Over and over again, I see stories about how the boyfriends/girlfriends/spouses of these dog owners end up feeling left out, second class, and unimportant while the needs of a dog are being prioritized over their own. When my ex was abusing me hed try all sorts of tactics to get in my head and even attempted to kidnap my Siberian wolf. Well I wonder why? I feel sorry for this dog, and hope you get the dog placed in a loving home that WANTS him. ! We had decided after many years that we were ready to move in together because we frequently discuss marriage and children and its the obvious natural next step. Just because you want to be a furry freak, doesnt mean everyone else should applaud you for it. My boyfriend and I just moved in together and he is okay with the dog living here with us. (unless you count liking to lick me a bad habit) She LOVES to hike in the arroyos and hills, is very friendly and outgoing, plays games w me like fetch and keep away and plays with her squeakiesshe never chews cords like the previous ownets said and she did once w me . I asked dont you care about my feelings & apparently in this issue he doesnt. My dog died at 3 years old. Or move out. This dog has caused so many issues! my girlfriend doesnt like my dog on the bed because she sheds,but she lets her dog sleep on the bed. I do not want the dog in my living area, kitchen and bedroom. I was never happier to get an animal off my back. Who runs the show you or the dog? I know my boyfriend feels that if I just gave her a chance Id change my mind. The exact same goes to you my dear :) I can understand why any partner would rather turn to animal companionship with a tongue so vile and sharp. So here is the problem: My dog loves animals. Email: [emailprotected]. I havent mentioned amy of this to him because i think it sounds petty. A never-ending saga of stupid gross events. Then he started joking about how sometimes hell wake up with the bed covered in fur, but that he needs his Mesa cuddles and that it would diminish his happiness and quality of life if she were to no longer be allowed in the bedroom. What we view there is mostly Just fantasy. Having emotional attachments to animals can be a hinderance to strong This can get a little heated between us sometimes. I did not want another dog. I dont want dos on the couch but this dog feels no matter how many times you yell and discipline for it he continues to do it. I have a small dog that I love very much. They do poop, pee & throw-up in the house which of course I clean up. I honestly dont know what to do anymore. When we first met i had just adopted a puppy from a shelter. I was so upset I started crying and had to call my mom to get it out of my system. This is a new relationship with the girl I am currently dating, so I dont want to throw in the towel just yet. After she left I spoke with my friend who told me the comment and I as l was hurt and livid. I work too long to have to deal with anymore issues or responsibilities. The other night I was walking up the stairs and turned around to see my husband lean down and kiss his Lab on the mouth. This can literally go on for HOURS. Dog urinates on my bed which I dont sleep in anymore. To be honest with you, if we trace back to the root of this behavior, the blame might be on you. I bought one of those First Alert Bark Genies (sits on a table) and it seems to be workingyou might try that to get some peace. He wants her on the couch all the time even though she is always peeing on herself and dirty. If your significant other is so inconsiderate that they tolerate an out of control dog, so rude that no one can have fun when the dog is around, then that is a character flaw of that person. Thank you, however kenneling is not something my hubby and I support. I am sure he would have me put pills in injections into my child if my child were allergic, before he gave up this dog. Focus on your relationship and not your furry family stuff. I am very understanding about the dog but if we are moving in their is no more peeing and pooping or sleeping on the bed or acting out. Hes taking his threats a bit rough, like taking the whole fingers in the mouth but I think hes gonna learn to take it gentle with some training. Visit her to be there for her and show your love. Your partners is jealous of your relationship with your dog,he knows his comments upset you,can you make him stop? A couple comes in with their dog and he doesnt pay them any more attention but wished that wasnt allowed. After I clean up with it she doesnt urinate in that spot again. too much affection drives me nuts. Theres no reason your partner has to love your pets as much as you do, or even spend as much time caring for them. :O He Wont Get Rid Of His Dog, Should I Break Up With Him? The dog recently bit a groomer (had to get stitches) and also viciously attacked my foot while I was trying to get my dogs toy away from him (he destroys toys instead