(e) Correctional authorities should not be assigned responsibilities potentially requiring the use of force unless they are appropriately trained for the anticipated type of force, and are initially and periodically evaluated as being physically and mentally fit for such hazardous and sensitive duties. Governmental authorities should strive to locate correctional facilities near the population centers from which the bulk of their prisoners are drawn, and in communities where there are resources to supplement treatment programs for prisoners and to provide staff for security, programming, and treatment. (v) be available to the prisoner who is the subject of the records, absent an individualized finding of good cause. Prisoners should not receive as a direct result of their participation in a religious activity or program any financial or other significant benefit, including improved housing, additional out-of-cell time, extra sentencing credit for good conduct, or improved chances for early release, unless prisoners not participating in religious activities or programs are afforded comparable opportunities for such benefits. Correctional authorities, including health care staff, should be alert to identify and document signs of sexual assault and should implement a protocol for providing victims with a thorough forensic medical examination performed by an appropriately trained qualified medical professional. (a) Correctional authorities should not place prisoners in segregated housing except for reasons relating to: discipline, security, ongoing investigation of misconduct or crime, protection from harm, medical care, or mental health care. (f) Notwithstanding a finding pursuant to subdivision (d) of this Standard that involuntary treatment is appropriate, mental health care staff should continue attempting to elicit the prisoners consent to treatment. legal rules produced by judges' decisions. (e) Health care should be based on the clinical judgments of qualified health care professionals, not on non-medical considerations such as cost and convenience. (c) To effectuate rehabilitative goals, correctional staff members should have rehabilitative responsibilities in addition to custodial functions. Living conditions for a correctional agencys female prisoners should be essentially equal to those of the agencys male prisoners, as should security and programming. No health care provider should be permitted to practice in a correctional facility beyond the scope permissible for that individual provider outside of a correctional facility, given the providers particular qualifications and licensing. Correctional officials should be permitted to withhold: (i) information that constitutes diagnostic opinion that might disrupt the prisoners rehabilitation; (ii) sources of information obtained upon a promise of confidentiality, including as much of the information itself as risks disclosing the source; (iii) information that, if disclosed, might result in harm, physical or otherwise, to any person; and. In order to effectuate these principles, correctional authorities should: (i) humane and healthful living conditions; (ii) safety from harm, including protection from punitive or excessive force and protection from abuse by other prisoners and staff; (iv) freedom from staff harassment and invidious discrimination; (v) freedom of religion and substantial freedom of expression; (vi) conditions conducive to maintaining healthy relationships with their families; (vii) opportunities to participate in constructive activity andrehabilitative programs; and, (viii) comprehensive re-entry planning; and. (d) Laws, policies, administrative rules, standards, and reporting requirements applicable to publicly operated correctional facilities of similar security levels in the contracting jurisdiction, including those applicable to staff qualifications and training, freedom of information demands and disclosures, and external oversight, should apply in substance to a privately operated facility either as a matter of statutory law or as incorporated contract terms. (b) Correctional authorities should allow prisoners to receive or access magazines, soft- or hard-cover books, newspapers, and other written materials, including documents printed from the Internet, subject to the restrictions in subdivisions (c) and (d) of this Standard. This requirement includes: (i) to the extent practicable, the translation of official documents typically provided to prisoners into a language understood by each prisoner who receives them; (ii) staff who can interpret at all times in any language understood by a significant number of non-English-speaking prisoners; and. Correctional authorities should offer high school equivalency classes, post-secondary education, apprenticeships, and similar programs designed to facilitate re-entry into the workforce upon release. (c) Information about a prisoners health condition should be shared with correctional staff only when necessary and permitted by law, and only to the extent required for: (i) the health and safety of the prisoner or of other persons; (ii) the administration and maintenance of the facility or agency; (iii) quality improvement relating to health care; or. Prisoners should continue to have unrestricted access to toilets, washbasins, and drinking water. (c) In no case should correctional authorities use force against a prisoner: (i) to enforce an institutional rule or an order unless the disciplinary process is inadequate to address an immediate security need; (ii) to gratuitously inflict pain or suffering, punish past or present conduct, deter future conduct, intimidate, or gain information; or. (f) Correctional authorities should permit each prisoner to take full advantage of available opportunities to earn credit toward the prisoners sentence through participation in work, education, treatment, and other programming. (f) If long-term imprisonment is anticipated, a prisoner with an infant should be helped to develop necessary plans for alternative care for the infant following the period described in subdivision (e) of this Standard, in coordination with social service agencies. (g) A record should be kept documenting any digital or instrumental anal or vaginal cavity search and any other body search in which property is confiscated. the combination of factors that federal courts examine to see if conditions or events constitute cruel and unusual punishment are referred to as: Iowa female inmates argued that their equal protection right under the 14th amendment were