However on the 2 week Mark I had quite a bit of bleeding. Take plenty of rest after surgery, avoid bending, dont lift heavy things, and do not insert anything into your vagina. A study shows that vaginal vault granulation may occur in about one-third of women who have a hysterectomy. Dawn I had a complete hysterectomy on 03/30/18: its been about 4 weeks and I did bloat after week 2. If so, please check if it was removed the day after your surgery! Staying One Step Ahead of UC. Post hysterectomy bleeding should gradually take the form of spotting or light pinkish-colored discharge. Depending on the person's age, it could be thinning of the vaginal walls, trauma, or could be from the bladder or rectum. Ovarian cancer: Still possible after hysterectomy? is it is normal or not ? 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. I just wanted to encourage you to do your own investigations too. It could be a sign of various disorders, including: If the ovaries are not removed with the hysterectomy, the risk of recurrence is fairly high. After a hysterectomy, reduced levels of estrogen will make the vagina drier and less elastic. The most common causes of bleeding or spotting after menopause include: Endometrial or vaginal atrophy (lining of the uterus or vagina becomes thin and dry). If the cause of bleeding is internal hemorrhage, they find the source, and the blood vessel is ligated to stop blood loss. Now I am having vaginal bleeding. Just had ultrasound it looks normal too!? It can also be due to growths in the vagina like polyps or cancer. I told my doctor about it but didn't get a favorable response. My doctor advised me too walk he said it would help out for clot. Im going to stay down for next couple days. Today I called my Dr. Unless I soak a pad every hour. Could it be the hormones given chickens? You should also call your healthcare provider if you have any signs of a neurogenic bladder. It came back negative for intraepithelial lesion and malignancy. It was only 18 days after my hysterectomy. By trial and error, I found out that meat makes me bleed more, especially chicken. But pain often returns within a year or two. He's the only one who REALLY knows what's going on. Im very worried because I didnt have any complications after the surgery and have not had any issues until now. If the bleeding is persistent or heavy, there may be complications after the hysterectomy, which requires immediate medical attention. The key sign that you are healing normally from a hysterectomy is that the bleeding will begin to decrease in the days and weeks following the surgery. Then October 18, I went to see my doctor and she did a pelvic exam along with the urine test. That's hard to do if you're bleeding all the time. Has anyone experienced a painful pulling sensation along with light bright red bleeding during urination? Is this issue stable or getting worse? Bleeding after sex may be caused by direct trauma or from several illnesses. I'll be praying for you too. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) (estrogen and progesterone supplements that decrease some menopausal symptoms). Need to lose some fast, any suggestions? Hi, seems like an insignificant question compared to some of you. We are worth relaxing and taking it easy to get recovered string and well. Hope its normal and not neccesarily a new lifestyle. Hi Tiffini Call your. Still, freaks me out. I also went back to work after two weeks. They will not bleed since the uterus is no longer present, but they can still have the usual bloating and other PMS symptoms. 2023 Remedy Health Media, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. the unsubscribe link in the e-mail. If you do not have a cervix, then vaginal bleeding is probably related to "thinning" and fragility of the vagina that comes with menopause. Unfortunately, I wasn't told that BEFORE the hysto. I did not experience any bleeding in the first few weeks However, 12/18 I am spotting and I too am afraid of moving around too much. It could be the result of a simple infection or benign growths. Jennifer Whitlock, RN, MSN, FNP-C, is a board-certified family nurse practitioner. In the case of wound infection, antibiotics are the line of treatment. I hope everything is normal. Abdominal swelling and bloating are important symptoms that shouldn't be ignored. Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other abusable medications. I am planning to do another screening of my HPV before it too late. I just don't know what to do. Blood tests may be used to confirm an anemia diagnosis. Thank you so much for this article and everyones comments, so helpful. 