of playing with them). Dogs shouldnt be on a human bed anyways, they need to have their own. ! I said no! Some people regard these dogs over their human companion which I think is absolutely disgusting. Your husband is neglecting the dog, and if he cant find the time to care for this dog, he should not have one. Its up to the owner to control it. Pets are fine and you may even like them. its driving me crazy, and im fearing it will be too difficult for me to tolerate, soon. [Nutritional Info], Read This If You Cant Sleep Without Your Dog [5 Tips], Read This If You Dont Have Time For Your Dog. >90% of rabies vaccinations are effective, and, a rabid animal would have to have bit your pet. As for the accidents, its no wonder the poor dog is stressed from not only having to hold his urine for so long, but his environment. IT sheds uncontrollably. So she peed all night in front of my daughters door. Hi Waddy I questioned myself as a woman. How i took it she chose the dog over me. Unfortunately, I can give an example how you could end up in such a predicament. We have to take my car everywhere because his is so full of hair. Am going to move out. So I dont know when I am going to truly start my life, and have those kids Ive been dreaming off and get to do fun things well. The dog wants to play, he doesnt. (and the current caretakers dont want to keep them, they are also tired with all the pee and poop and hairs, so thats not an option). Im not sure how much more of this I will be able to tolerate :-(. His dog will jump up on the couch like me owns the place and will tey shove anyone off the couch. As for the man I am currently with, I would never dream of asking him to give up his dog. Id never ask my wife to get rid of them and the problem isnt the dogs: its the way she treats the dogs and the problems that creates. If it was only a matter of fur, Id use a sweeper. What has happened in cities all these people wearing their (Im talking about the large number of offenders, and no offence meant for the super owners who get it) dogs like an honour badge what is so cool about being dominated by your pet? Here its totally different.here i have rules,my dog is not allowed in etc etcim lost.what am i supposed to do? I use to say to those around me, Looks like Buffy decided to go to bed. Period! That told a lot. Loving and loyal. Im sticking to my guns. Its so ****** up!! Run! His dog will lick and lick me which makes me cringe as I ahte the smell of woof woof. One of them has a urination problem. This was all up front. So here I am, a year later, heartbroken for my feline (who by the way I had before the fianc, and she is still a perfect little lady) with a dog I cant stand, and a man I basically resent all BC I was dumb enough to bring it home. Tell him that you agree with his decision and ask for another chance. Youd put an animal above a marriage? Although I never had any dogs, I was open to the idea to maybe someday have a small dog. Everything we want to plan and do revolves around him and how long her parents can watch him. I also told him that he will be responsible for paying her vet bills, buying and bringing her dog food, etc. This dog is seriously ruining my life. Hardly grooms it, it reeks like urine and heavy dog odor most the time, its a poodle mix so requires hair cuts quite regularly which doesnt happen. Am I just going to have to let this go? God made man and woman to live together, what God has joined together, nobody can not separate, much less a useless dog. If you can't fix that, then yes, you should break up. I hate that dog! Sure, he will tolerate it, but it is really difficult to live with someone who is just tolerating a massive part of your life (you dont have to be a dog nut for this to happen, thats just the reality of dog ownership). and our On top of that, one of the dogs has shown aggression to another dog and has mauled him very bad. If you guys are having troubles over PETS, the relationship is never going to last, anyway. My husband and I also have a 2 year old son. I am so glad that I bumped into this forum. Your fighting in front of dogs is not bad parenting because you are not parents to the dogs; you are owners of them. Ive been shouted and screamed at constantly about me not stroking the dog enough, looking at the dog funny, moaning about the dog, reduced to tears because of it regularly, it came to a head when I found dog mess in my little boys room and I finally said it would have to go! A partner does not need or rely upon you with its life. Compromise. Shes just all about him and eating up all his attention and love. So to get to my story, I moved in with my Gf about 4 years ago. She has issues with my family already now this also. I am still so depressed about it but have gotten better (its been about 6 months since) but i now have an absolute hate for my fiances dog. Recently we found out the friends he left his dog with werent taking good care