A cartridge of this kind, containing powder and nothing more, is often specified as an unballed cartridge. The . Mason, Philip (1974), page 225 "A Matter of Honour", London: Holt, Rhinehart & Winston. (Log in options will check for institutional or personal access. The signal spread in all directions with wonderful celerity. [7] Several years before the sepoys' mutiny, Lord William Bentinck had attacked several jagirs in western Bengal. (See Barrackpore Mutiny.). The Revolt of 1857-58 was the biggest and bloodiest conflict against any European colonial power during the nineteenth century. The soldiers performed well on the field of battle in exchange for which they were rewarded with symbolic heraldic rewards such as battle honors in addition to the extra pay or "batta" (foreign pay) routinely disbursed for operations committed beyond the established borders of Company rule. The Great Rebellion of 1857 in India - Biswamoy Pati 2010-01 The Great Rebellion of 1857 in India was much more than a e~sepoy mutinye(tm). A man had come out of the jungle with them, and given them to the watchman with instructions to make four like them and to take these to the watchman in the next village, who was to be told to do the same.. A chowkidaran Indian village watchman. This revolt had shaken the foundation of . please confirm that you agree to abide by our usage policies. The restoration of peace was hindered by British cries for vengeance, often leading to indiscriminate reprisals. His unit in the Bengal Army, which had refused to use the new rifle cartridges, was about to be disarmed and punished. It came as a greater shock than the loss of the American colonies, and prompted reprisals far more hysterical and vicious than those visited on rebellious subjects elsewhere in the Empire. Find out more about saving content to Google Drive. History of the Siege of Delhi (Edinburgh: A&C Black, 1861);John Kaye. Once the first rebellions took place, it was clear to most British commanders that the grievances which led to them were felt throughout the Bengal army and no Indian unit could wholly be trusted, although many officers continued to vouch for their men's loyalty, even in the face of captured correspondence indicating their intention to rebel. Small-arms at that time were all muzzle-loaders, which were loaded by pouring a charge of powder down the barrel into the powder chamber and then, with the ramrod, ramming a bullet down the barrel till it rested upon the powder. Books and articles about the bloody fighting and heroic deeds by British officers and men were published for decades in London. The officers continued to be British, but they were more closely linked with their men. The rebels were . This took the form of Muslim millenarianism, with preachers in Lucknow foretelling the end of the raj. It began on a point of caste pollution; its leaders were traditionalists who looked to reviving the past, while the small new Westernized class actively supported the British. But those who did would not have been surprised by what happened next, for some very similar beliefs were spreading in the early months of 1857. The rani found a soldiers death, and Tantia Topi became a fugitive. Leader of the British Conservative Party and future prime minister Benjamin Disraeli argued these objects were signs to rebel and evidence of a conspiracy, and the press echoed this belief. Rich people like the merchants and moneylenders were, therefore, able to speculate in British land sales and drive out the most vulnerable peasant farmers. Many sepoys believed that the victory was the destruction of cartridges that were standard issue with the new rifle were greased with lard (pork fat) which was regarded as unclean by Muslims and tallow (cow fat) which angered the Hindus as cows were equal to a goddess to them. He first defeated the Gwalior contingent and then, when the rebels Tantia Topi and Rani Lakshmi Bai of Jhansi had seized Gwalior, broke up their forces in two more battles. It is however also possible to enclose within the paper container the bullet as well as the powder and the cartridge then becomes a balled cartridge. The Personal Adventures and Experiences of a Magistrate During the Rise, Progression and Suppression of the Indian Mutiny (London: John Murray, 1884);Kim A. Wagner. This would have insulted both Hindu and Muslim religious practices; cows were considered holy by Hindus, while pigs were considered unclean (Haram) by Muslims. The transfer of the number 66th which was taken away from a regular Bengal Sepoy regiment of the line disbanded over refusal to serve without batta, and given to a Gurkha battalion, was considered by the Sepoy as a breach of faith by the company. The system was subject to abuse, and the company used it to annex territories in a questionable manner. Loading the Enfield often required tearing open the greased cartridge with one's teeth, and many sepoys believed that the cartridges were greased with cow and pig fat. [15], The varying stances of the British government, the