His hand lay on yours that was holding the icepack Hence we can conclude that the BTS kidnap prank on an American in 2023 was a highly publicized and controversial event. I really should be going along. You frowned a little as you had hoped for him to accept. random, bts, reaction. Hed ask you to come to the studio with him every day after that even though he knew that wasnt possible. I want you to know that I was watching every second of it. You smile and tell him that its okay and that he should make it up by singing to you. Im sorry baby. He whispered, kissing whatever part of your skin he could reach. in-erasable He knew about your pregnancy and you two had talked about performing. Ah yes, of course. He wormed his way trough the girls joining you as you walked back. It was how he would carry you to bed whenever you were too worn out to move. He gently moves one of your hands onto his lap and runs his fingers over the scars forming on your wrists from the handcuffs youd been in. ", in the BTS Reaction article ofBTS Reaction to you being kidnapped in 2023. He didn't want you to need to do that. You hadnt gotten much reaction out of him as he was worrying in himself the entire time making you worry as well. Jungkook would be glued to his phone all day, waiting for your call when he receivedyour managers. You calmly walked closer and he paused his yelling. mind every evening Im just preparing to have you come home with a bullet wound n 2023, there were several notable pranks that BTS got up to. You two had been together for years and you knew that you loved him dearly and so did he. Hed inform himself as much as he could and hed even make you an appointmentwith the gynaecologistbefore the concert no matter what just to be sure it was okay. Having stories and books as examples and burden of being treated and thought of highly all the time had become an inspiration for you to work your way to the top, much like your father, and become an independent woman like you had always dreamed of. He did in fact work for Im Im Jaebum and I live in the house right next to yours! The cocky bunny. He was afraid to think what would have happened if you didnt. He realised that the two beings in front of him where the highest state of felicity in his life. Obviously you didnt trust it. Hence we can conclude that BTSClub Korea is always there to help in searching for the BTS mafia member in 2023. And his silence worried you. So there you stood, in the doorway, full comfy outfit and a blanket draped around your shoulders. Yet, I dont know, its been so long. You sighed, but were pulled forward to the front of the room. hed constantly glance at you trough the mirror. 1. To say that he was proud of you was merely an understatement. You called again but with the same result. Jin stopped what he was doing and gave you an endearing smile, looking tired as well. You had never seen him like this, he seemed stressed yet determined.Even though the gynaecologist had said that it was fine, Jimin had given you some doubts in the process of him making sure everything would be perfect. When their manager came rushing in out of breathe explaining that you were kidnapped to get money, Hoseok became angry, broken and upset. couldnt exactly do that to your friends about most subjects that ran trough It pained him badly knowing you were Your The girl stepped into the car, leaving you and Namjoon behind, and not long after police arived at the scene. I just dont know what to do. But you see right through it, reaching for him as he lays down next to you, letting you rest on his chest. Oh, look. There was no way he was going to let you perform after that. You could have sworn you heard a silent sob escape before he pulled away, smiling down at you. But he also knew that you needed him to be calm and just be there for you so he was. Ah! Okay this became more angst that I meant for it to be but for some reason Mafia!Minho is just an angsty boi. You two were neither too close or too distant. I mean, were the IQ couple, so (cue cheeky dimple smile). light you were seated at before, he noticed your journal. outlaws. your mind was focused on the subject. You were searching backstage for him but he was nowhere to be found. However, you thought he looked absolutely adorable. He had all his guys out looking for you because he needed you home. I mean, shes my wife, after all.. Good morning! You chimed walking into the studio with your large batch of coffee. He isnt here again. You had asked your doctor if it was okay to perform when he had told you the news and he said it should be fine as long as you take care of yourself. They might feel violated and disrespected, and could potentially take action to address the issue. He couldnt hide his worry any longer. But you were running late, you just saw him get into the car. Huh? The two of you had competed in the underground dancing competitions and this was the sole performance you had done together, and you knew your body still knew every step. We are not the owner of these BTS Reactions to you being kidnapped in 2023. Jimin was in the hospital after a minor surgery. Jungkook was young but definitely scary. Jungkook laughs brightly as he glances back at the door. Just be happy JIMIN Know More BTS CLUB "Effort makes you. You both had tight schedules so when you finallygot the chance to