of the dog. Its not even the dogs fault, this is a situation that my boyfriend has created over the years, long before I was in the picture. As I feel she does not care for it properly and number 1, it is not my pet and when I started caring for the dog she completely quit and the dog was becoming my responsibility. I dont care what people say. I have to lint roll my entire outfit before I leave for work in the morning when i stay at his house. He would come home love the dog and everything and Ill be in the kitchen making dinner and when hes done giving the dog attention he sits on the couch. This has made someone lukewarm at best about pets someone who absolutely hates animals in the house. My boyfriend says its just a dog but to me my do is way more. When I came home from the grocery store, he would already be stealing food from the grocery bags or things out of my purse! Sometimes you cant have it all. I give her a command ( Ive spent hundreds of hours training) and she still resists and gets this look on her face like Ive done the worst thing in the world to her that also goes for asking her to go outside. Things are getting bad. I have a dog as well, and like you, I hate having fur everywhere. It just is what it is. As you all are probably aware theses types of dogs shed badly, he also smells, and he constantly in the way (when I am trying to get in my car with my toddler and infant.) I didnt go back & re-read for spelling, etc so please forgive any grammatical mistakes. The only way I see to rectify the situation is to return the dog. I would have to question anyone that would hand out ultimatums to their SO or anyone who would be willing to part with a pet that they made a commitment to based on an ultimatum. It violates their conscience. Now we are in love and he wants me to dump dogs at a shelter and move away with him. Thats disgusting. Another year passed and my girlfriend and I decided to move in together. My partner was ok with it but every now and again says he doesnt like it. Hahahah. Popular doesnt mean its right. First and foremost, our pets are like our kids. When we met he never told me he was a pet lover. Im frustrated with the urination problem. The kids, 3. The dog is also due for a bath as he has farttles (fecal excrement that clings to the fur immediately surrounding the anus) hanging off his rear, but she will not bathe him. But also, I dont want to resent the dog because of his actions because that isnt fair to her. We now have a 2 month old baby and as you could figure, I am extremely busy with him. I make a point of saying, babe I dont like him on the bed and he jumps on the defensive side every bloody time! I told him that Ive compromised but I cant change my dogs behavior overnight. Sounds like your spouse loves you less than the dog. You are just as temporary as the dog no matter how well you would like to admit it. What about my feelings. I have never wanted children. My family always let the dogs stay inside. My 400 dollar vacuum became clogged due to the hair. I dont have an ear problem so I cant relate but I dont know how I am supposed to deal with this. The dog is aggressive towards other pets in the house and other dogs and small creatures in the outside world. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Janet, the problem is Ive noticed I am on a virtual time limit with her when talking about her dogs issues. They would lay quietly on their beds in our living room and maintain a respectful distance when ever a meal was served. All I want and preach to other people is compromise and Im still somewhere trying to find that. I didnt know this when I met her but I thought she would have gotten more normal since she wasnt alone anymore and telling me she found the man of her dreams and how hard it is to meet someone like me but we would get into arguments about the bulldogs? The first pup we obtained from a breeder passed away at 11 weeks old. Very affectionate and loving, sheds like a sheep and still pees when we leave for longer than 6 hours. He lets it up to the kids to brush and bathe them which they dont do very often. When we were trying to watch a movie on the couch, they keep trying to climb over us and these giant 70lb things dont need to be up there either. I just dont know what to do. My bf and I moved in together after 2 years of dating, (at the time I had a Chihuahua & a Shi-poohe had a Maltese mix). Reading the post below has been a relief to know that my feelings toward my girlfriends Boston Terrier is genuine and not abnormal. Like children, her Facebook feed is full of dog posts and her friends include a long list of other dog fanatics, each egging one another on to largely imaginary dangers and an ever-expanding requirement of expensive things dogs need. and our I married my husband almost 2 years ago. Perhaps in many cases it is going to be easier to blame the pet than for him just to come right out and say that it is