1 This article will discuss signs of cancer post-surgery, as well as complications and risks of hysterectomies. This also goes for any symptoms of infection, such as a fever. I waited it out and The bleeding slowed down and just stopped after a couple hours. If your ovaries are still functioning, then you are still having monthly ovulatory cycles. The check up appointments and information is not that good in Sweden, happy to find this page. Just wanted to add, I did not have one drop of anything until I had sex at 7 weeks and I did go to the doctor just shy of 8 weeks and he did apply the silver nitrate. Everytime i jad to pass a stool and push a bit spotting came along i am sure its not hemmorroids Yesterday I had bloody discharge like a period. At first the blessing seemed heavy but it seems to be light now Im not sure what it could be or if I should be worried. Im looking forward for my post check up. I started hemorrhagimg at 7 weeks out and I had not had sex yet. I tested for 4 days and the bleeding stopped and that was 2 weeks ago and i have not had any bleeding or problems after the 4 days. Also been having sharp breath taking pains in my lower I have vaginal bleeding ten years after complete hysterectomy. I woke up at 7 weeks covered in blood. I called my Dr. he said it is Some reasons for vaginal bleeding that HysterSisters have experienced include vaginal dryness, "mini periods", menopause, and insufficient hormone replacement therapy. Knowing the causes can help you both prevent and treat them. A thorough pelvic examination would be helpful. I had a partial hysterectomy over a year ago. I had a total abdominal hysterectomy on the 30 of April 2016 ,but my left overies remains Im having pain to my lower left side of my abdomen and spotting after a bowel movement is it normal. It is one of the most common causes of uterine bleeding after menopause. So, if you find discharge immediately after surgery, your body is behaving the way it should. If you have heavy bleeding, you may need a blood transfusion. How do you know if endometriosis has come back after hysterectomy? Everything is good now. Also make sure it does not have a bad smell it should smell like blood but not fishy or rotten. My bladder had to be tied up after surgery because I had nothing to hold it in place. Hi. I had a radical hysterectomy because of endometrial cancer. If you have a partial or subtotal hysterectomy, there is a 10 15% chance you will have mini periods. Im scared. These risks include: major blood loss damage to surrounding tissues, including the bladder, urethra, blood vessels, and nerves blood clots infection anesthesia side effects bowel blockage These. Its NOT from sex. Vaginal atrophy: It needs to be clarified whether or not you still have a cervix. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. Doesnt hurt if they tell you everything is ok. Never disregard or delay professional medical advice in person because of anything on HealthTap. I also experience a sharp pulling pain in my vagina when I urinate. But if you have bleeding more than a year after your last menstrual period, it's time to see your healthcare provider. If you are a Mayo Clinic patient, this could Hi PurpleViolet15. When I lay down the feeling subsides. Because a hysterectomy will bring on surgical menopause, the body has had no time to adjust to the sudden drop in estrogen levels. Very scary even though the doctor says its normal for 4-6 weeks. 20 yrs ago I had a complete hysterectomy. I am very dry in that area but have never experienced this before. I am in my 4th week from tahbso, I walked 30 min just slow walking ( window shopped) yesterday, and next morning when about to pee theres a blood a pink discharge, I am worrying now because my surgeon is about 1 and a half hour to travel. At what point should I be worried with the bleeding. Right after surgery, the bleeding is consistent as less area is healed. Its just a sign of the healing that is occurring inside your body. If you are passing large clots, this indicates that a large amount of blood has accumulated, often while you are sleeping. It is normal to expect some amount of bleeding during this time. My pain after surgery was nothing compared to the pain before. About two days ago i started havingv spotting when i wiped (from vagina) now its moved ont o having to wear a pad. Today I started to bleed a dark red light flow but I just went to the bathroom and I have clotting that is bright red. I hope everything is going okay your story sounds similar to mine and Im just trying to see if you ever got any results on what could be causing this I have endometriosis also so I was wondering if it was because of that or something else if you could respond that would be great I would really appreciate some advice on this. I woke up and went to the bathroom and the toilet was full of blood. Yet I still have random spotting?! This can cause symptoms including fatigue, dizziness, headaches, and easy bruising. Did he give you the ok to have intercourse so soon? If you do not have a cervix, then, is probably related to "thinning" and fragility of the vagina that comes with, . Bleeding after six weeks or after the recovery can indicate that there is some internal tissue damage. Had a transvaginal ultrasound done to check every thing out. I had my abdominal hysterectomy on 17-01-2017. The urologist you are going to see may suggest doing a cystourethroscopy to examine the urethra and bladder and at the same time remove the polyp. It could be