reduction of allowances, and harsh punishments, contributed to a feeling amongst the troops that the Company no longer cared for them. Feature Flags: { The uprising was put down, but the methods employed by the British were so harsh that many in the western world were offended. Note you can select to save to either the @free.kindle.com or @kindle.com variations. "useRatesEcommerce": false Hostname: page-component-7f44ffd566-7cttp Author Pramod Nayar points out that by 1851 there were nineteen Protestant religious societies operating in India whose goal was the conversion of Indians to Christianity. The enraged soldiers mutinied across a number of Indian States, taking Delhi . E. Jaiwant Paul is a man of varied interests, having authored eight other books, including Rani of Jhansi, The Story of Tea, Baji Rao, The Unforgettable Maharajas, Har Dayal: The Great Revolutionary (co-author Mrs Shubh Paul), Arms and Armour: Traditional Weapons of India, and Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan. The Sepoy Mutiny was a violent and very bloody uprising against British rule in India in 1857. Pandey rebelled by shooting a British sergeant-major and a lieutenant. But in the 1830s and 1840s, tensions began to emerge. Fighting in some places continued well into 1858, but the British were ultimately able to establish control. Indian soldiers had to blow the cartridge which was made of pork and beef. Sepoy units in the south of India remained loyal, but in the north, many units of the Bengal Army turned on the British. Economically and socially, there had been much dislocation in the landholding class all over northern and western India as a result of British land-revenue settlements, setting group against group. More disturbing to traditional sensibilities were the interventions, in the name of humanity, in the realm of Hindu custome.g., the prohibition of suttee, the campaign against infanticide, the law legalizing remarriage of Hindu widows. To begin with, then, some fuller explanation of this matter may be helpful. However, nearly every sepoy was either Muslima religion that forbids eating the fat or any other part of a pig, or Hinduwhere the same rule applies to cows. the Indian Mutiny, the Indian Rebellion of 1857, or the Indian Revolt of 1857. This fascinating collection explores hitherto ignored diversities of the Great Rebellion Mason, Philip (1974), pages 203-204 A Matter of Honour", London: Holt, Rhinehart & Winston. In Britain and in the West, it was almost always portrayed as a series of unreasonable and bloodthirsty uprisings spurred by falsehoods about religious insensitivity. The Greased Cartridge: The Heroes and Villains of 1857-58, Rezensionen werden nicht berprft, Google sucht jedoch gezielt nach geflschten Inhalten und entfernt diese. Most worryingly of all, some very similar rumors had once been recorded far to the south, in the Madras Presidency in 1806, at the time of a serious outbreak of mutiny among Indian soldiers stationed at Vellore. The Revolt of 1857, also known as the First War of Indian Independence, was a significant uprising against British colonial rule in India. 'In England, almost every child is aware that, with a smooth bored gun, no grease of any kind is required to ensure the proper loading of it, whilst with a rifle-bored piece such is necessary.' So writes Mrs Peile, one of those who escaped from Delhi on 11 May 1857. The military cause was both particular and general. Some people said that it was a propitiatory observance to avert some impending calamity; others, that they were circulated by the Government to signify that the population throughout the country would be compelled to use the same food as the Christians, and thus be deprived of their religion; while others again said that the chupatties were circulated to make it known that Government was determined to force Christianity on the country by interfering with their food, and intimation of it was thus given that they might be prepared to resist the attempt. Certain actions of the government, such as increased recruitment of Sikhs and Gurkhas, peoples considered by the Bengal sepoys to be inferior in caste to them, increased the distrust of the sepoys who thought that this was a sign of their services not being needed any more. The sepoys' British officers dismissed these claims as rumors and suggested that the sepoys make a batch of fresh cartridges, using a religiously acceptable greasing agent such as ghee or vegetable oil. It is not known who first projected the plan. Western inventions such as the telegraph and railways aroused the prejudice of a conservative society (though Indians crowded the trains when they had them). Though it is debatable whether the greased cartridges actually had cow and pig fat, the truth remains that from 1855 to 1857, the sepoys were told to carry the England-made cartridges, which surely had animal fat, to check whether they could resist Indian weather. [12], There had been earlier indications that all was not well in the armies of the East India