really you that is bugging him. I dont think a dog should snarl or growl at anyone, much less one of his masters. Let me remind you, he does not pee in the house and he does not go out any more than normal. So be prepared for big power struggles when it actually comes time to you wanting something to change. Its just a coffee table. I am a nursing student so money is very tight. My soon to be husband (in 5 months) has two adorable dogs. Im so sick of it after 2 1/2 years, Im ready to get a divorce. I know you arent obligated to care for a dog that isnt yours, but it would help you bond with the dog. Its to the point that we cant even go out to dinner if we dont have someone dog sit because his new found obsession is digging at the stucco on my house. Itll be soooooooo much worse than it is now and youll wish you hadnt. We could sell her to avoid the arguments but it was brought for my daughter who would be upset immensely if we lost her. When she says I murdered it shes not being facetious; she literally believes, and has said repeatedly, that putting that dog down was dog murder despite the vet thought it was long past time. the dog sleeps indoors she has her own bed but will constantly climb on our bed at night. I am to the end of my rope and sanity with the dog. But its a hard one!! Reason why? Eight days after moving in, and without consent, she brought a Siberian Husky puppy in and this dog is still not trained. For more information, please see our Its just unreal. Im a woman, and I agree with you.. Youre better off without him and dont deserve that. THIS IS ALL SOO WRONG. I know everyone else just thinks Im jealous of these dogs, but thats not it. We bought all new furniture for the new house bc we wanted to start everything fresh. Perhaps, there is an entitlement issue with people that own chihuahuas? In that same discussion, he said he would like to sleep with them 1 night a week. So I dont find it that unfair. UGHHHHHH!!!!! Consult a veterinarian: Meet your veterinarian right away and seek advice and take necessary actions. I am an animal lover of all kinds. Im a mess right now. Your husband/boyfriend may want to rehome the dog because of Allergies. Now that Im almost 7 months pregnant I just get irritated with her. He says Im the sick one being jealous of dog. I just dont understand not loving a dog, any dog. It just became too much. Yuck! Love that has a high possibility of easily breaking within the next year or so as we are not bounded by our instincts to stay together? My boyfriend and I each have a dog, were pretty serious about each other but we live separately in the same apartment complex. Give it some good thought before you decide! Once we lived together, and I saw that EVERYTHING revolved around his dog, I grew to dislike him. My boyfriend felt that he couldnt give her to family friends bc he felt like it would be hard for the dog to switch families and he felt guilty. No, you dont have to see your boyfriends dog as a human. It isnt about the dog, it is about them being irresponsible. We are expecting our first child in a matter of days to weeks and I dont want to have to be running around worrying about what his dog is getting into now. My fianc s daughter (8) hates dogs and my fianc is not a pet person. I asked her to cage the dogs out of the kitchen while we ate and she was saying I was being cruel because they just wanted to be in there with us but I insisted that those big drooling farting dogs just beg at the table and its not cruel at all. My dog is a very important to me, and I feel like he just doesnt get it. She wasnt a good girl, she came when she was ready, regardless to the other 8 attempts he made. No amount of medical evidence is able to change his mind he is adamant. 17. Wanted to make my partner happy. He is resentful towards me since I have tried to work with him on discipline. Hes 8 years old now. Youre just asking for it t be spoiled and act out and youll never get respect or your SO wont especially. He doesnt allow them in anymore and it KILLS ME. Nails hitting the hardwood floor?? They think its ok to be controlling but dont like it when that is challenged for good reasons. The dog acts out, becomes even more needy, which only breeds guilt in their owner, so they turn their focus away from their relationship to focus solely on the dog again and boom, the issues start! You are certainly in a bad position financially. What should I do? Do you INVITE your partner to bed? In my opinion you only making it worse and making him think he is the alpha male as he gets his way. So then suddenly I ruin her whole vacation with her sister and mother because she didnt find someone to take care of HER pet. The hair is floating everywhere and sticking to everything. We do sleep in the same bed, but when she came, she began sleeping in the room with us. I have decided to make my 10 yr old sleep in the basement room so that his barking doesnt wake my husband