that the endo is still there. I would not worry too much. Had no problem since then until today. You might want to see a Urologist or OB/GYN who can inspect some of that "plumbing" for you. information is beneficial, we may combine your email and website usage information with I had the hysterectomy because of fibroids and my cycle lasted 2 weeks but of late I get the cramps after sex and after my hysterectomy I gained weight but now I am losing and its after sex I'm sore and low sex drive Like Helpful Hug REPLY 1 reply airey2 | @airey2 | May 29, 2019 I looked up glycopyrrolate on WebMD and a side effect is cramps. I having the same problem with the bleeding and its been 3 weeks now. You should be able to return to having sexual intercourse eight weeks after your surgery. Urethral polyps are non-cancerous growths that may cause bleeding but can also, when big enough, block off the urine flow. You can unsubscribe at any time. What Should Women With Endometriosis Know About Heavy Bleeding During Or Between Periods? Cancer? I have the same issue like yours She is the former chief of obstetrics-gynecology at Yale Health. Generally, vaginal bleeding after hysterectomy should be light. The first time I bled about 2 hours, the next time a bled about 4 hours and quit bleeding around noon then started bleeding again at 6 am (no intercourse) the next morning and bled all day until around 10 pm. Im experiencing the same thing this month made a year since my hysterectomy. WBC esterace was 1+ and occult blood was 3+. Both types of cervical inflammation can cause bleeding after sex. Can you have endometriosis after total hysterectomy? Classified as early/"reactionary" and delayed/secondary, unexpected postoperative hemorrhage may arise regardless of the route or subtype of hysterectomy. I have bleeding 5 years after partial hysterectomy still have cervix What could be the cause ? I am 4 mos post op total husterectomy( TAH )and been spotting since after my surgery last may 20 2017 over a year ago, dovelady52448 Endometriosis is only properly diagnosed through a surgical procedure called laparoscopy, and since symptoms vary a lot, it can take up to 10 years to diagnose in some women. Recovering from your hysterectomy. Removed all but the ovaries. This morning after intercourse we noticed blood on the covers and we both had blood on us and it was bright red and heavier then just your normal spotting. It is not uncommon for vaginal penetration during sex to irritate the vagina or cervix and cause bleeding. Hi everyone this tues will b 2 weeks since surgery they took everything but 1 ovary and they used my csection scar up till now i have just had a light pink bleeding but i used the bathroom a bit ago and when i wiped it was bright red and soaked the tp.. i wiped several times but it didnt get lighter and when i went to flush the water was red but no blood on my pad is this normal or should i call my dr.. plus i cant sleep and have spent most of today crying oh and i have been cramping like a period sinve yesterday. I have an appointment on Wednesday, Nov 2 for the specialist and I am so freaking out that I have bladder cancer. U.S. National Library of Medicine. I think there's somethig in it that feeds that little piece of endometriosis tissue. I dont want a set back. Is it a cure? Bright red blood indicates an active bleed. I had a hysterectomy in 1996 and kept my ovaries Iv found Im also on a lot of pain today but hoping it is also normal. Hi ladies. PS I have called my doctors office and am waiting to hear back from them, too. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Eight weeks leave from work, I dont know what to do with myself. Pls let me know what your doctor says Please check immediately with your doctor. Bleeding too much after surgery can lead to anemia. You'll likely need to wear sanitary pads during that time. it is always vag dryness BUT have been on diet last 6 weeks and only meat I eat is chicken. Help please. Dr said I do have a little bit of a cervix left. I have had a feeling of generally not being well for a couple of years and no one can find out why. Is It Possible to Have Endometriosis After a Hysterectomy? 3 weeks ago I was getting ready for work felt a gush of fluid running down my legs, I thought I peed myself, nope it was bright red blood! I had a total hysterectomy on June 6th, very little interns of discharge right after surgery. Some foods may not settle as well as they used to in your younger days. Ive been fine until about a week ago (i also have crohns, so everything automatically gets blamed on that) when i started having severe abdominal pain that radiates into where my kidneys lay in my back, with severe fatigue and a general feeling of unwell. 4. I have a question Partial Hysterectomy about 6 years ago, with a mini period every month. So I had a full hysterectomy on may 19 2016 and last night I noticed some bleeding I am worried because I also have endometriosis but my surgeon told me he removed all the tissue affected. I just over did it and that was my bodys way of telling me. When does this stop? If you are experiencing either of these, seek medical attention immediately. It's possible that you experience vaginal bleeding months or years after a hysterectomy. This content does not have an English version. Thanks for sharing your experience. Had some random pain after but he thought it normal. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) (estrogen and progesterone supplements that decrease some menopausal symptoms). I had a complete hysterectomy in 1990. I am 9 weeks post op and now started bleeding doctor doesnt know if its a period or a cervical polyp (I have both ovaries and my cervix) having some tests done this week. Ob/Gyn Doctor. Bloating is a tight or full feeling in the abdomen, and sometimes, the abdominal area . Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. This means that common menopause symptoms, like abdominal bloating, can occur suddenly and severely. It will get better, pray and be strong. If he/, is unable to assess, then request referral to an, It needs to be clarified whether or not you still have a cervix. Bleeding in a patient after hysterectomy is even rarer with varied causes like atrophic vaginitis, cervical stump cancer, infiltrating ovarian tumors, estrogen . Sometimes it is necessary to receive a blood transfusion to restore your red blood cell count (RBC) and prevent complications. Hi! I still have ovaries, not sure of functionality, though. Should I be worried? Has anything like this happened to anyone else? Its possible that you experience vaginal bleeding months or years after a hysterectomy. I went back to work after 2 weeks off half days, its not to bad I just get tired easily. She has experience in primary care and hospital medicine. I'm doing the same thing had total hysterectomy in 96. Asked another dr to come over and check me also and they did not knowtold me to take premarin for two weeks and an antibiotic and come back in 14 days and to avoid intercourse. Heavy bleeding during recovery should be reported to your surgeon immediately. I started bleeding again about a year a go. It is now dark/bright red. I was taking a natural supplement called tri-chromium which help me loose weight & got me off blood pressure mess. Usually, women have to wait until their 6 weeks check up. However, today, I have bright Red period, that I believe was a lot. If theydiscover the problem early, bleeding after hysterectomy is easier to manage and treat. This may be because of vaginal atrophy or another medical condition, such as cancer. I thought initially it was coming from my bladder but had ct scan and camera in the bladder. What can cause bleeding after menopause and hysterectomy? I had awful bleeding, like hemorrhaging, went to the hospital, had ultrasound, they sent me home same way. I just bleed and spotted for the 1st time since having this surgery and am read more. Since operation I have had pelvic pain on and off but now it's continuous. The answer is based on information provided. Are Painful Breasts After Hysterectomy A Cause For Concern? This may be because of vaginal atrophy or another medical condition, such as cancer. The gas is normal but the more you move the faster you get rid of it. I had my uterus removed 3 years ago, April 19 of this year was to have both ovaries and tubes removed but they could only take my right one due to scar tissue and ahesions really bad after my uterus was removed, I am now having pinkish discharge which I had intercourse two days ago, their was no pain at all during intercourse but maybe thats where the bleeding came from, I also have to have another surgery to have left ovary removed with more surgeons, my doctor was worried I would of bleed out with only him doing the surgery , so now Im scared, have appointment with him today thankfully, Heather this is Linda I had my uterus removed 3 years ago and on April 19 of this year was suppose to have both ovaries and tubes removed, but my doctor was only Abel to remove the right ones still have left one. Never thought would be coming from my vagina. I soon underwent another surgery. This means if you purchase anitemthrough one of these links, I will receive acommission at no extra cost to you. No. This type of bleeding is irregular and not heavy like normal menstrual periods. I'm not good at peeing on command, but I noticed that my underpants had blood on them and my hand did as well from holding it trying to catch a sample for them. Bloating are important symptoms that shouldn & # x27 ; s possible that you experience vaginal bleeding after hysterectomy easier! Simple infection or benign growths: it needs to be tied up after surgery because i had quite bit. He 's the only one who REALLY knows what 's going on is internal hemorrhage, they sent home! Be clarified whether or not you still have the same problem with the urine test couple.! On the 2 week Mark i had not had sex yet vaginal penetration during to. Found out that meat makes me bleed more, especially chicken blood transfusion subtotal hysterectomy, requires! 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