July 2022. Child Abuse Review. The Challenge of Identifying Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Hansen JB, Frazier T, Moffat M, Zinkus T, Anderst JD. Non-accidental head injury of infants: legal implications for the pediatric neurosurgeon. Multi-modality imaging characteristics of costochondral fractures, a highly specific rib fracture for child abuse. Black bone MRI with 3D reconstruction for the detection of skull fractures in children with suspected abusive head trauma. The role of the pediatric neurosurgeon in abusive head injuries: a survey of members of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery. Eysenbach, L., Leventhal, J. M., Gaither, J. R., et al. A perfect storm: The distribution of tissue damage depends on seizure duration, hemorrhage, and developmental stage in a gyrencephalic, multi-factorial, severe traumatic brain injury model. Child's Nervous System. Shaken baby syndrome (SBS) occurs when a person violently shakes a baby. August 2022. The following tips may help prevent abuse: Take a deep breath and count to 10 Take time out and let the baby cry alone Shaking injuries are not caused by casual or accidental handling of children. May 2018 (updated). Child Abuse & Neglect. Abusive head trauma in Japan. January 2020. Amagasa S, Uematsu S, & Tsuji S. Journal of Neurosurgery. Houston Journal of Health Law and Policy: 2011. Last year, 37 children in Harris County died from child abuse, Olguin said. Reasonable suspicion in reporting child maltreatment: a survey among German healthcare professionals. Childhood Falls with Occpital Impacts. Traumatic axonal injury: neuropathological features, postmortem diagnostic methods, and strategies. Child Abuse Review. Fracture-Associated Bruising and Soft Tissue Swelling in Young Children With Skull Fractures. January 2022. Paid family leave's effect on hospital admissions for pediatric abusive head trauma. Majiaghamemar M, Lan IS, Christian C, Coats B, Margulies SS. Diyaola, M., Ye, C., Huang, Z., et al. June 2020. May 2019. Kelli McDorman. Hosting of the Tarrant County Child Fatality Review Team at the medical examiner's office took place from its formation in 1992 until January 1, 2016, when administrative responsibility was transferred to the Tarrant County Public Health Department. MRI scans are used several days to a week after an injury to better diagnose the types of injuries to the brain and show changes in in the brain tissue. BMJ. June 2019. Abusive Head Trauma (Shaken Baby Syndrome): A Guide for Child Care ProvidersChild Growth . Journal of Pediatrics. Pediatrics. A 1987 study reviewed 48 cases of "shaken baby syndrome" in the Philadelphia area and found that of the 13 fatalities, all had signs of impact, too. Regeffe, F., Chevignard, M., Millet, A., et al. [Epub ahead of print]. Abusive head trauma: experience improves diagnosis. The second look was largely thanks to a 2013 state law, dubbed the "junk science law," which allows Texas courts to overturn a conviction when the scientific . These are some of the [Epub ahead of print]. Effect of a Protocol to Reduce Radiographic Imaging in Pediatric Patients With Suspected Fractures. Brown, E., Crumm, C., Crichton, K.G., et al. Child Abuse & Neglect. The Eyes Have It: How Critical are Ophthalmic Findings to the Diagnosis of Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma? August 2020 [epub ahead of print]. The CAPNET multi-center data set for child physical abuse: Rationale, methods and scope. Every child, every time: hospital-wide child abuse screening increases awareness and state reporting. Shaken baby syndrome is real. Shaken baby syndrome in Italy: socio-cultural and medico-legal perspective. Identification of Initial and Subsequent Injury in Young Infants. Nonaccidental injury presenting as unilateral Retinal Detachment in two infants. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the unexplained death, usually during sleep, of a seemingly healthy baby less than a year old. September 2022. Barr RG, Barr M, Rajabali F, et al. Song, H.H., Thoreson, W.B., Dong, P., et al. Salisbury, T., Qurashi, N., & Mansoor, Q. British and Irish Orthoptic Journal. Utility of pediatric fast magnetic resonance imaging protocol as surveillance scanning for traumatic brain injury. Minns, R.A., Jones, P.A., Fleck, B.W., et al. In most cases, a parent or caregiver places the baby down to sleep and returns later to find the baby has died. Emergency Medicine Journal, BMJ. April 2016. Occurrence of traumatic brain injury due to short falls with or without a witness by a nonrelative in children younger than 2 years. Leading Cause of Child Abuse Deaths in U.S. Over 700 Publications in more than 100 Peer-Reviewed Medical Journals, Abusive head trauma: judicial admissions highlight violent and repetitive shaking, Preventing abusive head trauma resulting from a failure of normal interaction between infants and their caregivers, A Daubert analysis of abusive head trauma/shaken baby syndrome, A bad time for kids in lockdown: The relationship between negative pandemic events, parenting stress, and maltreatment related parenting behaviors. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics. Wilson, R.F., Afifi. SIDS rates vary substantially within racial/ethnic groups across . Pediatric Emergency Care. Child Abuse & Neglect. November 2015. Changing diagnostic patterns in cases of sudden and unexpected natural death in infants and young children: 19942018. Shaken baby syndrome is known to cause long-term brain damage or even death. September 2020. She said 80 percent were 3 and under, while more than 40 percent were younger than 1. Child maltreatment-related children's emergency department visits before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Connecticut. Neuroimaging differential diagnoses to abusive head trauma. March 2018. Berger RP, Furtado AD, Flom LL, Fromkin JB, & Panigrahy A.Pediatric Radiology. Race: White (55%) Black (33%) Other (8%) Missing (4%) Age: 31% aged 0 - 1 month (10% of these were in the first 27 days) 37% ages 2 or 3 months 18% ages 4 or 5 months 8% ages 6 or 7 months Short term outcomes of children with abusive head trauma two years post injury: A retrospective study. Neurochirurgie. Universal Child Care as a Policy to Prevent Child Maltreatment. Traumatic head injury due to child maltreatment: epidemiology, cost analysis, and impact of prevention. Pediatric Emergency Care. Journal of Neurosurgery. Short-Term Effects of Tax Credits on Rates of Child Maltreatment Reports in the United States. An In-Depth Analysis of Brain and Spine Neuroimaging in Children with Abusive Head Trauma: Beyond the Classic Imaging Findings. Hansen JB, Frazier T, Moffat M, et al. "The leading cause of death was . February 2021. van Zandwijk JP, Vester MEM, Bilo RA, van Rijn RR, Loeve AJ. Pediatric Radiology. Neuroimaging of retinal hemorrhage utilizing adjunct orbital susceptibility-weighted imaging. Hospital Admissions for Abusive Head Trauma at Children's Hospitals During COVID-19. Screening for pediatric abusive head trauma: Are three variables enough? Pediatric Radiology. October 2021. The Journal of Emergency Medicine. Exploring the Vitreoretinal Interface: a Key Instigator of Unique Retinal Hemorrhage Patterns in Pediatric Head Trauma. Violence against children in the time of COVID-19: What we have learned, what remains unknown and the opportunities that lie ahead. Sept. 2018. September 2022. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. Infant mortality rate continues to be one of the most widely used indicators of the overall health status of a community. Long-term outcome in a case of shaken baby syndrome. Predicting abusive head trauma in children. Newborn Risk Factors for Subsequent Physical Abuse Hospitalizations. June 2018. A Cost Analysis of a Validated Screening Tool for Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma. Abusive head injuries in infants: from founders to denialism and beyond. Shaken Baby Syndrome is a subset of Abusive Head Trauma characterized by repetitive acceleration-deceleration forces with or without blunt head impact resulting in a unique complex of ocular, intracranial, and sometimes other injuries, usually in infantsit has become widely recognized as one of the most serious manifestations of physical child abuse. Eide P, Djuve A, Myklebust R. et al. Skin Lesions and Other Associated Findings in Children with Abusive Head Trauma, Ophthalmologic Concerns in Abusive Head Trauma, Subdural Hematoma Rebleeding in Relation to Abusive Head Trauma. Overturned abusive head trauma and shaken baby syndrome convictions in the United States: Prevalence, legal basis, and medical evidence. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma. Distinguishing child abuse fractures from rickets. Pediatric Radiology. The Association of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Units and Reports of Child Abuse and Neglect. Consensus statement on abusive head trauma in infants and young children. Jackson, J.E., Beres, A.L., Theodorou, C.M., et al. Luyet FM, Feldman KW, Knox BL. A bad time for kids in lockdown: The relationship between negative pandemic events, parenting stress, and maltreatment related parenting behaviors. Pediatric Radiology. 80% Suffer Lifelong Disabilities. Baerg J, Thirumoorthi A, Hazboun R, et al. Pediatric Radiology. Biomechanical Response of the Infant Head to Shaking: An Experimental Investigation. Pediatric Radiology. Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology. Clinical Radiology. May 2022. Alzahrani, N.M., Jeanes, A., Paddock, M., et al. Child Abuse & Neglect. Kim, H., Flowers, N., & Song, E.J. If you believe that your baby may have been shaken and needs immediate medical attention, please call 911. Raynor E, Konala R, and Freemont A.Forensic and Legal Medicine. Child Abuse & Neglect. Zheng, C., Li, H., Rong, S., et al. Short term outcomes of children with abusive head trauma two years post injury: A retrospective study, Are Complex Skull Fractures Indicative of Either Child Abuse or Major Trauma in the Era of 3-Dimensional Computed Tomography, Identification of Abusive Head Trauma in High-Risk Infants: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Intracranial Injury Among Children with Abuse-Related Long Bone Fractures, Abusive Head Trauma and a Delay in Presentation for Care, Pediatric Rib Fractures Identified by Chest Radiography, Identifying Predictors of Physical Abuse Evaluation of Injured Infants, Determining the Tractional Forces on Vitreoretinal Interface Using Computer Simulation Model in Abusive Head Trauma, Legal Outcomes of Suspected Maltreatment Cases Evaluated by a Child Abuse Pediatrician as Part of a Multidisciplinary Team Investigation*, Prevalence and distribution of occult fractures on skeletal surveys in children with suspected non-accidental trauma imaged or reviewed in a tertiary Dutch hospital, Cerebrospinal fluid interaction with cerebral cortext during pediatric abusive head trauma, Disability and visual outcomes following suspected abusive head trauma in children under 2 years, Features of intracranial hemorrhage in cerebral venous thrombosis, Incidence and Risk Factors for Abusive Head Trauma A Population-Based Study, High Frequency of Previous Abuse and Missed Diagnoses Prior to Abusive Head Trauma: A Consecutive Case Series of 100 Forensic Examinations, Abusive Head Trauma in Infants: Incidence and Detection of Prior Brain Injury, What Do Confessions Reveal about Abusive Head Trauma? Raj, A., Christian, C.W., Binebaum, G., et al. Sherief, S.T., Dhoot, A.S., Schwartz, S., et al. Pediatrics. 2021 Oct; 73 (5):435-443. 2022 Senior Report. Utility of three-dimensional and reformatted head computed tomography images in the evaluation of pediatric abusive head trauma. Arnold, T., Siekmann, T., Thackeray, J., et al. What happens to the brain during a shaking event? Abusive Head Trauma in Child Maltreatment-Related Homicide Cases in the United States: An Analysis of the National Violent Death Reporting System Data- 20122017. Fracture-Associated Bruising and Soft Tissue Swelling in Young Children With Skull Fractures. Most skull fractures can be best shown with an X-ray. Hartwell, M. Hendrix-Dicken, A.D., Sajjadi, N.B., et al. The CAPNET multi-center data set for child physical abuse: Rationale, methods and scope. Chang, H.Y., Chang, Y.C., Feng, J.Y., et al. Some children develop cerebral palsy or some continue to live in a persistent vegetative state. Screening for Child Abuse in Children With Isolated Skull Fractures. August 2021. Head computed tomography in suspected physical abuse: time to rethink? Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine. Growth recovery lines: a specific indicator of child abuse and neglect? Weiss, R, He, C., Khan, S., et al. External Validation of the PediBIRN Screening Tool for Abusive Head Trauma in Pediatric Emergency Department Settings. A perfect storm: The distribution of tissue damage depends on seizure duration, hemorrhage, and developmental stage in a gyrencephalic, multi-factorial, severe traumatic brain injury model. Forkey, H.C., Schulte, E., Thorndyke, L., et al. December 2017. A Retrospective Study of Cervicla Spine MRI Findings in Children with Abusive Head Trauma. Abusive Head Trauma and Mortality - An Analysis From an International Comparative Effectiveness Study of Children With Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Health services utilization and cost of abusive head trauma in Taiwan: A population-based retrospective matched cohort study. Skull fractures in abusive head trauma: a single centre experience and review of the literature. Front. March 2021. Most SIDS deaths happen in babies between 1 month and 4 months of age, and the majority (90%) of SIDS deaths happen before a baby reaches 6 months of age. Estimating the probability of abusive head trauma after abuse evaluation. Child Abuse & Neglect. How can Shaken Baby Syndrome/Abusive Head Trauma (AHT) be prevented? External Validation of the PediBIRN Screening Tool for Abusive Head Trauma in Pediatric Emergency Department Settings. Learn more about topics such as healthy brain development, safe sleep, shaken baby syndrome, and abusive head trauma. 619-525-1485. Suh DW, Song HH, Mozafari H, & Thoreson WB. July 2018. Uan, B.,Tokur, O., & Aydin, S. Emergency Radiology. Anderst, J., Carpenter, T.A., Frazier, T., et al. 1. June 2020. 2020. primarily Emergency Department physicians, forensic physicians, and paediatricians about cases of shaken baby syndrome . Narang SK, Estrada C, Greenberg S, Lindberg DM. Other injuries that can occur as a result of shaking are cerebral edema (brain swelling), cerebral contusions (brain bruises), external head bruises, body bruises, skull fractures, rib fractures, long bone fractures, neck and spinal cord damage, or other injuries that cannot be explained through a medical condition or accidental trauma. Mankad K, Chhabda S, Lim W, et al. A Mississippi man convicted of murdering his infant daughter had his conviction reversed Tuesday after his lawyer argued that shaken baby syndrome is not a valid medical condition. April 2022. Babies would die in their sleep, and it was presumed that little could be done to prevent those deaths. Child Abuse & Neglect. Current issues and controversies surrounding spine imaging and the significance of spinal subdural hemorrhage in suspected abusive head trauma. Facebook; Twitter; . Cervical Spine Imaging and Injuries in Young Children with Non-Motor Vehicle Crash-Associated Traumatic Brain Injury. When an infant or toddler is shaken, the brain bounces back and forth against the skull. Identifying Predictors of Physical Abuse Evaluation of Injured Infants. Change in Incidence and Severity of Abusive Head Trauma in the Paediatric Age Group Pre- and During COVID-19 Lockdown in the North East of England. June 2019. Paediatric chronic subdural hematoma: what are the predisposing factors and outcomes in management of these cases? BMC Psychiatry. Pediatric Radiology. September 2020 [epub ahead of print]. The detection of significant fractures in suspected infant abuse. July 2018. Incidence and Risk Factors for Abusive Head Trauma A Population-Based Study. $13.5 Billion Cost to the U.S. in 2010. June 2022. In Vivo Demonstration of Traumatic Rupture of the Bridging Veins in Abusive Head Trauma. Wang G, Zhang XP, Gao Z, et al. ICD-10-CM Codes for the Identification of Abusive Head Trauma in Administrative Datasets. February 2023. Evaluation of the Hypothesis that Choking/ALTE May Mimic Abusive Head Trauma. The report reveals that of the 3,145,000 million children who were the subject of a child welfare agency response in fiscal year 2020, 618,000 children were determined to be victims of maltreatment, compared to 656,000 victims in 2019. Badger S, Waugh MC, Hancock J, Marks S, & Oakley K. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine. Ocular Injuries in Pediatric Patients Admitted With Abusive Head Trauma. Prevalence of cerebral sinovenous thrombosis in abusive head trauma. June 2021. The Relationship Between Temperature and Temporal Patterns and Incidence of Abusive Head Trauma in a Midwest Region Hospital. Disparities in detection of suspected child abuse. June 2021. External Validation of the PediBIRN Clinical Prediction Rule for Abusive Head Trauma. doi: 10.1136/emermed-2019-209280. Non-accidental head injury of infants: legal implications for the pediatric neurosurgeon. Laurent-Vannier A, Bernard JY, & Chevignard M. Child Abuse Review. Kralik SF, Kupakul N, Wu IC, et al. A Cost Analysis of a Validated Screening Tool for Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma. Retinal and visual function in infants with non-accidental trauma and retinal hemorrhages. Cohrs AC, Agbese E, Leslie DL, Hymel KP. June 2020. Clinical history, physiologic data, and imaging are the three (3) sources physicians use to establish the timing of head injuries. June 2022. Accidental and Abusive Mandible Fractures in Infants and Toddlers. Pathophysiological and behavioral deficits in developing mice following rotational acceleration-deceleration traumatic brain injury. September 2020. BMJ: Archives of Disease in Childhood. Pediatrics. Kisely, S., Strathearn, L., & Najman, J.M. Peddada KV, Sullivan BT, Margalit A, et al. Vitamin D level and fractures in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. MRI Findings in Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma: A Review. Rossant, C., & Brook, C. Forensic Science International: Synergy. Understanding Bilateral Skull Fractures in Infancy: A Retrospective Multicenter Case Review. Amyloid Precursor Protein in Abusive Head Trauma Suspects. Wed, Mar 01 . Charting the Globe: How Technologies Have Affected Our Understanding of Retinal Findings in Abusive Head Trauma/Shaken Baby Syndrome. Henry, M.K., Schilling, S., Shults, J., et al. Menna, G., Tamburrini, G., & Bianchi, F. Child's Nervous System. Child Abuse & Neglect. Child's Nervous System. People should never shake a baby for any reason. Subcortical Lacerations, a Significant Sign of Shaken Baby Syndrome - Diagnosis with High-Resolution Duplex Sonography. Acceptance of Shaken Baby Syndrome and Abusive Head Trauma as Medical Diagnoses. November 2022. Pediatric Emergency Care. Journal of Neuroimaging. Delaplain PT, Grigorian A, Won E, et al. Journal of Child Maltreatment. Frequencies and occurrences of violence prior to a diagnosis of shaking. July 2022. Doswell, A., Anderst, J., Tieder, J.S., et al. In May 2018, The Society for Pediatric Radiology (SPR), European Society of Paediatric Radiology (ESPR), American Society of Pediatric Neuroradiology (ASPNR), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), European Society of Neuroradiology (ESNR), American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC), Swedish Paediatric Society, Norwegian Pediatric Association and Japanese Pediatric Society published a joint consensus statement on abusive head trauma/shaken baby syndrome. November 2022. Neurosurgical aspects of abusive head trauma management in children: a review for the training neurosurgeon. March 2021. Patterns of Osteopontin Expression in Abusive Head Trauma Compared with Other Cases of Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury. Awareness and knowledge of pediatric abusive head trauma among healthcare professionals in Taiwan. Course Information Abusive head trauma, which includes head injuries from child abuse such as Shaken Baby Syndrome, is the leading cause of death in cases of child abuse in the United States. Bhati, A., Mirsky, D.M., Mankad, K., et al. May 2020. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. Ophthalmological lesions in shaken baby syndrome: a retrospective analysis of 133 consecutive cases (1992-2018). Ronning MM, Carolan PL, Cutler GJ, Patterson RJ. Thackeray JD, Wannemacher J, Adler BH, Lindberg DM. Identification of Abusive Head Trauma in High-Risk Infants: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Retinal haemorrhages have a high positive predictive rate for abusive head injury. Breastfeeding and immunizations are beneficial. More than six years later, a New Jersey judge agreed with her. Abusive Head Trauma in Infants and Children. Characteristics that distinguish abusive from nonabusive cases of sudden unexpected infant deaths. May 2016 [Epub ahead of print], Rapid MRI evaluation of acute intracranial hemorrhage in pediatric head trauma. Strouse PJ. Thousands of people in the U.S. have been convicted of shaking a baby to death since the 1970s. Flugt, A.,Sndergaard, C., & Milidou, I. Danish Medical Journal. Wilson, R.F., Fortson, B.L., Zhou, H., et al. June 2021. Required annual training. Most cases of shaken baby syndrome happen when a parent or caregiver gets frustrated because a baby won't stop crying. Henry KM, French B, Feudtner, C, et al. Derivation and Validation of a Serum Biomarker Panel to Identify Infants with Acute Intracranial Hemorrhage. Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology. 59, was picked up in Texas on a murder warrant in the death of Benjamin Keith Dowling. A case of broken bones and systems: The threat of irresponsible testimony. July 2020. Child maltreatment-related children's emergency department visits before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Connecticut. Selective Skeletal Surveys for Infants With Skull Fractures: Examining the Rates of Return to Medical Care for Concern of Physical Abuse. Using Computed Tomography skeletal surveys to evaluate for occult bony injury in suspected non-accidental injury cases A preliminary experience. Nov 2016. Academic Pediatrics. Shaking injuries require massive, violent force. November 2017. Factors influencing child protection professionals' decision-making and multidiscliplinary collaboration in suspected abusive head trauma cases: A qualitative study. Trends in public interest in child abuse in the United States: An infodemiology study of Google Trends from 2004 to 2022. SIDS is sometimes known as crib death because the infants often die in their cribs. May 2018. Nuo M, Shelley CD, Ugiliweneza B, et al. October 2022. Community home visiting services and child maltreatment report rates, Illinois zip codes, 20112018. March 2018. April 2021. International Journal of Legal Medicine. Abusive head trauma follows witnessed infant shaking. Early Diagnosis of Abusive Head Trauma to Avoid Repetitive Shaking Events. American Journal of Roentgenology. Yes, because there's often no obvious evidence of injury or violence, shaken baby syndrome may be missed. A statewide nurse training program for a hospital based infant abusive head trauma prevention program. Salokorpi, N., Sinikumpu, J.J., & Serlo, W. Child's Nervous System. 2022 Health of Women and Children Report. The diagnostic performance of chest computed tomography in the detection of rib fractures in children investigated for suspected physical abuse: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Global Pediatric Health. September 2022. Dating of Traumatic Brain Injury in Forensic Cases Using Immunohistochemical Markers (I): Neurofilaments and -Amyloid Precursor Protein. Effectiveness of a Statewide Abusive Head Trauma Prevention Program in North Carolina. Child Abuse Review. Shaken baby injuries most often occur in children younger than 2 years old, but may be seen in children up to 5 years old. January 2023. June 2021. Sept 2016. Validation of the Pittsburgh Infant Brain Injury Score for Abusive Head Trauma. Pediatric Neurosurgery. Child Abuse & Neglect. Today in the U.S., more than 2,000 babies die of SIDS every year, according to government . Change in Incidence and Severity of Abusive Head Trauma in the Paediatric Age Group Pre- and During COVID-19 Lockdown in the North East of England. [Epub ahead of print]. Bas, N.S., Karacan, M., Doruk, E., et al. Accidental and Abusive Mandible Fractures in Infants and Toddlers. Shaken baby syndrome in Italy: socio-cultural and medico-legal perspective. Child Abuse & Neglect. Su, Y., Meng, X., Yang. Neuroimaging differential diagnoses to abusive head trauma. Pediatric Emergency Care. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism. The legal challenges to the diagnosis of shaken baby syndrome or how to counter 12 common fake news. Screening for Child Abuse in Children With Isolated Skull Fractures. Boop S, Axente M, Weatherford B, Klimo P Jr. J Neurosurg Pediatr. A cluster randomized trial to reduce missed abusive head trauma in pediatric intensive care settings. Imaging of Abusive Head Trauma: A Radiologists' Perspective. December 2017. March 2019. July 2016, Sabah Servaes, et al. Annals of Surgery. "She went nuts on that . Deeg, K.H. [ RELATED: Campaign to end Shaken Baby Syndrome ] . Fracture Patterns Differ Between Osteogenesis Imperfecta and Routine Pediatric Fractures. Scott, J., Grewal, Tarundeep, Brewster, S. Pediatric Emergency Medicine Practice. Assessing service quality and access in trauma centers through behavioral health screening, education, and treatment after pediatric injury. November 2022. Forbes-Amrhein, M.M., Gensel, A.J., Cooper, M.L., et al. In Bexar County, 88 infants have died in the past from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, which is when a child dies unexpectedly before their first birthday. Karmazyn, B., Reher, T.A., Supakul, N., et al. Bliss, L., Mehta, N., Trolard, A., et al. The list cites the articles title, author(s), title of the periodical or book, publication date and a link to the abstract or full article (if available). Early Recognition of Physical Abuse: Bridging the Gap between Knowledge and Practice. Shusterman G.R., Fluke, J.D., Nunez, J.J., et al. Abusive head injuries are the most common cause of death in child abuse. June 2022. Diagnostic testing for and detection of physical abuse in infants with brief resolved unexplained events. Lethal abusive head trauma in infancy in Denmark from 2000 to 2011. December 2019. Optimizing imaging in the pediatric trauma patient, part 1: head and neck trauma. High prevalence of non-accidental trauma among deceased children presenting at Level I trauma centers in the Netherlands. AAP News & Journals. The monthly incidence of abusive head trauma, inflicted skeletal trauma, and unexplained skin lesion in children in six French university hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic. November 2021. et al. American Academy of Pediatrics AAP Task Force on Infant Positioning and SIDS: Positioning and . A Biomechanical Assessment of Shaken Baby Syndrome: What About the Spine? Risk Factors for Maltreatment in Siblings of Abused Children. Palusci, V. Journal of Pain Management. Sept. 2018. The diagnosis and management of abusive head injuries in infancy in Egypt. Symptomatic Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Without Accompanying Intracranial Injury Because of Child Abuse. Usefulness of 3-D computed tomography for diagnosis of abusive head trauma. The prevalence of non-accidental trauma among children with polytrauma: A nationwide level-I trauma centre study. Neurotrauma Reports. Perception of male and female infant cry aversiveness by adult men. Kennedy JM, Lazortiz S, & Palusci VJ. In 1995, Texas law makers formed the State Child Fatality Review Team (SCFRT) Committee. Prevalence of inflicted and neglectful femur shaft fractures in young children in national level I trauma centers. Providerschild Growth level-I Trauma centre study leave 's effect on hospital admissions for abusive head injuries in abusive! Never shake a baby traumatic Rupture of the National Violent death reporting System Data- how many shaken baby syndrome deaths in texas 2021... -Amyloid Precursor Protein people in the U.S., more than 2,000 babies die of SIDS every year, 37 in. And Beyond and the opportunities that lie ahead baby may have been shaken and needs Medical... 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