up and hopefully thatll help some. He is getting better, but generally, this is the order: dogs, me, kids. Whatever you feel now, multiply times ten thousand, and that is how much you will hard the shedding when you live with him. No training whatsoever only training is attempts to pretend dog is a baby, which IS dangerous as dangerous behaviour is reinforced when growling threatening a teeth hating a stranger gets it picked up cuddles or baby talk. So 4 years in we have 1 dog so neurotic i wimpers and is stuck to her heel the whole time shes home, it has to sleep under the bed she would have it on the bed if i didnt make a stand, it sits on her whenever she sits. My wife is now 5 months pregnant and asked if I could leave one of my dogs with my parents cuz shes overwhelmed claiming one of my dogs is ruining the sodas. People who defend the animal to the bitter end kill me. One time she pooped on my daughters bed near her pillow. Sally, you should hear some of the comments I get from dog nutters when I tell them that our dog is not allowed in our bed. I am still sad but know it is for the best and that I would never be happy. Cant imagine having a baby with anyone else. I feel bad for having these feeling and I feel awkward telling my friends about it because it seems so petty but its not. When I came into her life she had a pup and it got on my nerves to the end and back. He has separation anxiety and she found out the hard way by her neighbor calling the cops to her condo because he was howling all day when she left for work. He had never taught the dog manners, never gave her boundaries, and allowed her to take the role of alpha and she did. They must have hurt him because that is not how I raised him. But at the end of the day they are JUST animals!!! Wrong prayer. As for our brains vs a dogs, oh my goodness. The dogs sleeps in the bed and I cant stand it. She found her dog and said the shelter never told her how bad he was. He said if he stayed up to watch TV, the dog would bark at him to come to bed. I dont mind a quick sniff when someone walks in but she goes on non stop getting full hair on you. The dogs are not your children. I have confronted my husband numerous times with my feelings towards his dog. I went back two days later and retrieved them. He had always put her in his 2nd truck (her dog house) when I was with him or shed be at his home when we went on dates. I really feel your pain. She would tell me anything about them like videotaping them eating an eggwow big deal. I have recently been given an ultimatum to give up him or the dogs. We got her at a shelter about 2 years ago. Especially as a newlywed, a midlife remarriage, I found the dog was the alpha of the two of them. Its embarrassing, humiliating, and I cant understand it at all. Small, low-shedding breed thats easy to train, adopting an older dog to skip the puppy months, paying for it and its needs myself, made sure it was clear the dog wouldnt be allowed on the bed, etc, etc. She is your typical this is my fur child its like taking care of a baby. There are enough responses here that a website for dog widows/widowers seems viable: I dont think there is anything. From here, I knew that my husband should be the one to choose her, because I love all Boxers. If having an indoor cat or a dog that sleeps in your bed is important to you, youll need to ensure your partner shares these values or risk ending up in conflict. He licks himself all day and that bathroom smells so bad I cant stand going in there. We have a 7 month old baby and he is choosing his dog. Find another significant other that loves their dog, yet makes you feel special, respected, and loved as you should be treated. She sits on the furniture which I hate and when she jumps on she lies with her entire smelly body on the cushions that we put our heads on. He sleeps in his bed not ours but still. I have beaten him and it still doesnt work! She lost all of her instincts- swallowing like she usually did, had no alertness, had a very high fever, unsteady walk, her eyes were bloodshot. I just cant see that if your guy or girl likes animals that there is going to be some real animosity unless deep inside they really sont like animals at all. Im getting so tipped to the edge about all of this i need help :( x. I accepted that but after a while he changed his mind around my birthday and, quite unexpectedly, decided that we go for it. Please be careful. Yes I have discussed this with him but it doesnt really go anywhere because he gets defensive every time I bring up anything about his child. He pees everywhere no matter how many times you take him on a walk or let him outside. My Chihuahua isnt like mostshes friendly, socialized, doesnt bark unless someone rings the doorbell, fully house trained,etc. We only have one vehicle which is mine but we just moved and are trying to get caught up money wise (he makes more) so I said I would stay home until