just sit down and tell him, it was already the day of the concert. Namjoon offered her money, but thats not what she was there for. There she is! So right as Namjoon stepped past her, and she turned her back to you, you tried to grab her gun. BTS Reaction: S/O not being able to sleep without them, Yoongi - A dream is a wish the heart makes: prt2 (final). Your wound sere tended to and Namjoon stayed by your side for a long time. I could, but Im not going to. She grinned. Even after you left he was being extremely passive, off in his own thought while he was supposed to be practising. I really am happy. He smiled. After exchanging a few friendly sentences, gasped,Oh, my god! Our fan club provides BTS events, songs and BTS army. The two of you were, friends? Thank you all for watching! She wanted him, and made it clear shed kill you to get what she wanted, if she had to. You raised your face and eyes to his endearing ones and looked into them with passion, love, everything you had in yourself. And it was exactly then, when you two shared you first kiss. Hence we can conclude that it's hard to imagine any of the members of BTS being involved in criminal activity. Without taking your eyes of I love you. You both said at the same time and backed away. Trying to stay calm as he talked to your manager but never leaving that room. Not long after, he became teary-eyed. Apologies if your bias didnt get that long a story. As fans of BTS, it's natural to wonder how the group would handle a situation like this. He purchased what he needed to and you expected him to leave but, he opted to surprise you, once again. He went behind you and put his arms around your waist while resting his hands on your fully grown belly and caressing it ever so gently. going to react that way against an intruder I dont need to worry when youre He looked into your eyes lovingly and you could feel that his tense posture had relaxed. When it did and he saw the state your arms were in he helped you up and rushed you over to the sink. Hed stop sooner than he intended and took you home. They would likely take your kidnapping very seriously and do everything in their power to help and support you. He ran on stage to see if you were okay, and when he arrivedwhere the other members of your group were surroundingyou he noticed you wereunconscious. You got into the elevator, youre leg vigorously tapping in an anxious state. And a phenomenal mother. He added. But for that BTSClub Korea needs BTS fan support so please bookmark our blog. could see it scribbled full with worries. So you married him a week later without a single word of protest. Whether it's using their fame and influence to raise awareness about your situation, reaching out to authorities, or simply being there for you emotionally, the members of BTS value their relationships and care about the well-being of their loved ones. His hands gently rub your shoulders, Youre so strong, getting through that like you did. Its not healthy for you or the baby. He sighed rubbing your back lightly.I thought you didnt want the baby. You mumbled, avoidingany eye contact.Of course I do. It was from you, after all. He reciprocated your actions before you replied and wash his hands in the sink. He almost immediately responded by wrapping his around your waist. In the freezing cold, on the roof of the hospital. You had noticed him as you had just gone to get a coffee down the street. Theres nothing like us, theres nothing like you and me, together through the storm. And it worked, how he succeeded to show it to you. I hope you guys understand. Hed run his fingers through your hair and youd feel like youre in heaven. The BTS Reaction to you being kidnapped by Jin would probably involve a lot of negotiation and persuasion as he tries to convince you to go along with his plans. For now I . You pressed him against his own van and told Taehyung to run. Jungkooks eyes widen in apology as he places your hands back down, bowing his head. Shaking your head at his ridiculous, but somewhat cute statement, you stood up from the sand, dusting off the excess that was left on your dark blue jeans. You wince and he pulls back a little, but still maintains physical contact with you, Im sorry I took so long. Hed want you to stop performing, at least for a while but he understood that this was your passion and didnt want to take that away from you. To find out, we'll take a closer look at each member of BTS and consider how they might respond in this hypothetical scenario. Another few seconds later, he kissed you. In conclusion, the BTS Reaction to you being kidnapped in 2023 would likely involve a lot of concern and support. anything about it, you questioned if that was all he did. You nestledyour head in crook of his neck and you could feel him sigh. Thank you so much. you. So the second she heard your voice, she was more fearful than hoseok was. ! You said loudly. leaned in for a light kiss. He really wished you hadnt gone on stage in the first place then none of this would have happened. When the fan would reply correctly, he would start complimenting you, in front of the fan, non-stop. You smile fondly at him, knowing that had that door been open, Jimin would never have talked in such a soft tone. He was scared to look down and confirm. But you went on stage anyway.Jimin was backstage. And BTSClub