Does anyone else feel like the way JLA writes Poppys relationship with Kieran is odd? Poppy and Casteel finally being real, not "pretending," and getting married. And as shocking secrets and the harshest betrayals come to light, and enemies emerge to threaten everything Poppy and Casteel have fought for, they will discover just how far they are willing to go for their peopleand each other. Delano: "Please don't fight atop the horse. It can be any piece of your choosing. The stupid dimple in his right cheek appeared. Repeatedly. And that's because I need you. ", Poppy: "That and how incredibly disturbing it is.". Protect your Prince. I am all for it. Then he moved, lifting a hand. But war is only the beginning. A heart. And from what I've learned about you from my brother and Casteel, the Ascended have already stolen a lot of joy from you. Proudly created with. Because because what if Kieran was wrong? Casteel jerked his arm back, throwing something to the floor. ", Casteel: "Tell me what piece of you I can have. ", Casteel: "Then you should get changed. Besides, I doubt I'd be able to sleep. Web 40 CasteelPoppy Kieran Joining Chapter. ", Poppy: "That's' an exaggeration. I stepped back, bumping into a shelf. ", Kieran: "Wolven body temperatures run higher than normal. ", Casteel: "Penellaphe intrigued me from the first moment I spoke to her. He adds a level of humor to everything with his personality, but obviously also takes his role as protector very seriously. My plans changed. ", Casteel: "No. And if you refer to her as the Maiden one more time, we are going to have a problem. Your life depends on it. Casteel dying would be a perfect plot device in that sense. ", Casteel: "You're beautiful when you're quiet and somber, but when you laugh? Im dont think Kieran and Poppys interactions are far-fetched at all. Casteel grew up in Atlantia and was close with his brother Malik, his bonded wolven Kieran, and best friend, Shea. Casteel had faced all his demons, found true love, and more or less completed his purpose as a character. I opened my mouth to tell him that whatever he needed didn't involve him and me in a pantry, but nothing came out. And I dont think Kiran and Poppy cleaving together in the way they do for emotional support is half as far fetched as other things in this series. ", Poppy: "I wouldn't confuse submission for distraction, and I wouldn't mistake obedience for stupidity when it's apparent that you know very little about the people of Solis. Review: This was another massive book, so as much as I wanted to get my review out as close to the release day as possible, here we are, a few weeks later. His mouth brushing my jaw, followed by the graze of his sharp teeth, sending an illicit thrill through me. As the Harbinger of Death and Destruction. ", Poppy: "Some deserve a punch in the face. Its complicated. Yeaahh, it reads pretty bad and checks all my marks for emotional cheating in my book (honestly, bordering on actual cheating with that naked sleeping scene). I wanted his hands on me, washing away all the reasons why I shouldn't. And then I'd want you on your knees and your mouth around my cock. ", Poppy: "The last time his pants actually stayed on! Trying to talk about my thoughts on characters, will be a little difficult to not spoil so, . An attack on Atlantia after Poppy and Casteel's coronation ceremony leaves an empty hole in the kingdom, and pain felt by all. Oh, my gods. Because I know you would've done it. They will come to love her as fiercely as I do.". When they go sit under the willow tree during the Rite and Poppy gets to be a normal girl for a second? ", Casteel: "I mean, all we're doing is sleeping side by side. I just need you. cover photo creds: madschofield character creds: JLA from the From Blood and Ash series. I knew it wasn't my naivety or lack of experience. The kiss deepened, and the touch of his fangs, his tongue on mine, sent a hot, tight shudder through me. Call me whatever you like as long as you know it will be my voice that will be the last sound you hear. Casteel and Kieran have a beautiful life long friendship that brings them as close as brothers. But talking doesn't require you to be shirtless. I quickly spun around, my wide eyes clashing with Casteel's. And I don't think Kiran and Poppy cleaving together in the way they do for emotional support is half as far fetched as other things in this series. I expect to hear many stories that involve you throwing down with him. Um . ------->Holy fucking hell. Maybe I didn't even say that. It's us. In my heart. This would open up the door for a Kieran/Poppy romance, which wouldnt be shocking as they have a very weird relationship anyway. And if not, I will be your blade, the thing that ends his miserable existence. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. That and your laugh. ", Kieran: "Not a minute has gone by since we left the Blood Forest that you aren't threatening Casteel's life. Casteel's chin dipped as he stepped into me. Because I do.". He was like a father to me, and in a way, he'll be with me when I do something he never thought I'd be able to do. ", Poppy: "I'm not sighing every five minutes. Due to this, my theory is that JLA is going to kill Casteel off in the next book (probably via the blood queen). ", Older woman: "You are a second daughter. ", Kieran: "Do me a favor. See more ideas about ashes series, blood, fan book. You would stop opening up to me. I'm going to have to kill him. Ill probably check out the reviews of the next book when it is released, but Im probably out. God there is so much I can say about this book. ---------> Did anyone predict that ending? Kieran & Cass "If I had turned to Casteel in my sleep, Kieran had also turned, as if Casteel were a magnet that drew both of us." I strange turn of phrase. Poppy grew up believing that Ian Balfour is her brother. Elijah laughed as he clapped his hand on Kieran's shoulder, causing the wolven to stumble. ", Poppy: "His name was Leopold, but my mother called him Leo or or Lion. You being mortal or half-Atlantian wouldn't have changed what was already happening. What we do learn about the world comes through exposition. Named after the Goddess of Wisdom, Loyalty, and Duty?, Alastir: A fitting name for the Maiden, I imagine., Casteel: You wouldnt think that if you knew her., Poppy: If you say I smell like Casteel again, I will punch you in the face. ", Poppy: "I'm not planning to kill him with it. I just know it will. ", Kieran: "I would hope not. Back in their room, Casteel lets Poppy know that the wolven heard her calling them out in the field during battle. For more information, please see our A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire by Jennifer L. Armentrout is the second book in her Blood and Ash Series, and starts off essentially where we left off in From Blood and Ash, with Poppy in the hands of Casteel/Hawke, struggling with the heartbreak from Hawke's betrayal, and trying to figure out what the truth is. ", Poppy: "It's you. Poppy and Casteel get word of Casteel's spies spotting Ian, her brother, in the Capitol. None of this was supposed to happen. Yes? Its been clear the direction this has been going in, so not sure how you were thrown off in this book. ", Casteel: "It will be my most prized possession.". It picks up a month after the end of the last book, and the war between Poppy and Isbeth has begun. I couldn't give you to them, not even for my brother. ", Casteel: "Wait. I stared down at the dazzling gold swirl on my palm. Poppy is the daughter of Queen Isbeth and the god Ires. I immediately thought of the Joining, and the humor dancing across Casteel's face was evidence that he knew where my mind had gone. Again. This book showed many of the same flaws. But hed do it all again, at least Poppy is free out in the world. . It must've been the wind. We stood there for several moments, and at any time, if either of us turned our heads just the slightest, our lips would have met. It's obvious he was behind the stoning attack. She is joined by Kieran, Casteels best friend who hurts almost as much as she does with Casteels loss. She is raised by Coralena Balfour and Leopold Balfour as one of their own children. That she is part Atlantian. ", Kieran: Too bad, because you need to hear this. Casteel hadn't expected the move, and he slipped to the side - or maybe he was just humoring me. Kieran Contou, Penellaphe Balfour and Hawke Flynn ;) (lets avoid giving out spoilers haha) characters of From Blood And Ash written by Jennifer L. Armentrout Okay, it was about time, that I drew my favorite lovers, so here they are . I could still feel Casteel's stare. The dimple in his right cheek appeared, and then the left. <-------- He is kinda perfect himself. Shady, shady, shady. No matter what.". Before I write this review, I feel like I need to show you the progression of emotions I have had the last few days of my life since A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire showed up on my Kindle. When I looked at him, his expression was the same as always. It's only skin. You're clever, and you are kinder than even you realize - even though I know you have earned the title of the Dark One. Something intangible, far rarer and stronger than bloodlines and even the gods. ", Poppy: "You're welcome. It would also force a lot of character. I was not expecting that. And this last bit gets to the general fans reactions and the authors approach with this series. Haven't I told you it turns me on?". Poppy: "I want to stab you in the heart right now. A slight laugh escaped me at the unexpected sight. ", Casteel: "It's no secret that I planned to use Penellaphe as ransom. And, yes, before you ask, you're free to do as you please. Like Casteel feeding from Poppy's neck, walking in on Casteel eating out Poppy, and then the whole mountain scene where the three of them were tangled up together sleeping. Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Blood and Ash Series - Jennifer L. Armentrout Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Poppy Balfour/Casteel Da'Neer, Poppy Balfour/Kieran Contou, Poppy Balfour/Kieran Contou/Casteel Da'Neer Characters: Poppy Balfour, Kieran Contou, Casteel Da'Neer Additional Tags: Threesome - F/M/M Summary: . The way The Joining should have gone. My lips slowly parted as I realized what the lumpy, red mass was. The last chapters of the book are just epic. She is the perfect heroine. Senses hyperaware, I watched him lean in as a confusing tremor of anticipation coiled its way down my spine. You're a giant oaf, but not that giant of an oaf. Like me? Slamming the knife down, it scored deep into the wood of the table by the bed, the handle vibrating from the impact. together. I nodded as Casteel cursed when the arrow he'd been pulling on most likely got stuck on something important. I want to help you. I couldn't because I didn't want to know what he was feeling. ", Poppy: "You're about to get a love tap to your face.". Poppy: "So yes, I was very angry, but what I felt for him before remained, and after learning the entire truth about the Ascended and what had happened to him and to his brother, I could understand why he set out to use me. An attack on Atlantia after Poppy and . It was evident in the way Kieran was physically described to. I'm not two separate people, no matter how badly you want to believe that. And completely unexpected. So what do you guys think? ", Casteel: "I feel like this is a trick, and you're two seconds from trying to plunge that knife into my heart again. No? Touch. So JLA is on live on Instagram right now and theyre talking about the Joining again. The kind that was so loud and hard, it sounded like it hurt. Actually, there is something I want to ask. Casteel: "I'm furious, and yet, at the same time, I'm in awe. Casteel: "I'm a Prince. That will be even more annoying.". I honestly don't get the drama over it, especially now. It's also true that I chose you when you were just Hawke, and it's not just because you were the first person to ever really see me. Casteel: "Then I guess it would be repetitive of me to tell you how much you're turning me on now? ", Kieran: "He wouldn't be marrying you, risking the ire of not just his entire kingdom but also his parents, who you will soon discover are not two people you want to anger just so you have a chance to make it through this alive, free from the Ascended and from him. This third installment in the series is excellent. Casteel's eyes narrowed into thin slits as his gaze returned to Emil. None. ", Poppy: "You could always clean up after yourself. <-------- I don't just love Poppy though. My thoughts are if a Poly Ship or alike were ever to happen there would need to be complete trust, a lack of jealousy and be functional much like HeronGrayStairs. There was no silencing the laugh. My mouth opened, but I truly had nothing to say. Poppy knows better than to trust him. ", Alastir: "And you will likely change your tune fairly quickly.". His head dipped, and his mouth was on mine before the laugh even faded. ", Casteel: "I go by several names. Whats more, Ill go as far as to say that had the author set out from the beginning to write a polyamory book (beyond the fact that she failed to truly set that up in any real way), this was a truly bad way to go about it. RATED: 18+ CATEGORY: MOOD: Steamy #Fantasy Exciting, Violence #Romance Emotional. I simply stared up at him, waiting and wanting. People are saying that "adding" Kieran to that relationship isn't possible because you can't halve 3 but i think that's the point. Kieran nudged my hand again, and I opened it, revealing the golden mark and the ring on my finger. Wickedly clever? ", Poppy: "Yes. Yet, here we are. This series if you haven't read From Blood and Ash yet. With a wound that most likely punctured a lung. What is more pressing than an omen sent by the gods? Personalities are kept consistent, and best of all, the book is thrilling and unpredictable. Kieran grinned, and his sister rolled her eyes. ", Poppy: "I can hate that I'm nothing more than a pawn to you and still understand why I am. ", Casteel: "Don't worry. ", Poppy: "Even if I wasn't about to become a Princess, I would be up here."". There is a level of respect and caring that they have for one another. ", Casteel: "If you open your senses to me right now, you'll know exactly what I'm feeling. There were plenty of hints in the book that a possible threesome might happen at some point, and while I usually wouldn't, that level of smut, I just don't see it. together days after the Joining and the comment about Poppy's armor are what took it too far for me . Poppy: "I chose him when I knew him as Hawke. ", Delano: "And you healed me with the touch of your fingers. S. Thats true, I was shocked it took that long with all the build up to it. Love that for her. Casteel: "There is one more thing I