we can get another vehicle. heaven forbid you eat something !! Eventually I get the, OK, lets talk about something else now, or, this is upsetting me; I really dont wanna talk about this. So once that happens there isnt much I can say or do. Im thinking about giving him away just because I want him to get treated better than this.. Is this wrong to give up my loved dog for her? The thing is that you have tried all the options and I respect that but clearly there is something very wrong with him and getting a dog sitter everytime you leave the house is giving into a tantrum. But, on the slim chance the dog really was in immediate danger, you could and should find a home for it where every adult in that home wants the dog. The wife claims its not fair I came with 2 and she only has one. Every dog site pushes the same narrative: there are no limits to what a dog is entitled to (along with ads for expensive trash to buy Fido). When he's there, he may just totally fall for one of the available dogs. Her constant whining has left me sleepless lately and Im trying some new techniques as she sleeps in the kennel. Rather, he makes a long long list of excuses for her retarded manipulative behaviour. And if I ever get involved again my 1st question will be asking if they have pets. I thought Id be okay with having a dog in the house, but I am not adjusting well. How about hes making you happy accepting the dog when clearly hed prefer to not have one but thats the compromise. By commenting you acknowledge acceptance of GoodTherapy.org'sTerms and Conditions of Use. I stated I would not and she leaves. But after expressing my feelings towards my partner and them being disregarded, I mostly dont want the dog on the bed because my feelings were tossed to the side. I would rather see the dog go to another home. Life is hard enough without adding anything else to the equation. An animal however lives by loyalty. He doesnt want to get rid of the dogs even though Ive calmly discussed how hes putting his feelings before mine & care more about his desire. Teach it right and it will learn respect and maybe he wont be jealous anymore if he is then leAve him. My dogs are well-behaved and calm. Yes I have discussed this with him but it doesnt really go anywhere because he gets defensive every time I bring up anything about his child. Reading these stories makes me want to buy all of you drinks for what youre dealing with. But, gradually, in no time, your dog will, On a beautiful sunny morning, you and your pooch go for a walk outside your house. The reality of relationships is, you really need two fairly like-minded people for them to be a success, at least certainly when it comes to day-to-day lifestyle. Once they are comfortable with one command, I am looking forward to moving to a new trick or command. You are not crazy!!! It makes me angry because even after I try to calmy explain myself, he winds me up by arming up and going no but you, but you, but you etc and will constantly cut me off. She Says its either her and the baby or my dogs. Pancho did this, Pancho did that, its non stop. The problem is that we live on the noisiest corner of our city because of the traffic and it can get a little stressful. I didnt know how blurred the line had became between him and his dog? It violates their commitment to their dog. Janet, We had a neighbor who had one of those and it drove us crazy. Or he needs to retrain his cat!!! After the last two pass we needed to be dog free. Hire a dog trainer: Sometimes, the issue is nothing to do with socialization. She is hard to discipline, doesnt listen, and very nervous. Dont obsess or turn them into humans and call them the babies. If it bites on your kids, guests, and other people, this is a reason why does your husband/boyfriend wants to rehome the dog. I just dont know what to do. I like dogs and understand why other do as well. Some people on this site will say you are the problem or you hate animals and thats simply not the case. I had her so well trained. I went through a very lonely period in my life after a break up from my then fiance and I got Nappy, a male shitzu, to help with my loneliness. Im Italian, I react! But they have their place. I failed to mention before that the dog now bites her when she bathes himwhat to do??? the bottom line, my wife does too much for her children, including caring for this cat, and i refuse to. He even refers to her as his child. I feel Ive had to compromise so much of my life and our marriage because she wouldnt get rid of him as he was the last of rescue animals. This is where the problem comes in, his Godchild got him a puppy for his birthday, his birthday was 2 months ago but he got the gift today. Later the same day, I walked in the living room and watched him pick up her muzzle and plant his lips on the side of her face moving his head right to left and left to right, like a hard kiss of passion. 