In the UK, there is a system of representative democracy called "liberal democracy" - in which the people vote for a government through regular elections with secret ballots and a choice of candidates. Referendums have traditionally been a rarity in the UK. "No" voters in 2014 who feared that Scotland might find itself outside the EU - even temporarily - might view the economic risks and opportunities . Despite the result, the SNP has become even stronger electorally, culminating in the winning of 56 seats in the __2015 __election. One advantage of using referendums in the UK is that they enable the public that are over 18 to approve or disprove important . Free Trade . This makes the wording of the question essential. Political division in both the UK and Colombia has been markedly intensified by the 2016 campaigns there.. The creation of devolved governments was a huge constitutional change that took powers away from the UK Parliament. The pound depreciation as an aftereffect of Brexit. This would create a de facto advisory referendum in Scotland, although completely unofficially. They therefore become dominated by populism. Revise the impact of the Brexit referendum of 2016 in which the UK voted to leave the European Union, as part of Bitesize Higher Modern Studies They have to weigh up a number of competing issues, all of which will be of differing levels of importance to different to voters. Plebiscite A plebiscite is an advisory referendum. The main purpose of the article is to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Italian referendum tools and particularly the research hypothesis is to demonstrate why the turnout requirement should be abolished waiting for the work in progress people's initiative referendum draft without the participation quorum. One advantage of using referendums in the UK is that they enable the public that are over 18 to approve or disprove important . Students will be required to analyse and evaluate the characteristics of different systems used in parliamentary elections and in elections to one of the devolved bodies in the UK including: debates and issues around the performance of those systems; the advantages and disadvantages of those systems Registered office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE. Subsequent events showed that there was a wide dispersity of views on how Britain should leave the EU and what leaving even meant. Public are given direct control over policy-making, ensuring their views and interests are directly reflected in policy . One is that it weakens representative democracy by undermining the role and importance of elected representatives. Referendum A general vote by the population on a single issue. (28 Jun 2012), Bonus seats to largest party in Greek election Appointing the official campaign groups for each side of the debate. Advantages. For example, in 2011, the AV Referendum largely became a referendum on performance of the Liberal Democrats in coalition, rather than a referendum on changes to the voting system itself. Above all, the key principle of referendums for any government is this: if you call one, you had better be certain you are going to win. One advantage of using referendums in the UK is that they allow the general public that are over 18 to approve or disprove essential constitutional changes. Citizens are protected from an over-powerful government. (25 marks) Referendums are a A good example of a post-legislative referendum was the AV Referendum where a bill had been written and agreed and the referendum was the final stage in the process. The increasing use of referendums in the UK has created a convention that they should be used for major constitutional change or a change to the way in which the UK is governed. Strengthens government - governments decide when and on what issues referendums are called, they frame the question and they dominate the publicity campaign. In fact, research done by the Guardian Newspaper found a 4% difference in voting intention based on the alternative wording of the questions a very significant swing! Answer (1 of 4): The advantage of a referendum is that it is giving direct democratic control to the people. Following the results of the Brexit referendum, the pound dropped 16.5% against the US dollar until the end of 2016, the lowest level of the pound in 31 years, due to high uncertainty in the world economy caused by Britain's decision to leave the EU. However, there are also many disadvantages to having referendums as they can cause voter fatigue which may result to poor voter turnouts and create a disinterest in politics. This is because although a majority of people voted a certain way, there is usually a very slim margin between this and the other outcome which could be achieved. However, experts in Switzerland (where a number of direct democracy votes take place each year) believe that, although turnout at referendums is around 45%, more than 45% of electors participate in direct democracy, since different voters participate in the different votes that interest them. Essay on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Free Trade. (19 Mar 2014), Formula for the number of Members of Parliament? (25 Marks) A referendum (sometimes referred to as a plebiscite). (21 Oct 2010), Inappropriate Electoral Systems Secondary Legislation Legislation that is delegated to Ministers or another body. The turnout was below that required to make the result legally valid, but the government made it clear it would be taking the result as a mandate for action nevertheless. This can mean large portions of the electorate feel dismissed. It highlighted some advantages and disadvantages of putting decisions directly in the hands of citizens. A good example of this is the Good Friday Referendum in 1998 which confirmed the history agreement made in Belfast and set out how devolution would work in Northern Ireland. After 1975 there was a gap of 36 years before next nationwide referendum in 2011. It could prove Britain's constitutional moment. Once people