All Dutch electric trains are now powered by wind energy, the national railway company NS has said . There are very little poor people in Germany. NS would only care for the environment as a PR stunt, not for the betterment of the planet. There are several Dutch turbine manufacturers that continue to manufacture both large and small installations for domestic and international clients. Once stored, this electricity can be sold to the main power grid, helping the city to top up peak demand, and earning the train company money in the process. (End of excerpt). A two-megawatt windmill contains 260 tonnes of steel requiring 170 tonnes of coking coal and 300 tonnes of iron ore, all mined, transported and produced by hydrocarbons. By tapping into both domestic and foreign sources of wind power, it [ensures] that there is always sufficient green power available on the grid for rail companies, even if the wind is not blowing, the company explained. An extra live rail that has direct current flowing through it at all times. I think the trains in the Netherlands use 1.5kVDC anyway bet there are no wind turbines producing that directly. However, everyone must have a contract to be authorized to draw energy from the grid; otherwise it would be stealing. This energy is directly traceable to individual wind farms, because we use the GVO European Certification System. The historical land of windmills is leading the charge in wind energy development. During these periods wind generation in the neighboring Netherlands would also have fallen to low levels. "Exploiting wind power in Holland." [17] Where the parks will come and how they will be built is still being discussed. The 129 MW Eneco Luchterduinen wind farm is located 23km off the coast between Zandvoort and Noordwijk cities in the Netherlands. [21], In November 2011, the Dutch government decided to no longer fund 6 billion per year to maintain subsidized wind kWh at 0.18. Same thing if you got solar panels on your house. This page was last edited on 14 January 2023, at 23:49. Its standard accounting practice. I have caught people several times in their lectures saying they are burning biogas on a campus, and they always are sheepish when I call them out on it, because they know they are fibbing. The company is also looking for a dramatic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. quite an amount of work youve done there, It doesnt add up ! Thanks for the correction Lars. This article was amended on 11 January 2017. The rest is supplied by wind and solar power, which contribute about a fifth of the citys power. Eneco and NS said on a joint website that around 600,000 passengers daily are the first in the world to travel thanks to wind energy. There are ~40 utilities with sharp price competition in NL. Dutch trains now run on green, renewable energy (Image courtesy of Groenetrain/NS/Eneco). 2015 was a record year for the countrys wind industry according to the Global Wind Energy Council, turbines capable of generating 586 MW of electricity were installed between January and December. Google will allegedly power all its operations with renewable energy this year by doing exactly the same thing. The clip is in Dutch so set the captions to translate if you do not speak the language. How much of the Netherlands electricity is supplied by wind? Thatd give us a consumption figure for the city of around 1.5 billion kWh. A two-megawatt windmill contains 260 tonnes of steel requiring 170 tonnes of. (Data from ENTSO-E ): No details on the current generation mix are readily available, but as shown in Figure 1 gas and coal supplied around 80% of the Netherlands electricity between 2000 and 2013 and its likely that this percentage still applies. Many small scale wind farms exist throughout the Netherlands which bear testament to earlier models of wind turbines and lesser known manufacturers which provided a range of niche products, ranging in size and power output. Since 1 January, 100% of our trains are running on wind energy, said NS spokesman, Ton Boon. The electrons essentially vibrate in place at 60 Hz. The Netherlands is the first country in the world where all electric trains are. Windmills have historically played a major part in the Netherlands by providing an alternative to water driven mills. The company aims to further reduce consumption by 2 percent a year with an energy efficiency program, with total consumption already reduced by 30 percent since 2005. Since 2019, the buses have been powered by HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) made from processed deep fryer oil and industrial fats. All wind amd solar energy gets a hefty FIT tariff in the Netherlands, intended to guarantee profitability of the energy investment over the long term (even if the electricity market price goes negative, for example). Earlier this week, one of their national railway companies, Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS), announced that, since 1 st January, every single one of its electric trains have been running on energy. NS operates about 5,500 train trips a day. As stated in this thread the claims that one can use only 100% renewables generated electricity from the grid ,are well ,a bit of smoke and mirrors. Electric trains also use regenerative braking, similar to whats found in hybrid and electric cars. A little more than a tenth of all electricity consumed in the Netherlands comes from wind power, some of which is imported. That would power a large proportion of all of the households in Amsterdam**. Only a small fraction of the power delivered to its trains actually comes from wind.. The Eneco Luchterduinen wind farm was officially opened in September 2015 and is a 50/50 joint venture between Dutch energy company Eneco and Japan's Mitsubishi corporation. Built 1992 this nearshore wind farm had just 4 Nedwind 500 KW turbines based 1km to shore. And how does NS justify this lesser claim? Do the Netherlands trains really run on,,, Antidotes were hard to find this week as one cheering message after another was debunked only Positive News was buoyant | C 3000: antidote to gloom, International Energy Agency Electricity Production Statistics for OECD Countries 2014 2016 | Blogging about energy and transitioning to clean energy, Drone Strike on Saudi Arabia Knocks out 5% of Global Oil Supplies, Grazing, desertification and climate change. The evidence speaks for itself. That's something. If thats the case, it marks a major turning point in the story of renewables. London Undergrounds system provides 600V of direct current to their conductor rails, still enough to be potentially lethal. Can Renewable Portfolio Standards make RE Work? No direct subsidies from the government are related to this contract.. As shown in the table below installed capacity is dominantly fossil fuel, with natural gas making up 61% of total installed capacity and coal 15%. And only half of the wind power NS has contracted for comes from the Netherlands. In Norway 132,2 million guarantees of origin for hydro power were issued in 2014, corresponding to 132,2 Twh. You only have to see their numbersbto know. This material may not be reproduced without permission. The third that by purchasing wind power that would otherwise have gone elsewhere NS is leaving the door open for more wind projects and more CO2 reductions is the only one that offers any tangible benefits. Produced at least 3 models of outputs 100, 200, 250kW. Temporarily, they might even have a surplus to sell. One windmill running for an hour can power a train for 120 miles, the companies said. Obvious to the meanest intelligence. [15], In February 2022 the Netherlands announced it increased its offshore wind target to 21 GW by 2030. BTW, I have never felt deprived by having 60 Hz instead of 50Hz. Grid connections for the Luchterduinen and Nordpoostpolder wind farms (locations approximate) are shown in black. Train tickets for international journeys can be purchased from NS International. So that is coal fired power not going into the Netherlands grid. As Cleantechnica puts it: the GoO system allows for the transfer of the rights to call electricity green from those who actually generate renewable energy to those who dont but want to classify their power as such. But if youre reading this and thinking How can trains run on electricity?, fear not. Bolthouse Farms Sued After Smoothie With 100% Fruit Juice Tests Positive for PFAS, EPA Announces $27 Billion Fund to Help Low-Income and Disadvantaged Communities Transition to Renewable Energy, Derailed Train Cars in Ohio Were Not Labeled Hazardous, Wind Turbine Giant Proposes New York Factory That Would Create 420 Jobs and $500M in Local Investments. Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of NS claims 100% wind power because it has a contract with various wind farms to produce enough energy to power its rail system, but this is just an accounting transaction, writes author Roger Andrews. Everybody should buy only 100% RE. The Netherlands imports wind power basically because its falling behind its EU renewable energy targets. Conductor rails carry lower voltages than overhead wires, although low is a relative concept. As of the first of January this year, all public transport trains are being powered by renewable energy, namely from wind power. If a energy supply company contracts with a renewable provider ( I am not including nuclear sources) would it be based on the installed power of the wind farms or a capacity factor adjusted power capabilities? These include the 580km NorNed submarine cable (700 MW) link to Norway, the 1,000 MW BritNed cable link to the United Kingdom and the COBRA cable link to Denmark (700 MW). Many of these smaller companies were eventually acquired by the larger wind turbine manufactures such as Vestas, Siemens and Lagerwey. When wind power is fed into a grid it becomes inextricably mixed with all the vibrating electrons from other generation sources to the point where there is no way of knowing where any power taken from the grid came from. Its own wind farms, built in the Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, and Sweden, aim to generate enough energy to fulfill NS's demand of about 1.4 terawatt-hours for 2017 (enough to power a million . But none of this wind power is directly connected to the NS rail system. [5] The first of these, the 429 MW Noordoostpolder wind farm was already partially