trait combination. #16personalities #the16types #mbtiJoin our Discord - https://discord.gg/jgvxCjsNathan Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/nathanjglass/Luann Tiktok - luann. "But for the purposes of this article we are going to measure smart as the influence one has over others and society". ST's and SF's actually tend to be more detail-oriented than NF's and NT's because they are primarily focused on the details and not so much in "connecting the dots." According to the research, certain personality types have a head start on the road to the Nobel Prize or winning the lightning round of Jeopardy. However, stating this the opinion that comes to mind is the simple fact that if a person is raised in a meritocratic environment ("if you work hard, get into a good university, get a good job you'll do well and advance in society" (let's ignore the fault in logic for a moment)), they are more likely to dismiss the idea that there are intelligent and non-intelligent people. It's how we interpret the information that comes into our minds. Our society needs Commanders, Nurturers, Protectors, and Providers to be healthy and thrive. We periodically take informal polls on this topic on a Mensa forum - just asking people to report their type. And I'm tired of seeing the countless sheep all say the exact same stuff about all MBTI types being the same intelligence and yadda yadda yadda. All I'm saying is don't dump your date because you find out they're ESFJ/ESFP, though if you do that's your life I guess. That being said, the concept of politics is a very sensory dominated group, due to its strong uphold of the status quo, even in the most "liberal" of liberals (who arguably are not that liberal because if they were they would be defending the rights of people of colour, queer people, women and trans people, which is depressing that someone's existence is deemed "liberal justice" oh well) Therefore NT types are the smartest, this is their strength, but they can have weaknesses in social skills. So intuatives are generally more intrested in learning than sensors. Almost any N is going to have an edge over an S. So I would put N above S when it comes to who is smarter because the N has much more influence than the S. As stated earlier, this probably is about 85% of which MBTI is smarter. Actually, its in there and thats the whole point of the blog. To another it may be mechanical. The personality trait is relatively rare for men, less so for women 3% of the population are ENFJs. She's smart in her way, and I'm smart in my own. 6. 3. being smart is based not only on how you are today, but how your past has molded you and what your accrued experiences have become to you and your behavior. The INTJ is a close second though, third would be INTP. There are so many things wrong with both this article and the comments it's hilarious. Rationality however, is BOTH contained in intuiting/sensing feeling/thinking processes. Those aren't the main problems, though. Bestlifeonline.com is part of the Meredith Health Group. She may work hard, but her innate intellectual capacity is unlikely up to par with the thousands of N's who are simply too lazy to apply to an Ivy. And before you accuse me of feeling insulted because I'm one of them stupid "sensors," believe it or not according to the MBTI I am an INTP - the smartest of all types! Honestly, the differences are minimal (3.7% of INTPs are geniuses; 0.8% or so of ISTPs are, so both numbers are pretty small). It's the reason why you see no data to support your claims. Don't allow your emotions to dictate your perception of theory and speculation. He dwelled in both camps, one where ideas abound and the other where they are strung together with mathematical precision. Your analysis exhibits a lack of understanding regarding what the Myers-Briggs type actually indicates. To one person it may be creativity. 99% of what humans do based on logic fails. Come one. Filling with enthusiasm, spontaneity, and impulsiveness, common careers for ENFPs include counseling, religion, arts, and teaching. well, i like your article here. ENTJ's get even more done, but are even less intelligent than INTJ's. I think each type falls short in one way or another. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Work is always important;) -This analysis is inaccurate, yet somehow okay, but full of flaws Verywell / JR Bee. The INTJ is thought as having an edge due to their logical reasoning and the way they can see patterns and fix things. Even if an extroverted thinker is using reason, the way they are focusing and putting the data together may be lacking due to the extroversion. | sleekoduck, How Special is Your Snowflake 2.0 | Welcome to PsychoBabble4U, How Far Ahead In Time Can A Lucid Dreamer Really Go? Entp's are the most influential. Its actually from 2011 or something like that. These highly aesthetic individuals have a mindful presence, always acting in the moment. I am an INTP so I am theoretically flattered, and would tend to agree. INTJ is too busy planning things that they have no time to make things work. I think i have a project on my hands. . The N letter is the most important, making up 47% of intelligence, but I also believe introversion is important, making up 29%. Is the fluctuation caused by mood? These individuals are logical and analytical, and they have a strong sense of duty. A big fail. They're just more likely to be intelligent in certain types of intelligence. INTJs are supposed to be highly rational, always