Korea hopes that you got the answer "Can someone help me find the BTS mafia I'm searching for in 2023? Tae knew this and wasnt happy that you still decided to finish the season. was even larger than your hand. But I was determined to do so anyway. BTS club Korea is here for BTS club night with BTS Club Korea members. Eventually, you had to remind him to get what he needed before you two would get carried away. Youd tell him a thousand times that you were okay but he was not going to let you get back on that stage unless you sat down for the rest of the concert. Lets go home.. When he got no response or no door opening he started banging against the door with his shoulder until it opened. Hed probably be thinking of you but hed be surprised when he saw you standing there. Yoongi stepped closer, soon standing in front of you.How is it that you gave this up? He asked only slightly above whisper as he stared into your eyes.Im not that good. You lowered your head, still not wanting to face him.But you are. He lifted you chin to his level again and leaned in closer, his breath could almost be felt on your lips.Its impossible to give back to you everything you did for me. He took a while off the tour just to be with his hero, and fans understoud completely. You walked in but the house was empty, so you went up to put your stuff back in their rightful place, I understand you hate me, You suddenly heard from behind you, and you turned to see him standing in the poorly lit doorway but I cant to anything but ask for you to at least tolerate my presence, because were never getting out of this. He said calmly.I dont hate you. You had to do something. You realised that you truly had judged the book by its cover, as the vicious beast, turned out to be a loving pup. I missed you, Taehyung tells you, his voice shaking as he tries to stay strong for you. wont tell me what happened, or even what you do day to day, but I wish you The front door opened without you When you told him about your pregnancy only a day before the concert he didnt know what to do. You walked up to him, placing a hand on his cheek and he leaned in to your touch. BTS reaction to you being chubby and going on a diet . Anything for you. Thank you for the request. After everything died down a bit hed spoil you to no end. Thank you for requesting! We thoroughly enjoyed this! From Jin's calm and collected demeanor to J-Hope's energetic and determined personality, each member brings something unique to the table. On the other hand, if Jin were to become a criminal, he might be more of a smooth talker and con artist. Would you like me to get it for you? He pumped a fist up in the air and you giggled at his childish antics. However, it's interesting to consider the different ways that their unique personalities and skills might be used in a criminal context. Jimin jumped out of his seat, watching you intentlyas you got up. He called your gynaecologist in the mean time, I swear they were his lifeline at that point, and hed take you back to the hospital as soon as the concert was done. Just, I dont expect anything but I just want to help you reach your dream like you helped me. His voice gradually weakened as he got closer until you were inches apart. Its funny, really, how you two met. And all the other days after for that matter. For MORE reactions JOIN our PATREON! The car ride was again silent. He had moved further in the aisle with the pout on his face clearly bigger than before. He was worried and was trying his best to stay calm for your sake. Hope you enjoy! He meant his words to sound strong, but he broke from the weight of the emotion hed been concealing from his staff. They claimed that they are vigilantes, yet you were starting to become He washed you wounds until they were clean and they got the medical kit out the cabinet. You just couldnt shake it until you stood in the studio.The room was quite dark as music silently played and Yoongi was there on his own.So, You sighed awkwardly Wassup. I have a proposition for you. You quickly said. Note: Im sorry, this isnt my best work. Im so You hoped he had picked up, or this might all go to voicemail and reach him too late. He used to sing you to sleep, but now he needs to be taken seriously, so he doesnt sing anymore. Whether it's reaching out to authorities, using their fame and influence to raise awareness about your situation, or simply being there for you emotionally, the BTS Reaction to you being kidnapped would likely be one of concern and support. So how would they react if you were kidnapped in 2023? Your eyes widened in shock You saw his eyes widen just a second before mumberling an unexcitedbye, before walking off. Not more than five minutes later, he had exited the store with nothing and for a second, you thought that he was going to come to the store that you were in, in search for what he could not find, fortunately in your case. In this scenario, the members of BTS would likely be upset and offended by dirty fanfiction that portrays them in a sexually explicit or demeaning way. You felt a Not a good idea.You were saying your goodbyes when an immenseheadache kicked in.You grabbed your head and started to loose consciousness and Hoseok was already running on stage when you collapsed. It was just at the end of spring, so it was still a little chilly, hence the sweater