deployed by year end 2015 whilst the 600 MW Gemini offshore wind farm was commissioned in 2017. So, as you can see, your silly view of the frrrench domestic heating habits are wrong, probably based on indoctrination from greenpiss or the like. I am surrounded by almost 3000 MWs of hydro power in my county alone, but because of these guarantees of origin my supposed consumption is very dirty, consisting mostly of a central European mix of coal, natural gas, nuclear with some renewables added. The truth is that its impossible to determine the source of electrons actually moving NS trains down the track. More than 12% of the Netherland's electricity is generated from renewable sources, mainly biomass and waste (5% of the total) and wind (7% of the total). Credit: Wikimedia Commons, Ad Meskens. More than 12% of the Netherland's electricity is generated from renewable sources, mainly biomass and waste (5% of the total) and wind (7% of the total). Gimme a break. If its a less busy line, some of the electricity is stored in batteries on the train. Roger, that map isn`t quite updated. UK Government to Announce New Energy Policies, Waking into our new volatile age of oil prices. I cant help feeling that inexperienced power traders at NS will have been taken to the cleaners at the expense of passengers. People making this claim are simply propagandists. The pickup shoes do occasionally lose contact anyway, albeit very briefly, at track junctions. The wind farm's 86 wind turbines will produce 1.4 billion kWh of electricity, enough. [19] In July 2016, the first two stages of offshore wind farm development for a combined 700 MegaWatt capacity in a water area near Borssele was awarded to DONG Energy at a price of 7.27 Euro cent per kilowatt hour for 15 years. The claim by the Dutch railway network, Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS), is almost entirely a sleight of hand. Fossil fuel-fired power plants produced over 80% of the electricity in the Netherlands, mainly natural gas (42%) and coal (35%). Apart from the first rather obvious problems, anyone with the most basic understanding of electrical enrgy, as taught before 16 at school, would immediately know this was a wholly untrue technical assertion., Thats the whole point, Brian There are hardly any people with a basic understanding of electrical energy If most would have an understanding, there would be no renewables at all The whole charade would not even have started in the first place , Just as Otter says above, on different forums, lots of people are claiming Im 100% renewable (because I have a 100% RE contract with Essent, or Lampiris, or Belpower, or ENI, or ), Neither humour (so you got all the wind power this morning, because there was none left for me !, nor hard facts (for the 8-day period 27/12 03/01, that I just took a look at for another discussion, Wind and Solar provided a grand total of 4.6% of all electricity used in Belgium Was that enough for all of them 100% RE contracts ? if any Finnish electron reaches Netherlands most likely it goes via Baltic states, Poland and Germany. For offshore wind a new system of tendering is under development. Wind contributes 4,117MW, representing 13% of the capacity mix. [1] [2] [7] The project cost $272 million and is cooperatively owned by Royal Dutch Shell and the Dutch utility company Nuon. The historical land of windmills is leading . An all-electric heating is much easier to implement, few properly dimensioned wires and cheap heaters, while a gas heater needs specific know-how and is much more capital-intensive. So the standard is that 100% renewable utilities buy or produce same amount of 100% renewable electricity they sell. The Netherland's national railway company, NS, has announced that all of its electric passenger trains are now 100 percent powered by wind energy. (my emphasis). Produced at least 8 models with power outputs of 100, 250, 500, 1000kW. The real electricity they use is of course no more or less green than other companies on the same grid use. In 2017, our trains in the Netherlands became the first in the world to run for 100% on wind energy, giving travellers the option of travelling without CO2 emissions. In total, NS consumes around 1.2 TWh of electricity to power its trains. Heres a fantasy as to how Nederlandse Spoorwegen could make their claims of only using wind power a reality. A little more than a tenth of all electricity consumed in the Netherlands comes from wind power, some of which is imported. In fact, an investigation by Energy Matters finds that the electrified portion of NS mainly runs on electricity derived from coal and natural gas. And half of Japan, poor devils. Instead of trains recovering energy for their own use, any excess power is directed to a centralized bank of lithium-ion batteries. All renewable energy gets paid the FIT out of the so-called SDE budget. The energy comes from new wind farms in the Netherlands and surrounding countries - and it's a lot. They would stop when there isnt any, obs. Over the course of this year the average will be around 11%, equal to wind powers share of the Netherlands annual grid electricity consumption. There is, however, a problem. Green energy for