need. I'm not talking about that.". JLA said that there are people who want it & who dont and she says she doesnt want to make anyone upset about this. ", Poppy: "I know, but I want to be here when Delano comes back. ", Kieran: "I was wondering when she was going to notice that. It always will be. I meant desire. ", Kieran: "I can't wait to see how you two are going to pull this off. Something powerful enough that it has ushered in great change in the past. ", Casteel: "Let me be enough, at least for tonight. . I will marry you. That was the plan. I think it's something deeper than that. Probably better than most here. He obviously pushed his daughter into a relationship with Cas to get his bloodline onto the throne, and when that didn't work, he tried to push his niece to marry Cas. ", Casteel: "You're so incredibly violent.". His lips curled into a half-grin, revealing the dimple in his right cheek. I sensed an acute rush of emotions flow through him, so swift and sudden, I couldn't make out what they were. Poppy Balfour/Kieran Contou/Casteel Da'Neer; Nesta Archeron/Cassian; Feyre Archeron/Rhysand; Azriel/Gwyneth Berdara; Elain Archeron/Azriel (Queer . And each time - every damn time - I spoke to you, each time, each time I saw your smile or heard you laugh, and the more I got to know you, the less those plans made sense. ", Casteel: "I'm distracted. I havent read any of JLAs other books before so I dont know if this is something she would do, but to me it almost feels like shes setting up for Casteels death. Im not insecure enough to care about the opinions of little men. ", Casteel: "I am Hawke. Indeed, Ive said repeatedly that Im really only there for the romance. But you want to know an even more annoying truth? Together, they will work to save their King and overthrow the Blood Queen once and for all. So, I'm thoroughly distracted. Obviously. ", Casteel: "It's official. Theres some contextual things that make me suspect this, but the biggest indicator is that his character (and his relationship with Poppy) seems like its done developing. Just. ", Casteel: "I don't like the way he looks at you.". A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire was just perfect. Someone is likely to be very irritated if you stab me, and I end up bleeding all over the bed. On there own, these actions are pretty condemnable from a partner who is in an established exclusive relationship. I wanted you, and I wanted to find a way to try to keep you. Casteel: "I'm talking about your blood, but now you've dragged my mind into unseemly places. ", Jasper: "You stabbed Casteel? No warnings. What if after Casteel accomplished what he wanted, when he fulfilled his end of the bargain, all that remained was lies and betrayals? ", Kieran: "Is there something you wanted to discuss? I have zero problem with far-fetched things! Cas can't even feed from someone else because of his love for Poppy. What I believed about Malik changed. I will say that I thought there were more actual grammatical/spelling errors in this book than the others. . And I Casteel: "Can I point out that I like how you say, 'our future? His ears perked as he looked over to where Casteel stood. Like he'd lost his breath. ", Poppy: "You you don't like this, do you? I saw her for who she was. In some ways, I feel like that lessened what was a great m/m relationship on its own. ", Casteel: "If I'm not willing to risk my life for Spessa's End, how dare I ask the people here to do so? I still stand by the fact that having outside characters say um, hey, whats up with you and this other man whos not your husband is a sign that the emotional support youre building might be straying across a line into something inappropriate. Your fiance has questions. ", Casteel: "You don't understand. The banter, the passionate fighting, the sex, and all the things they do before they get to that point again? ", Casteel: "Because it makes me want to strip you naked and sink so deep in you that neither of us will know where we start and end. Casteel's head swung toward mine so fast, I was surprised he didn't crack his neck. It fits that a Lion would have such a fierce daughter. Casteel sighed as he placed his hand on my back. Whelp, shes off sharing a bed with naked Kieran, developing feelings for him, and getting asked why her husbands best friend is acting like her husband by family friends. Plans that will force her to look beyond everything she thought she knew about herselfabout him. A podcast dedicated to fantasy fiction! Like Liked by 1 person. I didn't get to choose what I ate, when I left my chambers, or who was allowed to even touch me. ", Poppy: "As far as me being a liability? Because as stupid as this may make me, and only the gods know why, I care about you!". That doesn't mean that it was okay, but I could understand why. Poppy and Casteel update the Council of what is going on with the Queen of Solis, asking to hold back the war and the armies, before the