Company. In addition, the General Service Enlistment Act of 1856 required recruits to serve overseas if ordered, a challenge to the castes who composed so much of the Bengal army. Did an Ancient Magnetic Field Reversal Cause Chaos for Life on Earth 42,000 Years Ago? In some cases, they used an execution method of lashing a mutineer to the mouth of a cannon, and then firing the cannon and literally blasting the man to pieces. By the 1850s the East India Company controlled much of India. Mutiny Memoirs of an Old Officer (London: Folio Society, 1984);Troy Downs. The Sepoy Mutiny of 1857. KoboE. B. The greased cartridges had to be opened by biting off the top with your teeth. These are deep waters that we trawl in, and dangerous ones, too. Before the rebellion, there were reports that "holy men" were mysteriously circulating chapatis and lotus flowers among the sepoys. (2021, July 31). With this, and the aid of rebel dissensions, Delhi was stormed and captured by the British on September 20, while the emperor Bahdur Shah surrendered on promise of his life. A hardcore corporate, he initially worked for Hindustan Unilever and was later Director of Brooke Bond, India. In another, however, the appalling atrocities visited by the Companys armies on the people of northern India were far from justified, since the British proved to be just as prone to rumors and panics as their Indian subjects. The army so far had been quipped with the smooth-barrelled musket, which had a protracted loading procedure and was not accurate over long ranges. Revolt Of 1857 India Causes Eects History Facts N Info 1 . The treatment of the aged Bahdur Shah, who was sent into exile, was a disgrace to a civilized country; also, the whole population of Delhi was driven out into the open, and thousands were killed after perfunctory trials or no trials at all. Privacy Statement The cartridge of the Enfield rifle was heavily greased - with animal fat, to facilitate an easier load into the muzzle. On March 29, 1857, on the parade ground at Barrackpore, a sepoy named Mangal Pandey fired the first shot of the uprising. India from the Paleolithic Period to the decline of the Indus civilization, The earliest agriculturalists and pastoralists, Neolithic agriculture in the Indus valley and Baluchistan, Extent and chronology of Early Harappan culture, Language and scripts, weights and measures, The Post-Urban Period in northwestern India, The late 2nd millennium and the reemergence of urbanism, Peninsular India in the aftermath of the Indus civilization (c. 20001000, The development of Indian civilization from c. 1500, Traditional approaches to Indian historiography, The beginning of the historical period, c. 500150, North India under Muslim hegemony, c. 12001526, Taxation and distribution of revenue resources, The Muslim states of southern India, c. 13501680, Extension and consolidation of the empire, Central, provincial, and local government, Organization of the nobility and the army, The emperor, the nobility, and the provinces, The Afghan-Maratha struggle for northern India, Political and economic decentralization during the Mughal decline, The Afghan factor in northern India, 174772, Cultural aspects of the late precolonial order, India and European expansion, c. 15001858, The extension of British power, 17601856, Indian nationalism and the British response, 18851920, The transfer of power and the birth of two countries, The Janata interlude and the return of Indira Gandhi, From Rajiv to Rao: India from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s, V.P. Greased Cartridges: The Revolt of 1857 was triggered by the use of new Enfield rifles whose cartridges were believed to be greased with cow and pig fat, leading to the refusal of both Hindu and Muslim sepoys to use them. 24 October 2009. Cookie Policy Saul, David (2003), page 294 "The Indian Mutiny", Penguin Books. Beyond that, however, opinions remained divided. The Revolt of 1857 eventually broke out over the incident of greased cartridges. In an immediate sense, the revolt was a fight to safeguard religion but it was triggered by the issue of grease cartridges. Though paid marginally less than the Bombay and Madras Presidency troops, there was a tradition of trust between the soldiery and the establishment the soldiers felt needed and that the company would care for their welfare. [5], Dalrymple further points out that as late as 6 September, when calling the inhabitants of Delhi to rally against the upcoming Company assault, Zafar issued a proclamation stating that this was a religious war being prosecuted on behalf of 'the faith', and that all Muslim and Hindu residents of the imperial city, or of the countryside were encouraged to stay true to their faith and creeds. The campaign then settled down to British attempts to take Delhi and relieve Lucknow. #Mangal Pandey #1857 Revolt #Cartridges #Sepoy Mutiny The spark for the 1857 Revolt was provided by Greased Cartridges.Why Greased Cartridges triggered the R. The irony is that all this effort actually supplied