Focus on movement throughout and in between the reps, not just stretching at the end-range of motions. Can be performed with both arms or single arm, as demonstrated above. Standing on a long band, grab a loose end in each hand. Can be scaled easier by bending your knees 90-degrees, shortening the length between contact points (from feet-to-forearm to knees-to-forearms). Curl Up Demo Here We have free programs, customized plans, and awesome videos on our social channels. By programming based on a Training Max you could hit on any day of the week (similar to the concept of a daily minimum), we are able to plan a progression that keeps you moving forward on both your best and worst days and everything in between. Keep this movement controlled and smooth, focusing on squeezing your glutes and resisting the band. While maintaining a slight elbow angle, pull the bar down towards your waist. Repeat for the prescribed time or reps, moving back and forth if space is limited. Over successive weeks of training, we can build a tolerance and improve our work capacity from a fatigued state, which increases our ceiling for absolute strength down the road. Pause to remove any momentum (or for prescribed duration, if specified), then return to the start position with control, focusing on hingeing at the hips. Then, return to the start position by driving your hips forward and squeezing your glutes. The goal here is to push yourself on these sets to complete as many reps as you can with good technical consistency. Option to scale up (harder) by extending your feet away from your body, elevating your feet, or adding weight to your lap. If you are able to perform more than 5-6 regular push-ups, we recommend performing these in a regular push-up position, and if you can preform fewer than 5-6 regular push-ups, we recommend setting up in a modified (knees down) position. Place your bottom elbow and forearm directly under your shoulder and, lift your hips off the ground by driving your top foot down into the bench you should feel the groin muscles of your top leg working hard. From there, squat back up until you are fully upright. Further options to scale this movement (novice) would be keeping your arms on the floor during the repetition, or keeping your hands on the floor while only lifting one leg at a time. Competition style deadlift. Stand and hold an EZ Curl barbell with an underhand (supinated) grip, palms facing up/away from your body. Hold for a moment at the top. Bring one foot at a time in, bending the knee and hip. Then with control, return them to their starting position. Extend your free hand out to your side for stability, or use a rack or piece of equipment to press into. A narrower grip will place more emphasis on your biceps, while a wider grip will place more emphasis on your lats and back. Create tension in the band by taking a slightly wider than hip width stance, and bend the knees to get in an athletic stance. Repeat for the prescribed reps, time, or distance. Can be performed with bodyweight or weighted (DBs, KBs, or even BBs!). DB Curls, Hammer Curl, Cable Curls. Do your best to maintain an upright torso and avoid tilting, leaning, or twisting. To make this movement more challenging while using the same band, try grabbing each end of the band rather than looping the band through itself, or perform these as a Single Arm variation, performing the total prescribed repetitions as reps per side. I now have friends in the gym that dont mind helping me and Im not timid to try new things. Lie on floor with feet flat on the ground. Setup a long resistance band to a low anchor, and loop the free end of the band around both ankles. To scale / modify to an easier version, perform as an eccentric-only. Return both feet together, and then repeat with the other foot. With a bit of space in front of you, perform high knees by driving one knee up to wards your torso, then alternate and perform the same movement with your other leg after your first foot touches the floor. Press yourself the the end of the range of motion, pause for one second and return to the start position. Barbell row, Kroc rows, chest supported rows, seated cable row. Perform belt squats to depth for the prescribed reps, focusing on keeping an upright torso. This is an advanced variation if you cannot perform strict pull-ups for reps, please see the recommended substitutions below. Grab the band with a double overhand grip. Take small steps laterally on one side and complete all reps. Then switch sides. Can also be performed with a TRX or Rings. Repeat for 3-8 repetitions (each rep is a 7-10 second long hold) if rep range is not prescribed, then repeat on the other side. Use your elbows to push your body back, maintaining the plank position the entire time. Begin your rep by contracting your biceps to perform curls. If you have a hard time elevating your hips off the ground, try elevating your hands on bumper plates to create a deficit. Perform the prescribed number of repetitions, then switch sides and repeat. Stand up straight and hold two dumbbells with arms down and the weight in front of the thighs. These sets will allow us to use heavier (ascending) weights when we feel good and move well, yet stick with the minimum prescribed percentage on off days, to make sure were making progress and