right but the IQ bell suggests that there are many INTJs with rather average IQs. (Correlation does not imply causation). @Emily : not all animals use only instinct, which refers to genetic memory. The main problems are in the way that they are interpreted. Some time of situational external influence that I'm not even aware of? As for the S/N dichotomy, the reason why intutives are smarter than sensors could be because they easily understand abstract phenomena and in the case of judging intuitives they align it with reality.Its like they create models of reality. What information do you have regarding the influence of each dichotomy? So what is actually going on? Smartest to Dumbest mbti types Ready to offend ppl Here's the explanation. Intelligence, like a playground see-saw, is a balancing act. K~A. The way of solving a general problem may be more efficient in one personality type than another. I also know that many people I newly meet don't get the impression that I'm a really smart person based on my extroverted demeanor; however, if a thinking problem comes up, my intelligence comes out and surprises people. This isn't some self-contained, external-association-sterile S article that was contrived in a narrow vacuum. I can think logically, but I do not believe I should always follow it. (however, the top students of summer classes seemed to score a little higher than intuits, probably because summer sessions require more memorization as opposed to understanding). Any mbti type can learn certain intelligence, but doesn't come as naturally to them as another type would. My close INTP friend while incredibly intelligent and can remember details in a phenomenal way that I usually can't, can many times not realize how sometimes people can react badly to things she does and turns to me for advice. You have to be an N yourself. 5. Socrates, Leonardo DaVinci, arguably to of the most intelligent individuals to ever walk the planet. [case in point: I'm 17 years old], Very well said, you're hired. ESF are just as smart as INT. Are there more geniuses among one type? They can completely cut out time wasting emotional reactions and see logic, not only that they keep to themselves, storing even more information. ISTPs are observant of detail and have a love of troubleshooting problems. If backed up by Ni they can have some intrest in learning but there people skills is where they shine and they would rather think about other people than intellectual stuff especially esfjs. Can an unintelligent person convincingly pretend to be intelligent? I personally don't think that makes someone more smart, but certainly more influential. Also Ps are open minded to last minute creative possibilities while Js are much better at getting the job done in terms of project distribution and such. Psychological scientist Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother, Katharine Briggs, developed this classification system to make the Jungian theory of Psychological types understandable and valuable to the general public. this is just the likelihood that someone of your type is a genius, dont let this affect you too much. 15. So, here is the big question. That is why being smart is more than just one or the other. So if you want the quick way to find the intelligence of somebody just figure out if they are an S or an N. This will take care of most of it. Only because I instead have lived life, taken in lots of experiences, data, feelings and the like, and then I've said, oh interesting, MBTI fits in well with these other things. Required fields are marked *. Intelligence and Influence. >carry out what intps think There morals can make them selfish and kinds stupid. It doesn't matter how smart you are, when you don't use it, there is no difference between you and a dumb person. - ESTP/ISTP: Most Skills Smart (Tend to be naturally very good at a lot of things, and are usually the best at hands on making/fixing things) But the average IQ for INTx people are generally higher than the average IQ of other MBTI types. So much for the poor research. The way you divided the importance of traits, and I repeat it was wrong to do so, was made on your feelings, which is not the way we write a decent article. Yeah, so I read through the article, I read through the comments and this is what I have observed. My EQ is quite good also because I'm an ENFP with constant exposure to people in a position demanding soft skills. What is "intelligence"? A relevant omission is the frequency of occurrence of each personality type? I've witnessed it firsthand. And I'm not even saying I'm right. An hour of reading should bring you to the conclusion that you are heavily under-analyzing this topic because the theory goes much deeper than your current understanding of it. Genius, dont let this affect you too much the least intelligent main character from Peaky Blinders is Shelby. More efficient in one way or another smartest to dumbest personality types use only instinct, refers. Do you have regarding the influence of each dichotomy optimistic, and pretentious & # ;... Intp so I am theoretically flattered, and even egotistical INFJs have Ti in their tertiary slot and... Way or another & # x27 ; s the explanation demanding soft skills narrow.... Morals can make them selfish and kinds stupid reasoning and the INFJ is youngest. # 16personalities # the16types # mbtiJoin our Discord - https: //www.instagram.com/nathanjglass/Luann Tiktok - luann continued! 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