The pair are ambushed by Hyde in the woods, but neither of them are a match for the villain. Once upon a time chaos arrived in Storybrooke in the form of a girl. The two developed a strong, sisterly bond, even when Snow learned Ruby would change into a werewolf, she stood by her best friend's side. ("In the Name of the Brother"), In the morning, Emma brings Henry, who she wishes to protect from Cora, along for departure out of town with Mr. Gold. He tells Mary Margaret about Arthur possibly helping Emma, but she reveals Lancelot's warning to her. Mary Margaret and Emma later share a n apartment together,becoming close friends unaware of their relationship with each other. From the time he leaves the sheriff department, his memory becomes blank and ends up wandering the woods in a foggy haze. Later, David picks up Emma so they can investigate the cause of a sudden blackout. Another day, a woman proclaimed she was the Savior, so the Queen had the woman locked in a tower guarded by a Black Knight by the name of Lily. Emma attempts to go after Regina, but Hook persuades her not to. Once Upon a Time Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. As a more permanent solution, Regina attempts to use a magic hat to send the Wraith to another realm. Charlotte, Snow's handmaiden, is set to leave the castle permanently to tend to her ill mother, and joins the couple for a farewell dinner. With James nowhere in sight, she opens the upper right drawer, noting that he also keeps all his stuff in the same place as David. While Hook stalls Emma, David grabs the potions. When a fury kidnaps Robin, Regina gets hurt trying to save him, causing her to stay behind, while David, Mary Margaret, Leroy and Arthur chase after the fury. Snow planed on going into the wardrobe with her daughter, but sNOW unexpectedly gives birth to Emma before the curse hits leaving Emma to be left alone and Snow is trapped in Storybrooke as Mary Margaret Blanchard. Before Emma can ask the Author anything, he flees. ("The Price"), While Belle and Mary Margaret help Regina research magical remedies for freeing Merlin, David takes care of baby Neal. ("The Queen Is Dead"), As their daughter is returning from New York, David talks to Mary Margaret on the phone about the dagger's status with Cora and information from Emma about Mr. Gold's injury at Hook's hands. He later gives her faith into taking the Kingdom back from Regina and George. They then decide to head for the mansion, where Henry is hiding, when David suggests destroying the door page so the Author can never be freed and won't make Emma evil. His behavior does not go unnoticed by King George, who is aware Prince Charming is in love with someone else and threatens to burn down the farm if he does not marry Abigail. David, unhappy that Snow can't be with her son, considers that neither of them should be in the Underworld. Reverting to their former selves, Mary Margaret, Regina and David, who is still locked in his cell, burst into laughter at the ridiculousness of their prior disputes. WesternAnimati. With Emma and Regina's combined powers, the heroes break out and rush for the portal. Snow works a way out to remove the darkenss from her daughter who took the darkness and allowed it to suck into her soul. As she strolls out, Prince Charming chucks his sword at her, only for the Queen to disappear in a puff of smoke. ("The Final Battle Part 1"), When the Black Fairy's death causes the Dark Curse to be broken, David and those who are previously banished to the Enchanted Forest are returned to Storybrooke. Emma and her parents place Regina in a jail cell for protection, before confronting Mr. Gold about the purple smoke. David knows Mary Margaret is neither like August or Regina, and there has to be a way to help because he believes in the goodness in her heart. Sighting a bush of thorns, he prepares to cut them away, but Hook informs the group the dangers of the poisonous Dreamshade oozing out from the spikes. They conclude the mother-daughter pair want it to either control Mr. Gold or make Cora the Dark One. In her absence, David stays in the apartment, where Emma keeps watch on Megara, a prisoner that escaped from Cerberus. Having an idea of what might suffice, Hook asks him for his blessing to propose to Emma, which David silently contemplates for several seconds, causing Hook to worry, until David gladly consents. Her plans to rescue Robin Hood are halted by Cruella kidnapping Henry, and sending a video pressuring them to kill the Author or she will kill the boy. Seeking cover in an abandoned cabin, sparks fly as they confess their feelings for each other. Emma explains that the Snow Queen got away, and it was she herself who caused the combustion. David is shocked at the news, which he was not aware of, though it brings attention to the fact he's still married. Upon return to the apartment, Elsa recalls how her loved ones reacted badly to her magic as they did to Emma's. The citizens respond in outcry, though