moving forward no matter what. These can also be performed weighted by holding a DB or KB (goblet style), pair of DBs or KBs (at your sides), or holding a weighted book bag (worn on your back, held goblet style, or tucked to your chest). Control your slow negative and keep your back flat. If youve been away from the barbell for more than 4 weeks, we recommend dropping 5-10% off your training maxes where needed to hit recommended rep ranges. Start in a plank position with palms on the floor, with your hands together under your chest index finger to index finger and thumb to thumb, creating a diamond between your hands and balls of the feet on the ground. Bench Dips or Tricep Kickbacks). Extend your arm by contracting your triceps, until you lockout overhead. Can also be performed from a slight (1-3) deficit. Set up standing next to a piece of equipment or door jam for support. Use your front leg to drive you back up to the start, thinking about pushing that foot into the ground and squeezing that glute. Barbell Curls, EZ bar curls, Alt. While at the peak of your rep (and in the air), clap your hands together, then return them to the position and catch yourself before you descend into your next rep. Turn over, and finish with Seated Incline DB Lateral Raises for the prescribed reps/time. Maintain contact with the lower back on the floor and squeeze the abdominals to hold the position. Aim to keep your shins near vertical throughout the repetition to better target your glutes. Then, lie on a bench (or on the floor) in front of and facing away from the band. Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell against your chest, holding . The more that you pull in line with your shoulders, the more directly you will target your rear deltoids. Use both legs to extend the weight back out again, and repeat the single leg negative using the same leg, unless specified otherwise (i.e. Grab with one hand, and perform single arm curls using a handle attachment and a cable machine. Resistance implement can be substituted if needed if a plate, band, or pair of DBs are unavailable, you can substitute for a loaded book bag for resistance. Of course you can! Lower cable machine to lowest rung with a rope handle attached. Lay on your back with a band anchored above your head, holding the band with both hands. Tighten the upper back, brace the core, then pull the DB from the ground up to the hips. Start by lying down face up, with sliders or small towels below your feet (or wearing just socks). Your competition (or strongest) style bench press. Can be further scaled easier by raising from your forearm up to your hand (with a straight arm and locked elbow). Can be performed in place, or inching forward. Grab the band (or rope) with a double overhand grip. Any Hamstring Curl or Hamstring Isolation machine; Other hamstring focused exercises (Glute Ham Raise, Romanian or Stiff-Leg Deadlift, etc.). Improving the amount of time you can actively deadhang from the bar, or increasing the number of seconds you can lower your body during a negative pull-up is exactly our goal development of strength in the direction of getting your first pull-up! Grab the bar just outside of shoulder width. Set up in front of a cable machine with the pulley in the lowest position, with a straight bar or EZ bar attached. With a bit of space in front of you, begin by marching (for warm ups) or running/sprinting (for working sets) in place while driving your heels back to your butt. Slowly return your leg to the start position, then perform the same movement with the other leg youve now done 1 rep per side. Lie on floor with feet flat on the ground. Tuck the ribs and the hips, ensuring you do not hyperextend the spine. Set up in a bent over position with the torso almost parallel to the floor. Start by performing rows using this wider grip for the prescribed repetitions. If youre not too sure, we recommend not trying to overthink things it definitely gets easy with just a bit of practice, and its fair game to err on the conservative side. Slowly circle the bosu ball with your forearms (stirring the pot). It can take months and/or years of dedicated training for many lifters to get their first pull-up. Press yourself the the end of the range of motion, pause for one second and return to the start position. Tighten the upper back, brace the core, then push your hips back and hinge tipping your torso towards the floor with minimal bend at the knee until you feel a light stretch in your posterior chain (hamstrings, glutes, and even adductors). Set up at a cable machine with the pullet in a low position, using a straight or EZ-bar attachment. OH Tricep Extension (DB/Band/Cable with both arms); Single Arm Cable Push Downs, Single Arm DB Skullcrushers; Single Arm DB/Band OHP. Press the bar up over the head, pushing your head forward once the barbell passes eye level. Keep thumbs up towards the ceiling. There's a reason she has so many followers (and made it on our list . Perform for the prescribed repetitions, then repeat on the other side. Can also be performed with a TRX or Rings. Adjust your stance width (or the amount of excess band between your feet) until you feel tension in the band when holding it with your arm down by your side. Keeping your arms at 90-degrees abducted (flared) from your