violated because programs and services were not at the same level as those provided male inmates. A decision to retain a prisoner in segregated housing following consideration by the classification review committee should be reviewed by a correctional administrator, and approved, rejected, or modified as appropriate. (e) Correctional authorities should minimize the risk of suicide in housing areas and other spaces where prisoners may be unobserved by staff by eliminating, to the extent practicable, physical features that facilitate suicide attempts. Prisoners currently threatening or attempting suicide should be under continuous staff observation. Clinical decisions should be the sole province of the responsible health care professionals, and should not be countermanded by non-medical staff. (j) The term prison means a correctional facility holding primarily prisoners sentenced to a term of at least one year. (b) Correctional authorities should provide prisoners with hearing or speech impairments ready access to telecommunications devices for the deaf or comparable equipment and to telephones with volume control, and should facilitate prisoners telephonic communication with persons in the community who have such disabilities. Modifications are not required if they would pose an undue burden to the facility, cause a fundamental alteration to a program, or pose a direct threat of substantial harm to the health and safety of the prisoner or others. (c) When federal or state law authorizes a governmental or non-governmental agency or organization to conduct an investigation relating to a correctional facility, correctional officials should allow that agency or organization convenient and complete access to the facility and should cooperate fully in the investigation. As the situation improves, privileges and activities for the affected area should be progressively increased. (c) As required by subdivision (b) of this Standard, correctional authorities should provide prisoners with diets of nutritious food consistent with their sincerely held religious beliefs. /content/aba-cms-dotorg/en/groups/criminal_justice/publications/criminal_justice_section_archive/crimjust_standards_treatmentprisoners. (b) Prisoners should not be charged fees for necessary health care. (g) Government legal services should be available to prisoners to the same extent they are available to non-prisoners. If correctional authorities have a reasonable suspicion that a prisoners legal materials contain non-legal material that violates written policy, they should be permitted to read the materials only to the extent necessary to determine whether they are legal in nature. (b) A lockdown of more than one day should be imposed only to restore order; to address an imminent threat of violence, disorder, or serious contagion; or to conduct a comprehensive search of the facility. Correctional officials should implement a policy of prompt and thorough investigation of any credible allegation of the threat or commission of prisoner sexual assault or sexual contact with or sexual exploitation by staff. Medical and mental health screening should: (i) use a properly validated screening protocol, including, if appropriate, special protocols for female prisoners, prisoners who have mental disabilities, and prisoners who are under the age of eighteen or geriatric; (ii) be performed either by a qualified health care professional or by specially trained correctional staff; and. Upon release, each prisoner who was confined for more than [3 months] should possess or be provided with: (i) photographic identification sufficient to obtain lawful employment; (ii) clothing appropriate for the season; (iii) sufficient money or its equivalent necessary for maintenance during a brief period immediately following release; and. (l) The term counsel means retained or prospectively retained attorneys, or others sponsored by an attorney such as paralegals, investigators, and law students. (b) Correctional agency policy should prohibit use of electronic or chemical weaponry for the following purposes: (iii) to rouse an unconscious, impaired, or intoxicated prisoner; (iv) against any prisoner using passive resistance when there is no immediate threat of bodily harm; or. To the extent practicable, continually operating stationary video cameras should be used in areas in which uses of force are particularly likely, such as intake areas, segregation, and mental health units. According to experts cited in the text, which of the following distinguishes a well-run . Segregation for health care needs should be in a location separate from disciplinary and long-term segregated housing. (d) When a prisoner with ongoing medical or mental health care needs is released to the community, correctional authorities should make reasonable efforts to: (i) identify and arrange for community-based health care services, including substance abuse treatment; and. (d) There should be no adverse consequences, such as loss of sentencing credit for good conduct, discipline, or denial of parole, for a prisoner who is unable to participate in employment, educational opportunities, or programming due to a disability or other special needs that cannot be accommodated. Prisoners should be permitted to form or join organizations whose purposes are lawful and consistent with legitimate penological objectives. (a) A correctional agency should ensure each prisoners continuity of care, including with respect to medication, upon entry into the correctional system, during confinement and transportation, during and after transfer between facilities, and upon release. (iv) provided the greatest practicable opportunities for out-of-cell time. (b) Informal resolution of minor disciplinary violations should be encouraged provided that prisoners have notice of the range of sanctions that may be imposed as a result of such an informal resolution, those sanctions are only minimally restrictive, and the imposition of a sanction is recorded and subject to prompt review by supervisory correctional staff, ordinarily on the same day. (c) ensure that classification and housing decisions, including assignment to particular cells and cellmates, take account of a prisoners gender, age, offense, criminal history, institutional behavior, escape history, vulnerability, mental health, and special needs, and whether the prisoner is a pretrial detainee. Prisoners should be allowed to receive any visitor not excluded by correctional officials for good cause. (b) Correctional officials should be permitted to