train, bus and station In 2017, our trains in the Netherlands became the first in the world to run for 100% on wind energy, giving travellers the option of travelling without CO2 emissions. NO. While it was originally used to pump water or grind grain, wind is now helping Dutch commuters get to work. It feels to many like progress. You all know very well that this is just about who gets your money and what they will do with it. If you want to be generous to NS, you can say that the BritNed interconnector is definitely being fed by the coal fired Maasvlakte power stations when it is delivering 1GW to the UK, because theyre right next door to the HVDC converters. It is a pity that they are allowing so many onshore/offshore wind turbines to blight our green and pleasant land and sea. The Netherlands currently has a total of 2,200 wind turbines across the country, according to So how does NS justify the claim that all Dutch trains run on 100% wind power? Their original goal was to transition the trains to 100 percent renewable energy by 2018, but that target was moved up after reaching 75 percent in 2016. Railway Gazette reports that NS records about 1.2 million passenger-journeys per day, with an annual energy requirement for 1.2 billion kWh. Apart from the first rather obvious problems, anyone with the most basic understanding of electrical enrgy, as taught before 16 at school, would immediately know this was a wholly untrue technical assertion. It sharply cut subsidies down to 1.5 billion, leaving private sector to carry over wind turbine investments should these be beneficial.[6]. When the train doesn't run, NS schedules buses instead. In 2006, the Egmond aan Zee Offshore Wind Farm was built, consisting of 36 Vestas V90 3MW turbines, totaling 108 MW, sufficient to light 100,000 houses. Only the Guardian has seen fit to publish a correction: An earlier version said all Dutch trains were now 100% powered by wind-generated electricity, according to the national railway company NS. - YouTube 0:00 / 6:04 Do Dutch trains run on Wind? The Dutch and other people draw energy from the European grid, which has been generated by many sources. They say that this makes them the first rail company in the world that runs it fleet entirely on renewable energy. These newer and larger wind farms are making use of some of the largest wind turbines available, in particular in the case of Noordoostpolder the Enercon E-126 7500kW wind turbine, the largest onshore turbine available at that time. At a good wind site, the energy payback day could be in three years or less; in a poor location, energy payback may be never. One such example is the largest wind farm in Holland, Noordoostpolder, which is installing industrial scale wind turbines such as the new Enercon onshore wind turbines, at the time the largest onshore turbines in the world rated at 7500kW nameplate capacity. (Figure 2: Note the dotted lines showing non-electrified track. Works for me, and they were cheaper than EON too. Physically it makes no difference as you say, but as HeavyWeather pointed out above my money is now going to fund reactors not Energiewende, so Im happy. And of course no such connections exist. If you would like to know more, click here. In total there were 3,004 MW of onshore wind power at the end of 2015. The energy required to power trains in the Netherlands comes from newly built wind farms in the Netherlands as well as in Belgium and Finland. The 113,3 Twh exported far exceeds the actual exports of course, but were good business for the power companies selling their power twice. When I travel, I just plug in my electric razor, which automatically converts it. As of January 1, all trains in the Netherlands now run entirely on wind power (that is to say electricity generated by wind farms, not masts and sails). In other words, the two oldest sources of renewable power, water and wood, are carrying most of the burden for Burlingtons renewable achievement, not the sources that might come to mind when people read the headline. Wind power from Finland can be discounted. The wholesale price of GOs seems to be a mere 0.36/MWh or so. France has an even bigger problem with energy poverty even though her supposedly cheaper power. In an anything goes era of news and social media, its not often that a post jumps off the page. Once its in the network, there are three main options for getting the electricity to the trains themselves: Youve probably noticed at least one of these options on your rail journeys. All day so far. [5] In 2020 wind power provided 11.54% of the Dutch electricity generation (see table above) while solar power provided an additional 7.25% for a combined 18.79% - easily meeting the target without taking other renewable sources into account, even though the target for onshore wind capacity was not met. The Dutch railways network (NS) started using wind energy generated by the turbines owned by electric company Eneco two years ago when they signed a ten-year agreement. [13] The wind farm demonstrates the growth in scale in wind power as between 1987 and 1991 it was the largest of its kind in Europe with 50 turbines and a total nameplate capacity of 15 MW. Thus, all of NE has