historians with evidence that the chupatty movement had nothing at all to do with the outbreak of disorder some months laterand that the circulation of the breads early in 1857 was nothing more than a bizarre coincidence. Mason, Philip (1974), page 236 "A Matter of Honour", London: Holt, Rhinehart & Winston. Once defiled, the theory went, men who had consumed the forbidden meal would be shunned by their co-religionists and would be easier to bring into the Christian fold, or could be sent as soldiers overseas (crossing the black water being forbidden to Hindus of high caste). Jaiwant Paul "The Greased Cartridge: The Heroes and Villains of 1857-58" In most accounts of the revolt, the greased cartridge has been referred to as the spark and tinder that lit the flames o. In 1877, outside Delhi, essentially in the spot where bloody fighting had taken place 20 years earlier, an event called the Imperial Assemblage was held. There was thus a suppressed tension in the countryside, ready to break out whenever governmental pressure might be reduced. The Great Mutiny: India 1857 (London: Penguin, 1978);House of Commons. With this information, the sepoys believed that the British deliberately introduced the greased cartridges for defiling their religions. To save content items to your account, To be loaded, this cartridge had to be torn open so that the powder it contained could be poured down the barrel of the muzzle-loading gun; because the soldiers hands were full, this was done with the teeth. Click to view in higher resolution. Symbols of unknown significance were chalked on the walls of towns; protective charms were on sale everywhere; an ominous slogan, Sub lal hogea hai (Everything has become red) was being whispered.. And, historically, much the same thing had happened before in times of trouble. Advertising Notice And where had the chowkidar got them? The British, who had nothing to do with the mysterious transmission, guessed the breads were a piece of mischief-making on the part of the Indians, though opinion was divided as to whether the breads came from the east, near Calcutta (Kolkata), from the north, in the province of Oude (Avadh) or from Indore, in the center of the country. On the fourth side of the . All Indian villages had one, and it was these men, running between their homes and the nearest neighboring settlement with chapatis, who so effectively raised panic among the ruling British. The chupatty movement first came to British attention early in February 1857. Some of these units belonged to states allied to the British or recently absorbed into British-administered territory, and of these, two large contingents from the states of Awadh and Gwalior readily joined the growing rebellion. The sepoys rejected this, pointing out that they might very well forget and bite the cartridge, not surprising given the extensive drilling that allowed 19th century British and Indian troops to fire three to four rounds per minute. rumours abounded that the Enfield cartridges were greased with animal fat. The dramatic capture of Delhi turned mutiny into full-scale revolt. A small British army was improvised, which held the ridge before Delhi against greatly superior forces until Sir John Lawrence was able to send a siege train under John Nicholson. Other irregular units were raised in frontier areas from communities such as Assamese or Pashtuns to maintain order locally. To save content items to your account, If this is the first time you use this feature, you will be asked to authorise Cambridge Core to connect with your account. [16], At the beginning of the nineteenth century, British officers were generally closely involved with their troops, speaking Indian languages fluently; participating in local culture through such practices as having regimental flags and weapons blessed by Brahman priests; and frequently having native mistresses. As early as 1806, concerns that the sepoys' caste may be polluted had led to the Vellore Mutiny, which was brutally suppressed. He ordered his fellow-official to make ten more, and give two to each of the five nearest village Chowkeydars with the same instructions. An uprising in several sepoy companies of the Bengal army was sparked by the issue of new gunpowder cartridges for the Enfield rifle in February 1857. Partly owing to this, Bengal sepoys were not subject to the penalty of flogging as were the European soldiers. Down-country operations centred on the relief of Lucknow. On 29 March 1857, Mangal Pandey, a sepoy of the 34 th Bengal Native Infantry (BNI) mutinied against his commanding officers of the East India Company. What was the main cause of revolt of 1857? I have the honour to inform you that a signal has passed through numbers of the villages in this district, the purport of which has not yet transpired. Ans: In Jan 1857 British introduced a new cartridge of En-field rifle greased with pig and cow fats, soldiers had to chew it before use. 31, 2021, thoughtco.com/sepoy-mutiny-of-1857-1774014. A rumor spread that the cartridges of the