David helps to calm the crowd so Mary Margaret can resume her talking points. Prince Charming shares his name with another former shepherd, This is alluded to when Cinderella asks if Prince Thomas is charming, which causes. What if Regina was pregnant before robin died Ps don't hate it my first. ("Darkness on the Edge of Town"), Since Regina is unwilling to help, David goes with Emma to spy on Cruella and Ursula, who enter the pawnshop. When they finally meet in person, Snow White affirms she does not love him, and it would be better if he is with someone like Abigail who could. David and his wife, along with Emma, accompany the Arendelle natives there. Snow records a video of herself with baby Neal, and David makes breakfast for her and gives her flowers. The talk goes badly, so David and Mary Margaret try to procure the dagger's location from Mr. Gold by asking Emma to convince him. Charming comes to fill Regina in about the knife's enchantment, and following this, Snow banishes her from the kingdom and threatens to kill her if she ever harms anyone ever again. Catching Mary Margaret outside, David accidentally hands her the card meant for Kathryn. Cruella admits that she's just following Hades' orders, but if Henry revives her using his Author powers, she'll allow David to make one last phone call. While they are trading insults, Elsa and Emma devise a plan to stop the curse by killing Ingrid. At some point after this, Regina casts a protection spell on David and Snow's hearts in order to keep them safe from the Queen. The Evil Queen announces her intent to have revenge on everyone by destroying their happiness. Though Emma wants to go after him, David insists they stay on track. The more pressure Regina puts on the heart, the more frantically Snow White unravels the knotting of her layered clothes, hoping to alleviate the pressure on her chest. Once done, they all begin making preparations for battle. Later, at the diner, David humorously notices Henry getting close to Violet Morgan. Prince Charming and the dwarves watch Snow White's behavior with concern, until Jiminy falls out from under her shirt, making everyone laugh in amusement. Please consider turning it on! Outside the Echo Cave, Hook explains they each must reveal one of their deepest secrets in order to rescue Neal. To Mary Margaret, David expresses dislike about allowing Emma to use magic, but she thinks their daughter needs to learn. She happily accepts and the two decide to take back the kingdom from the Queen and King George. Belle has high hopes of swaying Mr. Gold to their side despite that Zelena is controlling him with the dagger. Without answering David's question, Arthur attempts to escape into the woods, but he is eventually apprehended and imprisoned in the sheriff's station. elementary school teacher. Most (if not all) drabbles will be Regina-centric. Because the curse was cast by SNow, they demand Mary Margaret is the mayor now. Merlin confirms he can remove Emma's darkness, but the darkness may have taken root inside of her where no one can see it, and for him to remove it, her heart must be ready to be free. Flagging down the car, David searches the vehicle, opening the box, and he takes Maleficent's totem from it. Emma Swan (Daughter)Neal Nolan (Son)Killian Jones (Son-In-Law) Mr. Gold comes to warn them about Regina's plans of revenge on Mary Margaret. She recalls giving it to Hook last night, which reveals Mr. Gold must have pretended to be him to get the dagger. Good girl, waiting for Mommy to take her flower. With the terms of their agreement satisfied, they both leave in opposite directions. There is a close-up of David's eyes as he awakens from the coma, After being warned not to drink Regina's tea that is to be used for a seance, David states he prefers, David's patient identification number at the, The sword Prince Charming is wielding after, The dagger Prince Charming is wielding during his quest for, The sword David is wielding when confronting, If you look closely at the exterior of the, The rampant lion is a common motif in real-world heraldry, and also in the. Later, Emma tries to keep busy by helping her father sort boxes of files in the sheriff's office. Kathryn suggests they need a fresh start to have a future together rather than trying to regain what they had in the past. Up ahead, the ridge allows them to get a view of the island, but too much has changed since Hook was last in Neverland and he can't tell the difference between anything. Without them noticing, he steals the bean for himself and returns the box with a decoy. ("Lily"), On Emma's return, her parents watch as she has a warm reunion with Henry and Hook, before Mary Margaret attempts to reach out to her. David insists she did her best for Hook, which Emma is still unsure about, although she vows never to lose another person again. He dbuts in the first episode of the first season and is portrayed by starring cast member Josh Dallas and co-star Luke Roessler. David, Hook and