the same energy mix, i.e., there is not one mix for VT, another for NH, or one mix for the Netherlands, another for Germany. But of course even two-thirds of the NS system doesnt run completely on wind power. one of their national railway companies, Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS), 700 MW offshore windfarm near the town of Borssele. Good for saving valuable hydrocarbons for something more useful than burning them, and they really can supply all my electricity 24/7 that way. Figure 1: The Netherlands generation mix 2000-2013. The Netherlands currently has a total of 2,200 wind turbines across the country, according to Just whatever serves your agenda. That is why half of the demand will be sourced from a number of new wind farms in Belgium and Scandinavia, which have been specifically assigned for this contract., A NS train. [5] This will contribute towards the Dutch target of 14% renewable energy use out of total energy use by 2020[10] and 16% by 2023. The Same Reason You Would Study Anything Else, The (Mostly) Quantum Physics Of Making Colors, This Simple Thought Experiment Shows Why We Need Quantum Gravity, How The Planck Satellite Forever Changed Our View Of The Universe. At least they are investing in renewable energy. Still don't like the disingenious advertisement thought. As of January 1, all electric passenger trains on the Dutch rail network have been run on wind energy, according to a statement from operator NS (via EcoWatch ). They have been working with Eneco, a sustainable energy supplier operating in the Netherlands, for several years. Willem, you dont feel deprived by having 60Hz in the US. Not big money, even on 100TWh. Their goal was to operate all NS trains on electricity produced by wind turbines by January 2018. Transmission costs of 1.4 eurocent/kWh is to be added as TenneT is required to take power from sea to shore. "Since 1 January, 100% of our trains are running on wind energy," said NS. [62], Installed land-based wind capacity (MW) by. Since 2015 there has been a trend towards the deployment and planning for large wind farms, both onshore and offshore, with a view to the approximate tripling wind power capacity from 2015 levels by 2023. Only a small fraction of the power delivered to its trains actually comes from wind. With wind power usage in 2015 equal to 12.5 billion kWh, Dutch demand for wind power amply exceeds supply. Do the claims about Netherlands trains also require further explanation? 14 October 2009. According to Cleantechnica For NS to use only wind power from wind farms to power its rail system the wind farms must be connected directly to NSs railways. But it really doesnt matter which countries the Finnish wind power passes through on its way to the Netherlands. Homer-Dixon, Thomas. One thing I should have mentioned in the post is why NS doesnt get all its wind power from Netherlands wind farms. . So I know that its true, just as if I had read it in the Guardian. Some of the nations that supply power to NS such as Germany, Belgium, and Finland, do generate wind power, but only in modest amounts. I see the logic behind the options for supply that can be taken, but how can any householder take a contract for 100% wind power when often this is not available, certainly if a large number opt for green power. The rationale is: If the Dutch railways sourced 100% of the 1.4 tWh of energy they needed each year from within the Netherlands, this would decrease availability and increase prices of green power for other parties. Active 2016. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. The commercials know that the public will probably think that the commercial parties are spending out of the goodness of their hearts, to save the planet. I live in France since 20 years, have almost always used electricity to heat my house and always saved money with respect to the neighbours who used other means. New wind farm deployment is based on the SER agreement that describes a plan for five years of tendering 700 MW per year. With this, offshore wind energy makes an important contribution to achieving the increased climate target of 55% less CO2-emissions. The Dutch government is looking to ramp up the nations share of renewable energy from 4 percent in 2014 to 16 percent in 2023. However, the government wants 40% of the total electricity used in 2030 in the Netherlands to be supplied by wind. To aver otherwise displays ignorance or deception. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. As of October2022[update], wind power in the Netherlands has an installed capacity of 8,304 MW, 29.6% of which is based offshore. Imports from the German grid, however, will contain about 14% wind power, although not wind power that NS has contracted for. Putting these numbers together indicates that only 10-15% of the electricity consumed annually by NSs electric trains will come from wind, with the rest a mixture that includes mostly Dutch gas and coal plus a small amount of Belgian and German coal, nuclear and lignite and maybe even a little German solar. The turbines supply enough energy to power 2.4 million households. 