new Enfield rifles were greased with the fat of cows and pigs. Although the armies of many Rajas or states which rebelled contained large numbers of guns, the British superiority in artillery was to be decisive in the siege of Delhi after the arrival of a siege train of thirty-two howitzers and mortars. This book is essentially about the heroes - Tatya Tope, Nana. His name has become synonymous with the revolt of 1857. This is what led to the revolt of 1857 in many localized areas. The Muslims had lost the large state of Avadh; the Marathas had lost Nagpur, Satara, and Jhansi. Prior to the period of British rule, any refusal to proceed on service until pay issues were resolved was considered a legitimate form of displaying grievance by Indian troops serving under Indian rulers. The lack of planning after the outbreak rules out these two explanations, while the degree of popular support argues more than a purely military outbreak. The Great Fear of 1857: Rumours, Conspiracies and the Making of the Indian Uprising (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2010);Andrew Ward. An uprising in several sepoy companies of the Bengal army was sparked by the issue of new gunpowder cartridges for the Enfield rifle in February 1857. | READ MORE. The revolt is known by several names. As the mutiny spread, the British began called mutineers "pandies." To these points may be added the fact that the British garrison in Bengal had been reduced at this time to 23,000 men because of troop withdrawals for the Crimean and Persian wars. [17], Officers of an evangelical persuasion in the company's Army (such as Herbert Edwardes and Colonel S.G. Wheler of the 34th Bengal Infantry) had taken to preaching to their Sepoys in the hope of converting them to Christianity. Seen from a distance of 150 years, the chupatty movement can appear a quaint anomaly, a strange and colorful rumor of interest mostly to historians and psychologists. The immediate cause of the Indian Revolt of 1857, or Sepoy Mutiny, was a seemingly minor change in the weapons used by the British East India Company's troops. Match the following: Answer: The Indian Mutiny of 1857-59 was a widespread but unsuccessful rebellion against the rule of British East India Company in India which functioned as a sovereign power on behalf of the British crown. The breads formed, in short, what amounted to a culinary chain letter, one that was spreading with such spectacular rapidity that Thornhills boss, George Harvey, in Agra, calculated that a wave of chapatis was advancing across his province at a rate somewhere between 100 and 200 miles a night. But the only evidence for either of these was the circulation from village to village of chapatis, or cakes of unleavened bread, a practice that, though it also occurred on other occasions, was known to have taken place at any time of unrest. [13] In 1851-2 sepoys who were required to serve in the Second Anglo-Burmese War also refused to embark, but were merely sent to serve elsewhere. The general factors that turned a military mutiny into a popular revolt can be comprehensively described under the heading of political, economic, social, and cultural Westernization. Most Indians thought they were the work of the British, whothrough the East India Companyhad ruled over large portions of the country for almost a century (and were, according to one well-known prophecy, due to be unseated at that centurys end). Before loading these rifles the sepoys had to bite off the paper on the cartridges. There followed the relief of the residency (November) and the capture of Lucknow by the new commander in chief, Sir Colin Campbell (March 1858). It was against this backdrop of uneasiness in which the mutiny erupted in 1857. The army became an efficient professional body, drawn largely from the northwest and aloof from the national life. Map: Wikicommons. In one sense, this was not surprising; since India had a large and settled British population, there were more women and children around for the rebels to kill. The company had an unbroken series of victories in India, against the Marathas, Mysore, north Indian states, and the Gurkhas, later against the Sikhs, and further afield in China and Burma. Men were published for decades in London came to British attempts to take Delhi relieve. 1857, or the Indian mutiny, the British were ultimately able to establish control, 1861 ;. The incident of greased cartridges had to bite off the top with your teeth powder and more. Relieve Lucknow give two to each of the East India Company these are deep waters we! 1857 India Causes Eects history Facts N Info 1 cartridges of the East India Company controlled much of India usage... Shooting a British sergeant-major and a lieutenant cartridge of this Matter may be helpful, was about be. The Sepoy mutiny was a fight to safeguard religion but it was triggered by 1850s. Made of pork and beef British deliberately introduced the greased cartridges for defiling their religions and! 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