have had a referendum on one issue, they begin to expect it for more issues even if that issue is not well suited to be settled by a referendum. Background. General Elections can be confusing for voters. Through the system of recall, they will be under the control of the people. . . On June 23 rd, referendum was announced from European Union.It was perhaps a better decision at state level that why would their country be . Referendums in the United Kingdom. Call +44 (20) 7633 5430 or email to talk about opening a trading account. Get Revising is one of the trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. For example, the Scottish Independent Referendum in 2014 allowed for a robust debate about that issue and was, in the words of then SNP Leader Alex Salmond a once in a generation vote. Indeed, thats how I put it to my fellow European leaders: this is my strategy for keeping Britain in Europe. and then Add to Home Screen. Referendums are the purest form of democracy as it is entirely up to the people to decide. RETRACTED Not every member of the public will be interested in politics or in fact have a clear understanding of the political system in Britain and this could affect the voters outcome. Under First Past the Post the government often has a very large majority. Good Friday Agreement 1998 received clear support from most of the community (70% Yes) and this allowed peace to maintain with only minor difficulties. 1. -provides a clear answer to a specific question. This suggests that referendums are not always a true representation of what the public wants an outcome to be. In addition to this, it covers the advantages and disadvantages of customs unions, including the loss of influence over one's country's trade policy and the possibility of . For many people Brexit was a magnificent exercise in democracy in Britain. Detailed lesson on referendums in the UK. Explain the Benefits and Downsides of using Referendums in the UK? . There are fundamentally three different types of referendum: An advisory referendum This is a referendum which allows citizens to express their opinion, but it is not binding on the government hence being called advisory. In his autobiography Nick Clegg says: First Past the Post is enshrined in the DNA of the Conservative Party not least because it has consistently delivered Conservative majority governments, even as their share of the popular vote has steadily declined. Describe the Advantages and Disadvantages of Referendums. Copyright Get Revising 2023 all rights reserved. (one example of this is the 1975 UK referendum on whether the UK should remain in the EC, an issue over which the ruling Labour government was deeply divided). Referendums can often be hijacked by other issues. The advantages and the disadvantages of referendums 'In the wake of the second world war, during the process of decolonisation, several countries broke free from their erstwhile colonial overlords following successful referendums. The Term Brexit was coined for the process of the UK leaving the European Union followed by the different advantages and disadvantages of it to the country. Retrieved from There are three primary reasons why one might consider referendums a good idea. GCSE Renewable Energy Sources (1) 4.3 Power from the sun and earth. A core purpose of referendums is to engage those with relatively low information about the issues, which is to say the general population, in the choice. Why is the wording of the question so important in a referendum? 1. This therefore means that 45% of the public disagreed with this viewpoint. Additionally, referendums can be used to educate the public and raise citizens' awareness of political issues. They have a number of important roles in regard to referendums. Advantages and disadvantages of the referendum instrument. The advantages of fibre optic certainly outweigh any disadvantages but it would be disingenuous not to mention the potential issues. . Direct democracy - referendums give the public unmediated and direct control over a policy, making sure that the public's view is clearly articulated, not distorted by those who 'represent' them. For more information on this licence see: . Seats where one party regularly scores more than 50 per cent of the vote (210 seats . 3 reasons why referendums are held. The parties stances on Brexit have also had electoral consequences, not least the weakening of Labours traditional working class support in some areas. Referenda provide a clear answer to a question the government might be 'asking'. . This can perhaps be seen by the four years of political turmoil after the referendum surrounding how Britain should actually withdraw from the EU. Opponents of referendums also argue that, if the executive has the power to determine when referendums are held, they can be used as a political tool to suit the needs of the governing party rather than the interests of democracy. In the 2015 General Election UKIP won 12.6% of the votes, taking many votes away from the Conservatives. Once the UK landscape had settled, the focus shifted to the risks and opportunities facing the nation. However, referendums counteract this problem. The central governent is at Westmi. Their increasing use (or at least proposal) was also partly due to the participation of the Liberal Democrats in the coalition government, the Lib Dems being the party most committed not only to constitutional reform but also the use of referendums in general. What might be some of the weaknesses of referendums? Included among those shocked was, apparently, the Nobel Peace Prize committee, which had prematurely rewarded president Santos with its 2016 prize. an academic expert within 3 minutes. Similarly, in the period following the collapse of the Soviet Union there was an explosion in . In total 406 constituencies voted Leave in the Brexit Referendum but only around 160 MPs had voted to leave. Constitutional issues are a reserved, not devolved, power. One of the three . Technically, because of parliamentary sovereignty, all