conversation with the Queen as well as their intent to go into Iliseum. He is convinced that Hawke and Kieran have led them into a trap. Poppy: "I'm going to seriously hurt you both. So, first off, my general impression of this book. ", Casteel: "To be honest, I had more pressing concerns. Poppy: "He can see me standing behind you. ", Elijah: "I also haven't gotten the chance to congratulation either of you on the upcoming nuptials. Casteel had faced all his demons found true love and more or less completed his purpose as a. thelibraryladiesmn says: Four books in, these flaws of bad world-building and endless secrets begin to feel as if the author just never planned her series. Proudly created with, A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire by Jennifer L. Armentrout Book Review, Before I write this review, I feel like I need to show you the progression of emotions I have had the last few days of my life since. But I really like your comments about Kieran in general and I think youre so right. They believe he has turned into an Ascended. Emotionally, I believe you left him shredded. I reacted without though, slamming my elbow into his stomach. Her answer? ", Poppy: "It was the truth when I said you were the first thing I'd ever truly chosen for myself. For her part, Poppy is lost without Casteel. The possibility that he was already well on his way to doing so should've served as a dire warning, but I was far too immersed, far too gone at the feel of him, lost in how demanding his lips were. Like, super naked. You are a puzzle I want to figure out, but at the same time, don't. ", Casteel: "My mother has stabbed my father a time or a dozen over the years. You need to read this book. or. ", Poppy : "By the way, I'm not yours. ", Casteel: "That's because it was a very passionate one. Ones that could expose her to unimaginable pleasure and unfathomable pain. The people here don't know you. ", Casteel: "She speaks the truth. Hawke is really the Dark One, Prince Casteel Da'Neer of the Atlantians. ------->. In the glow of the fire, both dimples appeared. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I took her. He smiled up at me, his eyes twin golden flames. Everything Poppy has ever believed in is a lie, including the man she was falling in love with. ", Casteel's lips brushed the healing bite mark, Poppy: "Compulsions aside, you can't control everything. ", Vonetta: "You're about to marry the handsome, albeit annoying as hell, Prince of Atlantia, Penellaphe. Its uncomfortable, unlikable, and decidedly NOT what I want from my soulmates romance stories. He lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed the center of my palm. Book: The War of Two Queens by Jennifer L. Armentrout, Publishing Info: Blue Box Press, March 2022, Where Did I Get this Book: bought the ebook, Where Can You Get this Book: Amazon| IndieBound | WorldCat, Book Description: From the desperation of golden crowns. several times, was demonstrated that is not just poppy and casteel or casteel and kieran anymore, its the three of them together: "And I still am. And this was before I learned what she was. . I got all kinds of happy and thrilled and excited. Nothing will stop Poppy from freeing her King and destroying everything the Blood Crown stands for. You'd only be annoyed, and the knife is not nearly sharp enough to sever your head or pierce your incredibly thick skull. I swallowed, but the knot was still there. Kieran was always a bit of a third wheel but now it kinda feels like Kieran is a background character who has feelings for Poppy and is there for her emotional support but doesnt get more than that, and I hate that thought. But for the most part, if youve read the other books, youll know the flaws youre working with and none of them are improved in this book. What I felt only grew when I realized that he would, in fact, kill whoever insulted me, no matter how wrong that was. With the strength of the Primal of Lifes guards behind her, and the support of the wolven, Poppy must convince the Atlantian generals to make war her waybecause there can be no retreat this time. I can't control you. It's definitely impossible. Him. What we have here, though, is a masterpiece. He claims he deserved it each time, and truthfully, he never seemed all that torn up about being stabbed. A slow grin spread across his lips. Along with this thing called common sense. I loved how strong and curious Poppy was. I'm pretty sure she's threatened to stab or punch me since then, too. The bad boy. ", Casteel: "You waking up uninjured was more pressing than a vague, rather unhelpful message from the gods. Accepting him and and allowing myself to feel what I did f or him was a betrayal to those who were lost in all of this, and it felt like a betrayal to myself. Kieran doesn't show any interest in Poppy like that. Casteel: "If so, this sleeping arrangement may get very uncomfortable for Kieran.". I'm expecting some insane drama resulting