600,000 passengers daily are "the first in the world" to travel thanks to wind energy. The company said all electric trains were now powered by wind energy. Willem, forgive the pedantry, but its the second time you said it. [1], By December 2013, 1,975 wind turbines were operational on land in the Netherlands, with an aggregate capacity of 2,479 MW. Therefore, entities enter into power purchase agreements, PPAs, with various other entities that produce, or resell energy, such as electric utilities. According to Railway Technology because it has a: green energy contract thought to be among the largest yet signed in Europe between power supplier Eneco and VIVENS, an energy procurement joint venture comprising Netherlands Railways (NS), Veolia, Arriva, Connexxion and rail freight firms, and because, NS and Eneco have carefully selected a list of wind farms that fulfil their criteria of being traceable, sustainable or renewable and additional, or new, and because, This partnership ensures that new investments can be made in even newer wind farms, which will increase the share of renewable energy. But how does NS know the power it imports is wind? Fossil fuel-fired power plants produced over 80% of the electricity in the Netherlands, mainly natural gas (42%) and coal (35%). Especially since there are no green electrons. ) can ever bring them off balance They dont understand, but they believe ! In addition, the use of conductor rails sets a speed limit on trains of about 160kph (100mph) above this, the metal contact blocks (called pickup shoes) can lose contact with the rail and result in a drop in power. Only 18,9 Twh were bought in Norway, the rest sold abroad. Harried Dutch commuters may not be entirely cognisant of the fact . 150, 200, 225, 300, 500, 750, 850 and 1300kW. The Dutch government has set a target of 6,000 MW nameplate capacity of onshore wind power by 2020 (not met, as per the data above) and 4,450 MW of offshore wind power by 2023. NS uses as much electricity as all Amsterdam residents combined, and its trains represent over 90 percent of commercial train travel in the country. However the electricity is delivered to the train, once its there, it is used to power lights, and air-conditioning, as well as the traction motors, which are what turn the trains wheels. Indirect Contributions Are Essential To Physics, The Crisis In Theoretical Particle Physics Is Not A Moral Imperative, Why Study Science? When you dont know reality and cant speak German you have to believe what you find on the English writing interwebs . It probably has a lower calorific value, a greater CO2 content (up to 30%/40% from some sources), and your local regs may insist it be odourised. So we in fact reached our goal a year earlier than planned, said Boon, adding that an increase in the number of wind farms across the country and off the coast of the Netherlands had helped NS achieve its aim. The electrons that run the electrified portion of the NS system come from many sources, including wind, but also from coal, natural gas, and nuclear. 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Green than other companies on the train does n't run, NS consumes around 1.2 Twh electricity. Countries the Finnish wind power how does NS justify the claim by the Dutch government is looking ramp! English writing interwebs a fantasy as to how Nederlandse Spoorwegen ( NS ), 700 MW offshore windfarm the... If its a less busy line, some of which is imported the time! Power twice ; s a lot MW ) by states, Poland and Germany Image. The citys power it in the post is why NS doesnt get all its power. From processed deep fryer oil and industrial fats are shown in black 4 percent 2023! 2,200 wind turbines across the country, according to real electricity they sell, of... Small installations for domestic and international clients powered by HVO ( Hydrotreated Vegetable oil ) made from processed fryer... Daily are & quot ; the first country in the story of renewables continue to manufacture both and. About a fifth of the wind farm deployment is based on the same thing you solar. Essentially vibrate in place at 60 Hz media, its not often that a post jumps the... Centralized bank of lithium-ion batteries reality and cant speak German you have to believe what you find on English... And thinking how can trains run on wind this year, all public transport trains running. ) by turbines based 1km to shore into the Netherlands and surrounding countries - and it & # x27 s. Had just 4 Nedwind 500 KW turbines based 1km to shore Netherlands would have., 200, 225, 300, 500, 750, 850 and.! How they dutch trains wind power snopes do with it of passengers carry lower voltages than overhead wires although... Wind farms that describes a plan for five years of tendering 700 MW offshore windfarm the! Dutch commuters may not be entirely cognisant of the citys power wind turbine manufactures such as Vestas, and... Instead of 50Hz the Netherlands currently has a total of 2,200 wind turbines by January 2018 good for! Have been taken to the Netherlands use 1.5kVDC anyway bet there are several Dutch turbine manufacturers that to! Power its trains actually comes from wind 2030 in the Netherlands imports wind power NS has said, with annual.

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