torso, pull the band directly back while keeping the upper arms parallel to the floor. If youre not a yogi, dont worry. Hold it and continue squeezing while at the top (aiming for 2-4 sec each rep unless specified otherwise), then repeat for the prescribed repetitions. For another challenging variation, perform these as Elevated Single Leg Glute Bridge by placing your rooted foot on an stable elevated surface (like a box, bench, or stair) before performing your reps. Option to use DB, KB or Cable machine. Hold the position for 10 seconds, then relax and switch sides. Press into the block. Single Arm Front Curl; Single Arm Banded Away Curl; Single Arm Banded Curl; Single Arm Banded Reverse Grip Curl; Single Arm Preacher Curl; Single Arm Cable Curl; Alternating DB Curl; Hammer Curl; DB Iso-Hold Curl. Like Ascending sets, AMRAPs are a form of autoregulation (something that allows us to adjust training based on individual performance variations day-to-day and week-to-week). Hinge at the hips and reach towards the floor with your free hand. Extend one arm out in front of you and the opposite leg out behind you while maintaining a neutral spine. This is a three-exercise giant set, intended to be performed continuously with no rest in between exercises. Use an incline bench or row machine setup to support the chest so you can take your lower back out of the movement. Each non-deload week, well provide instructions on how/when to change your Training Max to fine-tune the prescribed intensity to your individual capacity. Can be performed bodyweight or loaded (goblet with a KB, with DBs in each hand, or with a Barbell on your back or in a front rack position). Anchor a band below your feet, and hold one end in your hand. Any unilateral heavy carry; KB/DB Windmills; Side Planks. Lower the band in the same movement pattern, and repeat for the prescribed repetitions. Lie down on your back with knees bent and a band around your knees. Set up on a calf raise machine (standing, seated, or donkey whichever is available), with your feet near the bottom of the platform, and the balls of your feet firmly pressed into the platform. Sun Salutations; Inch Worms; Runners Lunge; Punter Kicks. For 2-Up, 1-Down Hamstring Curls, set up on a hamstring curl machine (seated or lying). Return to the start position by pushing the feet through the floor while squeezing your glutes and pushing your hips forward, driving your upper back into the band until you are standing upright again. Set up a band or cable pulley with a single handle attachment in a low position. A program is a system of training designed to achieve a goal, which in our case, is to get jacked and strong as heck. Without rest, perform the prescribed number of reps. Here comes the fun part: using your opposite side hand and leg, move 3-6 in one direction. Take a wide stance, and angle feet. Other quadriceps focused exercises (goblet squat, leg press, etc.). Engage your trunk (focusing on your obliques and transverse abdominis especially) to prevent any movement your hips and shoulders should remain in a square, stacked parallel over top of one another. In pushup position with forearms on the ground, maintain neutral spine by tucking the ribs and squeezing the glutes and abdominals. Set feet in a b-stance by placing one foot flat on the ground, and the other with only the heel on the ground. Contract your abdominal muscles and crunch while bringing your torso upright (between 45-degrees and vertical), reaching your arms overhead, and lifting your feet off the ground. Strict Pull-Ups; Lat Pull Down, Assisted Pull-Ups, Chin-Ups, Negative Pull-Ups. maintain neutral spine by tucking the ribs and squeezing the glutes and abdominals. Hip Thrust; Glute Bridge; Single-Leg Glute Bridge. Repeat for the prescribed repetitions. Ensure that when seated, your eyes are below the foot-end of the barbell. To scale to the most challenging advanced variation, perform Hanging Leg Raises from a pull-up bar with extended legs. Control the speed and distance the bar travels by engaging the core. Single Arm Banded Away Curl; Single Arm Banded Curl; Single Arm Banded Reverse Grip Curl; Single Arm Banded Hammer Curl; Single Arm Preacher Curl; Single Arm Cable Curl; Alternating DB Curl; Hammer Curl; DB Iso-Hold Curl. Contract your abdominal muscles and crunch while bringing your torso upright (between 45-degrees and vertical), lifting your feet off the ground with a bend in the knees, and reaching your arms down towards your ankles. From there, you have the ability to upload a front, side, and backphoto. Perform these lying face down on an Incline bench. Place your forearm on the ground with your elbow directly under your shoulder, thenraise your hips off the ground. Once your forearm has reached a vertical position, pause, and reverse the movement, controlling the resistance on the way back to the start position. Sometimes stress and fatigue can be super high, so using an explicit percentage may be over-exerting relative to your capacity on that day. Option to supinate grip (palms facing up) for a reverse or underhand band pull-apart. Goblet Squat, Band Abducted Goblet Squat, Goblet Squat w Adduction, Front loaded (DB, KB, barbell) squat; Belt Squats; Leg Press or Hack Squat; Leg Extensions. 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