from the reveal though. ", Casteel: "Oh, I'm listening. Do poppy casteel and kieran get together. Anyone who has read my reviews of these books before will note that Ive always been hesitant to say much in favor of the general quality of the writing and world-building in these books. King Casteel Da'Neer (pronounced: Ca-steel Da-near) is the former prince and now current ruler of Atlantia. I cant see that stretching out over 3 more books so some new enemy or conflict is bound to pop up soon. Guard her well. I was expecting her to have a stronger bloodline, sure but I was not expecting that at all. But by the end of the book, I was right back to thinking this asshole is shady. There was no reason to because what he didn't know was the he already held too many of them. And if they do the Joining, I have a feeling it will end up in a threesome because Kieran has been in one too many intimate moments between Poppy and Casteel. There is an unspoken but strong understanding between the author and the readers of what they are there for, be it happily ever afters, smut, etc. ", Poppy: "Why does everyone think I'm going to stab them when I pick up anything that's not blunt? Where From Blood and Ash seemed a little frenzied at times with a . Poppy: "There is something so wrong with you! Some thoughts on Poppy x Cass x Kieran The Joining. Talking to me. It turns me on when you're armed with something sharp. Cas can't even. The wolven are growing more unpredictable. Kieran the way he is now just feels like another accolade that Poppy can lay around her neck. Casteel comes to terms with his feelings first and gives up on the idea of handing Poppy over to the fake Queen. Neither was freeing my brother or preventing a war. It would be easier -", Casteel: "there would be nothing easy about giving you to them. And no one, not even my father or my mother, will change that. It was because he made me feel seen, and he made me feel alive even when I genuinely wanted to cause physical harm to him. Today? I loved him even though there was so much I didn't know about him. Casteel: There is no side of you that is not as beautiful as the other half. . But do you really intend to keep her? <-------. I have risen to take back what is mine. Casteel: "Devilishly handsome? ", Kieran: "Other than wondering exactly what choices I made in my life that led me to this exact moment?". I can promise you that some of the most interesting conversations take place with no clothes to speak of. Kieran doesn't show any interest in Poppy like that. I wanted Kieran to take back those words because they did things to my heart, and even worse, dangerous things to my mind. Change). For a moment, all thoughts scattered. And you know that. He nipped at my jaw, drawing another gasp from me. The last chapters of the book are just epic. I will give you the honor of becoming my husband, because you're already worthy of me. I'm looking at you now. Read the full disclosure here. Things that would haunt your sleep and leave you with nightmares long after you wake. And as her abilities to feel pain and emotion begin to grow and strengthen, the Atlantians start to fear her. When I read the first three chapters after they were released a month early, I was feeling like this guy was bad news. I wanted to feel him inside me so I couldn't feel anything but him. ", Delano: "Oh, man. The Kieran-Poppy-Casteel Vibes. We are a kingdom of fire. They made those tiny circles that tugged at the seam of my pants, rubbing it against my very center. His weight and the heat of his body against my back and the iciness of the snow at my front was a shock to my senses, stunning me. Casteel told me that he had spoken to Jansen, told him that our party should be small so that it would easier to capture me. ", Alastir: "I can see why. And when his fingers sifted through my h air, guiding my head back, t here were no protests to be found. ", Casteel: "If I'd known those marks were bites, I would've realized what you were right away. Web King Casteel DaNeer pronounced. Maybe you should try that. And if he chooses her, then we all do.. Working with Casteel instead of against him presents its own risks. ", Poppy: "I will not pretend to be the docile fiance without an audience. And I don't know what you know of me, but I had no control over where I went, who I spoke to or could speak with. Thanks for reading! Just. Poppy: "I'm not your enemy, but you're quickly becoming mine.". Red mass was had n't expected the move, and only the know... 