require that prior to publication of an internal newspaper all material be submitted for review by a designated official, and to prohibit the publication or dissemination of material that is obscene or that constitutes a substantial threat to institutional security or order or to the safety of any person. (e) For a convicted prisoner, loss of liberty and separation from society should be the sole punishments imposed by imprisonment. Pretrial detainees should be allowed visiting opportunities beyond those afforded convicted prisoners, subject only to reasonable institutional restrictions and physical plant constraints. The evaluation should also consider the state of the prisoners mental health; address the extent to which the individuals behavior, measured against the plan, justifies the need to maintain, increase, or decrease the level of controls and restrictions in place at the time of the evaluation; and recommend a full classification review as described in subdivision (d) of this Standard when appropriate. (iii) after the risk that justified the use of force has passed. (c) Hospitals and infirmaries operated by or within correctional facilities should meet the licensing standards applicable to similar, non-prison hospitals or infirmaries. (f) Correctional officials should implement a system to facilitate the return to lower levels of custody of prisoners housed in long-term segregated housing. (a) Correctional administrators should develop and implement policies governing use of chemical agents and electronic weaponry. (b) Imprisonment should prepare prisoners to live law-abiding lives upon release. Correctional policies regarding electronic communication by prisoners should consider public safety, institutional security, and prisoners interest in ready communication. If a prisoner refuses health care examination, testing, or treatment, a qualified health care professional should discuss the matter with the prisoner and document in the prisoners health care record both the discussion and the refusal; the health care professional should attempt to obtain the prisoners signature attesting to the refusal. (d) Prisoners employed by a correctional facility should be compensated in order to create incentives that encourage work habits and attitudes suitable for post-release employment. 2022 American Bar Association, all rights reserved. Such policies should: (ii) specify that, as with any use of force, chemical agents and electronic weaponry are to be used only as a last resort after the failure of other reasonable conflict resolution techniques; (iii) cover the medical and tactical circumstances in which use of such agents and weaponry is inappropriate or unsafe; (iv) forbid the use of such agents and weaponry directly on vital parts of the body, including genitals and, for electronic weaponry, eyes, mouth, and neck; and. (d) Vehicles used to transport prisoners to and from medical facilities should be adequately equipped with emergency medical equipment and provisions for prisoners with special needs. (b) Legislative bodies should exercise vigorous oversight of corrections, including conducting regular hearings and visits. Prisoners should be allowed an adequate time to eat each meal. However, prisoners diagnosed with serious mental illness should not be housed in settings that may exacerbate their mental illness or suicide risk, particularly in settings involving sensory deprivation or isolation. They should receive authority to: (i) examine every part of every facility; (iii) conduct confidential interviews with prisoners and staff; and. (b) Governmental authorities in all branches in a jurisdiction should take necessary steps to avoid crowding that exceeds a correctional facilitys rated capacity or adversely affects the facilitys delivery of core services at an adequate level, maintenance of its physical plant, or protection of prisoners from harm, including the spread of disease. (b) No prisoner under the age of eighteen should be housed in an adult correctional facility. (d) A correctional agency should implement reasonable policies and procedures governing staff use of force against prisoners; these policies should establish a range of force options and explicitly prohibit the use of premature, unnecessary, or excessive force. (c) A correctional facility should provide prisoners diagnosed with mental illness, mental retardation, or other cognitive impairments appropriate housing assignments and programming opportunities in accordance with their diagnoses, vulnerabilities, functional impairments, and treatment or habilitation plans. (iii) implementing policies and programs that facilitate healthy interactions between prisoners and their families, including their minor children. A staff member should report any information relating to corrupt or criminal conduct by other staff directly to the chief executive officer of the facility or to an independent government official with responsibility to investigate correctional misconduct, and should provide any investigator with full and candid information about observed misconduct. The term correctional facility does not include a facility that serves solely as an immigration detention facility, a juvenile detention facility, or a juvenile correctional facility. A correctional agency should provide community-based transitional facilities to assist in this reintegration process. The term includes the chief executive officers emergency designee, if, for example, the chief executive officer is away or ill and has turned over command authority for a period of time. (c) In an emergency situation requiring the immediate involuntary transfer of a prisoner with serious mental illness to a dedicated mental health facility because of a serious and imminent risk to the safety of the prisoner or others, the chief executive of a correctional facility should be authorized to order such a transfer, but the procedural protections set out in subdivision (b) of this Standard should be provided within [7 days] after the transfer. If a prisoner refuses care in such a situation, health care staff should take steps to involve other trusted individuals, such as clergy or the prisoners family members, to communicate to the prisoner the importance of the decision. (f) When staff observe a prisoner who appears to have attempted or committed suicide, they should administer appropriate first-aid measures immediately until medical personnel arrive and assess the situation. (ii) ensure that all health care treatment and medications provided to the prisoner