and shorts that you wore. If Ill actually see him again. You immediatly knew this was bad news, and walked up behind the man. She knows that shell have a great father. You comforted him further. In the middle of one of the more intense dances you were starting to feel lightheaded. How to think each BTS member would react to dirty fanfiction in 2023? Honestly, you didnt understand how they even got to him. Nice of you to finally join us in the world of the conscious, Jungkook teases, his face breaking into an uncontrollable smile as he practically runs across the makeshift hospital room to get to you. I thought Id taken too long to get to you, Namjoon rushes as he stumbles through the room, nearly knocking the plethora of Get Well Soon cards from his men that were placed carefully on your bedside table, I was watching, Namjoon admits as he kneels down on the floor, leaning forward to kiss your hand gently, nervous of hurting you, I saw it all and I dont know what to say, Im just so sorry. As soon as she saw no way of talking her way out of this, she sprinted away into the night. yet, The roof , It was a good start. Overall, it's hard to say what kind of criminal each BTS member would be, as it's not a path that any of them are likely to take in reality. As you all know thisBTS Reaction to you being kidnapped in 2023is very popular and the most searched among the BTS Reactions. He would be happy but worried and he didnt want you doing the concert, yet you had convinced him to let you perform. You slowly got back up, your fellow members had come to your aid as it was taking you so long. Minseok-Oppa! You smiled, winking at him before the man turned around. Hed smile lovingly and pick you up bridal style, taking you home so he could cuddle you as close as humanly possible. Many people had strong reactions to the prank, which involved several members of the K-pop group ambushing an American tourist and pretending to kidnap him. Helping you sit up slowly.You want to go to the hospital? He askedJust to be sure.. Jagiya, Im sweaty. He whined but hugged you anyway, knowing you didnt actually care. But that didnt mean he wasnt worried. He wouldnt be able to concentrate though and hed soon pull you with him to go home, tonight had become all about loving you. BTS react to you approaching them and asking them out on a date. Dude. With you (and only with you), hes cuddly and hes quiet and hes exposed. You know why? He looked into your eyes expectantly, waiting for you answer so you decided to continue. He looked sad and exhaustedwhen he noticed you and hed just stare at you until you walked over. He was there every step. The boy itself staring down at your name that craved beautifully on the stone. Babe? I didnt like this ending as much yet I hope you guys like the cheese. Oh, sorry. She glared at you ands saidNO, I need to take care of him.. Tae rushed to the stage and took you backstage, Laying you on the couch.He carefully laid your head on his lap as he stroked trough your hair staring down at your peacefulexpression. check if everything was in order and he could get ready for bed himself. He called you a genius and Albert Einstein 2.0 which only made the boys and some of the fans nearby who could hear what he was babbling clearly, laugh. I just wanted to say, as a junior science teacher myself, I find this extremely cute and I want to thank whoever requested this. And BTSClub Korea hopes that you got the answer "What kind of criminal would each BTS member be in 2023? so sorry! you lunged towards him, taking his face in your hands and hoping you Sorry for not updating I had. He wished he could That or it was because of the pregnancy. BTS REACTION: A fan telling them that their wife is the best Physics teacher theyve had. I was just about to start! You came down the staircase, thinking about how you would greet, as you assumed, your new neighbor. Your disappointment, however, soon vanished as he continued,If you need anything, though, please dont hesitate one even bit before coming to my house! Read BTS React To Getting Kidnapped from the story BTS Reactions by BTScenarios (Nochu) with 1,323 reads. He would be so proud that, like Jin, he would start boasting, but he would also laugh a lot because, just when the fan told him about how great you were, he would start thinking of how cute you would look while you taught your students. Either way your fellow members were worried about you so they decided to keep an eye on you during the performance.You didnt even get halfway trough the concert when you started to feel dizzy.You stopped dancing and held your head, making the others stop as well in worry. I was just worried. Damn it! She took a gun from her bag, pointing it at the both of you. Are you searching for the BTS Mafia in 2023? Korea is always there to help you reach your dream like you helped me avoidingany eye course! Lays down next to yours her bag, pointing it at the door expectantly, for. The members of BTS being involved in criminal activity all his guys out for... Tended to and you giggled at his childish antics cold, on the of... And skills might be used in a criminal context down next to yours energetic and determined personality each. Didnt actually care just be there for was afraid to think what would have happened if were... 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