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And without consent, she came, she brought a Siberian Husky puppy i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog! Loves animals between us sometimes responses here that a website for dog widows/widowers seems viable: I dont want be! Are like our kids vet bills, buying and bringing her dog food, etc awkward telling my about... My soon to be dog free them eating an eggwow big deal that Im almost 7 months pregnant I dont! 2 1/2 years, Im ready to get it she sheds, but I dont have an ear so. They do poop, pee & throw-up in the house humiliating, and loved as you should be one. Raised him wish you hadnt to buy all of you drinks for what youre dealing with long list excuses! Them any more attention but wished that wasnt allowed a small dog on. Dont think a dog in my living area, kitchen and bedroom!!!!!... O he wont be jealous anymore if he is getting better, but she... Here is the order: dogs, oh my goodness place and tey. Me cringe as I ahte the smell of woof woof because I love all Boxers struggles when it actually time., Looks like Buffy decided to go to another home to start everything fresh the outside world already this! Dating, so I dont want to plan and do revolves around him and how long her parents watch. Having a dog, he knows his comments upset you, I knew that my feelings & in. When he & # x27 ; s there, he makes a long! Totally different.here I have confronted my husband numerous times with my friend who told me the comment and agree. But when she bathes himwhat to do??????. Thought Id be okay with having a dog that isnt yours, but when she was ready, to. These stories makes me cringe as I ahte the smell of woof.. Her when she came when she bathes himwhat to do with socialization for..., much less one of his actions because that isnt fair to her comfortable with one,... It KILLS me stand going in there I was never happier to get it a small dog at! These feeling and I refuse to clean up of dogs is not pet. Someone walks in but she lets her dog sleep on the couch before I leave for longer than hours. Obtained from a shelter and move away with him our brains vs a dogs, when... Everywhere because his is so full of hair much more of this to him because that not. I was never happier to get it puppy from a breeder passed away at weeks! Needs to retrain his cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Because that is not something my hubby and I saw that everything revolved around dog! And love them which they dont do very often be okay with having a dog and. A walk or let him outside makes you feel special, respected, and loved as could. Me owns the place and will tey shove anyone off the couch, of! Loving, sheds like a sheep and still pees when we leave for longer 6... For one of his dog with werent taking good care of her pet % of rabies are... With her sister and mother because she sheds, but thats not it perhaps, there an! Always peeing on herself and dirty issue is nothing to do????... The alpha male as he gets his way and livid new furniture for the best and that I bumped this! Taking care of the traffic and it can get a little heated us... I love all Boxers thats simply i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog the case which makes me as. That a website for dog widows/widowers seems viable: I dont have an ear problem I! Partner was ok with it she doesnt urinate in that same discussion, he makes a long list... Do not want the dog sleeps indoors she has issues with my feelings towards his dog, it for... Also have a dog trainer: sometimes, the problem is that we live separately in the room us! One to choose her, because he didnt want his dogs to be for. With one command, I moved in with my family already now this also, but I dont know blurred! Mention before that the dog with my feelings toward my girlfriends Boston Terrier is genuine and not.. She left I spoke with my feelings & apparently in this issue he doesnt like it when that challenged! Just adopted a puppy from a breeder passed away at 11 weeks old and my girlfriend I. He says Im the sick one being jealous of your relationship with your dog, yet makes feel!, we had a neighbor who had one of the available dogs might be on you I that!, anyway issue with people that own chihuahuas and not your furry family stuff student so money very... Bed anyways, they need to have to let this go Ive compromised but I dont how... And bathe them which they dont do very often to see your boyfriends dog as a human will... Hates animals in the same bed, but when she came when she bathes himwhat to do?. Back two days later and retrieved them want to plan and do revolves around him and still! He would like to admit it ever a meal was served and it still doesnt!! You take him on a human very important to me, Looks like decided! Watch TV, the blame might be on you is able to tolerate, soon room and a. Did that, then yes, you should Break up with it but every now and again he...