during the term of imprisonment will continue uninterrupted, including, if necessary, providing prescription medication or medical equipment for a brief period reasonably necessary to obtain access to health care services in the community; providing initial medically necessary transportation from the correctional facility to a community health care facility for continuing treatment; or otherwise addressing the prisoners serious immediate post-release health care needs. Any visual surveillance and supervision of a prisoner who is undergoing an intimate medical procedure should be conducted by correctional officers of the same gender as the prisoner. (o) The term long-term segregated housing means segregated housing that is expected to extend or does extend for a period of time exceeding 30 days. (viii) comply with health, safety, and building codes, subject to regular inspection. (b) Correctional authorities should provide all prisoners daily opportunities for significant out-of-cell time and for recreation at appropriate hours that allows them to maintain physical health and, for prisoners not in segregated housing, to socialize with other prisoners. (b) Correctional authorities should make appropriate accommodations for prisoners with special dietary needs for reasons of health or age. Prisoners should be entitled to present any judicially cognizable issue, including: (i) challenges to the legality of their conviction, confinement, extradition, deportation, or removal; (ii) assertions of any rights protected by state or federal constitution, statute, administrative provision, treaty, or common law; (iii) civil legal problems, including those related to family law; and. No prisoner should have access to any other prisoners health care records. Find the Black-Scholes value of a put option on the stock in the previous problem with Prisoners work assignments, including community service assignments, should teach vocational skills that will assist them in finding employment upon release, should instill a work ethic, and should respect prisoners human dignity. (c) A correctional agency should be permitted to confine female prisoners in the same facility as male prisoners but should house female and male prisoners separately. (b) Adequate safeguards and oversight procedures should be established for behavioral or biomedical research involving prisoners, including: (i) Prior to implementation, all aspects of the research program, including design, planning, and implementation, should be reviewed and approved, disapproved, or modified as necessary by an established institutional review board that complies with applicable law and that includes a medical ethicist and a prisoners advocate. (a) Correctional officials should implement procedures to identify prisoners at risk for suicide and to intervene to prevent suicides. (a) Correctional authorities should maintain living quarters and associated common areas in a sanitary condition. Correctional authorities should be permitted to censor material if it could be censored in publications sent to prisoners through the mail. (b) A prisoner with a criminal charge or removal action pending should be housed in a correctional facility sufficiently near the courthouse where the case will be heard that the preparation of the prisoners defense is not unreasonably impaired. Facilities that must use dormitories or other multiple-prisoner living quarters should provide sufficient staffing, supervision, and personal space to ensure safety for prisoners and security for their belongings. The prisoners own views with respect to his or her own safety should be given serious consideration. (i) Correctional agency policies should strive to ensure full staff accountability for all uses of force. (e) Correctional administrators and officials should regularly review use of force reports, serious incident reports, and grievances, and take any necessary remedial action to address systemic problems. Prisoners should not be required to work more than 40 hours each week, and should be afforded at least one rest day each week and sufficient time apart from work for education and other activities. (b) Governmental authorities should not enter into a contract with a private entity for the operation of any correctional facility, secure or not, unless it can be demonstrated that the contract will result either in improved performance or in substantial cost savings, considering both routine and emergency costs, with no diminution in performance. In those situations, each staff member should also have available for use a weapon less likely to be lethal. (a) The term lockdown means a decision by correctional authorities to suspend activities in one or more housing areas of a correctional facility and to confine prisoners to their cells or housing areas. (b) Prisoners job assignments should not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, ethnicity, religion, or disability. (c) A prisoner who refuses testing or treatment for a serious communicable disease should be housed in a medically appropriate setting until a qualified health care professional can ascertain whether the prisoner is contagious. (e) Correctional authorities, including health care staff, should not reveal information about any incident of prisoner sexual abuse to any person, except to other staff or law enforcement personnel who need to know about the incident in order to make treatment, investigation, or other security or management decisions, or to appropriate external oversight officials or agencies. (a) If a prisoner with a disability is otherwise qualified to use a correctional facility, program, service, or activity, correctional authorities should provide such a prisoner ready access to and use of the facility, program, service, or activity, and should make reasonable modifications to existing policies, procedures, and facilities if such modifications are necessary. (f) Correctional officials should facilitate and promote visiting by providing visitors travel guidance, directions, and information about visiting hours, attire, and other rules. In addition to implementing the mental health screening required in Standard 23-2.1 and mental health assessment required in Standard 23-2.5, this protocol should require that the signs and symptoms of mental illness or other cognitive impairments be documented and that a prisoner with such signs and symptoms be promptly referred to a qualified mental health professional for evaluation and treatment. 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