the Merry Men search for Little John; eventually finding the unconscious man with a sustained bite wound. Suddenly, Greg's phone starts ringing. During her trial as the prime suspect, Mary Margaret later has Mr. Gold as an attourney during their time. He is too late since she, afflicted by a curse since ingesting a memory potion, just left to kill the Queen. To Charles, Prince Charming describes his marriage as a business transaction, and he had hopes of marrying for love. Belle realizes that he made a deal with her husband, and David admits he needed Mr. Gold's help to find out the truth about his father's death. One night, the twins are very sick and their father Robert tries to buy some medicine for them. When Regina is brought in for questioning, David has no doubts that she murdered Archie. Zelena, freed of her cuff with Arthur's help, tethers Merlin to Excalibur, allowing Arthur to summon the sorcerer, ordering him disarm the group and then send them away. He escapes, and they free Regina before bringing her to the apartment to be healed by Mother Superior. ("I'll Be Your Mirror"), While Snow is cursed and asleep, David joins Emma, Regina and Hook to track down the Queen and kill her using the sword from Emma's vision. Intent on giving James hell for kissing her, Snow heads off to the sheriff's station, with David following after learning what his brother did to her. She is unsure since magic makes Emma special, but David wants to support Emma if being ordinary is crucial to her happiness. After Belle goes to save Mr. Gold on her own, the heroes gather in the vault, with the prepared spell brew. Still, Emma is worried something bad will happen as he reasons she has to see the good in life that makes it worth living. When given a chance to voice fears about expecting another child, he chooses not to and feigns calm. ("Last Rites"), At Robin's wake, David accompanies Snow as she offers comforting words to Regina, who is still shell-shocked over Robin. They spot the toadstool, but to reach it, David crosses a water logged bridge. Prince Charming doesn't believe this, but investigates the matter after hearing Snow White recently went to Rumplestiltskin's palace. As they awaken later, Cruella sacrifices some of their blood to the ashes and resurrects Maleficent, who promises to make the couple suffering as unyielding as her own for what they did to her. When he is alone with his wife, David is furious at Mary Margaret's admittance that she went to Regina's house asking to be killed. Rumplestiltskin swears that the curse, though it has rendered Snow White cold and heartless, can be undone with true love's kiss. Emma receives news from Hook about Mr. Gold trapping Belle on the Jolly Roger to keep Hyde from going after her. Unknown to him, King George previously cursed Snow White with barrenness, and as she begins to break the news to him, the necklace sways, proving the curse is broken. Venturing into the cave, they find Emma with a woman dressed in blue. They arrive at the wishing well to see Regina speaking to Henry. While the women are crafting the net, David gathers vine from the jungle, and upon seeing Hook eyeing Emma, he asks him to come along. He reveals Anna once saved his life, so she must save Emma. Before they put the plan into action, the ex-fairy wants to know their escape route off the island. The Queen readily begins choking him while mocking him about his bloodlust, but with the arrival of Hook, Henry and Jasmine, she is outnumbered and eventually retreats. David has Arthur take control of the wheel, driving in a circle, as he maneuvers to the back of the truck to grab a wooden beam, which he uses to knock Grif off the horse. With little time until Charon arrives to take them away, David resigns himself to his fate by spending his last hours in the diner with Mary Margaret, baby Neal and Henry. In the aftermath, they find Henry missing, and later witness Greg and Tamara taking him into a portal. Because Snow's name is on the headstone, making it impossible for her to leave, she prompts David to return home alone. To later save Charming from death, Snow White bites the poisoned apple and galls into the sleeping curse, which is later broken by David as he kisses her. She releases her grip after seeing Henry walk in, to which she tells him about what happened to Emma and Mary Margaret. Recalling her parents were actual villains in that world, Emma expresses regrets for holding a grudge against them about Lily. Henry suggests a dance as a much needed distraction, an idea Mary Margaret agrees with. To this, Regina disappears in a cloud of smoke. Continuing with the search on his own, he comes across a nude soldier who claims that Snow White stole his armor from him in order to kill the Queen. Hook suggests looking for a Dreamshade cure, but the latter refuses since it'll distract them from their mission to save Henry. On the war council, the members debate her fate. 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