referendums in the UK are advisory. However, referendums have become much more commonplace since with both national referendums and a number of very significant regional referendums. Political deals. Brexit was . Most marketers will recommend SEO, based on the . In reality, this almost always means that the Westminster Government will have to agree to it too. As a result of the legitimacy that a direct vote bestows, they can have an enormous impact in settling controversial issues. On the Leave side, however, the EU became a handy scapegoat for a wide range of socio-economic issues with a number of causes. Free Trade . (15 Jun 2015), Direct Democratic Elections in Lebanon - How to Get There Focus. This led to the EEC Referendum in 1975 in which 67.2% of voters chose to remain in the EEC. In fact, until 1975 there had not been a single nationwide referendum on any political issue. The concept applies mainly to political divisions (political parties) among voters.The essence of such systems is that all votes cast - or almost all votes cast - contribute to the result and are effectively used to help elect someone . However, when it became obvious that we simply wouldnt join a government at all without a commitment to a referendum on voting reform, their appetite for power outweighed (rightly, as it turned out) their fear of losing power . Although it was thought that this would stem the rising tide of nationalism, in fact, it strengthened the support and influence of the Scottish National Party, whose __2011 __election win paved the way for the __2014 __independence referendum. For example, the Westminster Government under Boris Johnson have pledged to prevent a Second Scottish Independence Referendum despite the widespread support for SNP. Among the technology community, Brexit will make London lose its position as the most preferred Fintech hub in the world; the view of many venture capitalists and startups. Referendums can be a check on "elective dictatorships" during a government's 5 years span. Whilst this bestows democratic legitimacy, voters are often not well-equipped to make these decisions. I believe this strategy was the most likely way to keep Britain in the EU. Referendums are used frequently in the UK. A REFERENDUM is where the electorate vote on a specific question, or questions. (08 Aug 2008), Representation of women in Ukraine Get Revising is one of the trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. Reproduced by permission of International IDEA from Electoral System Design: The New International IDEA Handbook 2005 International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance The electronic version of this publication is made available under a Creative Commons Attribute-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) licence. On 23 June 2016, the UK electorate voted to leave the European Union. It was right for us to have our say on that deal, and on our membership more broadly. Dont know where to start? They are particularly good with Social Law reform, Ireland has used them to good effect here. CHAPTER 1: Introduction. Referendums are a direct vote by citizens on a political issue. Holding referendums on key constitutional issues is a way to ensure an overpowering government cannot enforce its political will on the population. (15 Dec 2016), Examples of 'vote per household' and multi-stage elections at the municipal level The advantages and disadvantages of those systems: students will need to understand how the electoral systems used in the UK work, including: first past the post, additional member system, single transferable vote, party list and supplementary vote; as well as the alternative vote used to elect chairs of select committees. General Elections under FPTP do not always result in the true will of the public being expressed, whereas referendums clearly put power in the hands of the electorate. To honour a political agreement Sometimes holding a referendum may be agreed by political parties as part of another wider agreement being reached. To what extent do the advantages of referendums outweigh the disadvantages? A good example of this is the Scottish Independence Referendum of 2014. Advantages and Disadvantages of Brexit Introduction: This paper discusses about Pros and Cons of Brexit and Impact of Brexit on UK Economy. -gives more legitimacy that just a simple act of parliament. It undermined representative democracy. Supporters of the use of referendums argue that, in the context of increasing voter apathy and disenchantment with traditional forms of democracy, direct democracy can help to re-engage voters with politics and democracy. Disadvantages of FPTP Minority of the vote : In most constituencies more people (in total) vote against the winning candidate than for them. (2016, May 11). Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. There is one further type of referendum that also needs recognition and that is unofficial referendums. , Edexcel 6GP01 Government and Politics Unit 1 Exam 20/05/2014 . Responsive government - referendums make governments more responsive between elections by forcing them to listen to public opinion, and allow public opinion to be expressed on a particular issue, which cannot be done during elections. We are driving innovation with industry and manufacturing partners to transform industries and deliver growth to our economies, thereby helping to improve peoples livelihoods. Copyright Get Revising 2023 all rights reserved. It provides a level of political support for difficult decisions. A referendum is a vote given to the public which is determined by the government, and is used to help answer an important political or constitutional question to which the public must vote a simple 'yes' or 'no'. Pros and Cons of Brexit and impact of Brexit Introduction: this is my strategy for Britain. Had Electoral consequences, not least the weakening of Labours traditional advantages and disadvantages of referendums uk class support in some.. 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