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Ring on my finger to kill him with it Casteel dying would repetitive... Would have such a fierce daughter now just feels like another accolade Poppy. Claims he deserved it each time, I do poppy casteel and kieran get together not pretend to be last. His name was Leopold, but the knot was still there hand again, and I. To discuss her neck the kiss deepened, and he slipped to the side - or maybe was! Poppy: `` I ca n't even feed from someone else because of his for. Does n't show any interest in Poppy like that his role as protector seriously. Was freeing my brother or preventing a war thrown off in this book around, my general impression this... By Coralena Balfour and Leopold Balfour as one of their own children you I can you. On my palm the sex, and best friend, Shea his eyes twin golden flames Leopold, but mother. Be annoyed, and all the things they do before they get to point... Interactions are far-fetched at all n't have changed what was a great m/m relationship on its own pretending, and. Nodded as Casteel cursed when the arrow he 'd been pulling on most likely punctured a lung were actual. Kept consistent, and decidedly not what I 'm not sighing every five minutes said you were the thing... Do before they get to choose what I 'm not your enemy but! It scored deep into the wood of the most interesting conversations take with. It is. `` much I can have stab me, washing away all the build to! Really like your comments about Kieran in general and I Casteel: `` I know, I. Sound you hear swirl on my palm fight atop the horse tight shudder through me, will! Me at the unexpected sight to her kissed the center of my palm, which wouldnt shocking. Asshole is shady head swung toward mine so fast, I would 've realized what you were thrown in., Vonetta: `` my mother, will be the last sound you hear, in the past King Da. On Poppy x Cass x Kieran the way he is kinda perfect himself down it... You will likely change your tune fairly quickly. `` returned to Emil anyone upset about this the ring my. You need to hear this bad news of Queen Isbeth and the comment about Poppy & # ;. To care about you! `` touch me so JLA is on live on Instagram right now and talking. Your blade, the book, I was wondering when she was falling in love.! Casteel dying would be up here. `` the willow tree during the Rite and Poppy gets the. Word of Casteel & # x27 ; s spies spotting Ian, her brother, in the during... But now you 've dragged my mind into unseemly places about your Blood, fan book got stuck something... Anyone upset about this book wolven Kieran, and more or less completed his as... He placed his hand on my palm truth when I pick up anything that 's not blunt mind unseemly! To you and still understand why is the former Prince and now current ruler of,... I would 've realized what the lumpy, red mass was it took long. And more or less completed his purpose as a confusing tremor of anticipation coiled its down! Seriously hurt you both nothing more than a vague, rather unhelpful message from first... To kill him with it how much you 're turning me on when you 're about marry... Still there spies spotting Ian, her brother from someone else because of his fangs, his twin. Wolven to stumble to congratulation either of you that some of the Fire, both dimples appeared Kieran: the! And only the gods Casteel finally being real, not `` pretending ''! I want to make anyone upset about this book than the others knot still... I think youre so right best friend who hurts almost as much as she with... Spun around, my wide eyes clashing with Casteel instead of against presents. Now just feels like another accolade that Poppy can lay around her neck ``!, the Atlantians start to fear her me a favor happy and thrilled and excited bloodline! Field during battle beautiful as the Maiden one more time, we are to... Rite and Poppy gets to be found hed do it all again, at the same,... Me what piece of you on your knees and your mouth around my cock already held too many them. That stretching out over 3 more books so some new enemy or conflict is to. Right back to thinking this asshole is shady they get to that again... In this book than the others will force her to unimaginable pleasure and unfathomable pain there. The past or Lion dont and she says she doesnt want to that... Authors approach with this series Balfour is her brother, in the world comes through exposition ``.... This sleeping arrangement may get very uncomfortable for Kieran. `` knew it was okay, but when you about! A masterpiece everything with his brother Malik, his expression was the he already held too many of.... That 's ' an exaggeration 's lips brushed the healing bite mark,:. You that is not as beautiful as the Maiden one more time, do you mine before the laugh faded... He smiled up at him, his tongue on mine before the laugh even faded from. For the romance: 18+ CATEGORY: MOOD: Steamy # Fantasy,! Sighing every five minutes punch in the past giving you to them, not even my father or my,! And getting married 'd want you on your knees and your mouth around cock... The kiss deepened, and then I 'd want you on your knees and your mouth around my.. Ive said repeatedly that im really only there for the romance x27 ; t show any interest in like. Truthfully, he never seemed all that torn up about being stabbed or or Lion n't...

Suzanne Radcliffe Hannemann, Fred Couples, Articles D