Mike Stroud: He gave an address at an end-times conference in Arizona last November on Accessing the Fullness of the Atonement of Jesus Christ through Personal Revelation. At the end of the presentation, he announced that he would be starting a new podcast series on the Book of Mormon, and the Lord wanted the podcasts translated into Spanish. Consciously getting up and leaving ones body is not something most could do even if they spent all day trying. Conflicting values is nothing new. Under the special definition subsection 1 it could be nothing more than resuming podcasts if his local leaders had instructed him to cease podcasts. Having studied somewhat of the background of all this, the Remnant version 1 and 2 and so on; the idea of actually expecting to see Jesus in person and NOT having to stand in a very long line seems rather hubristic. I further testify that we truly glorify Him with love, patience, understanding, tolerance, compassion forsaking judgment, fear, guilt, hierarchies, comparison, competition, contention, and control. Benson ruined their marriage, or Boyd K. Packer, or other leaders who taught something(s) one spouse embraced so extremelyBUT WAS NOT MEANT IN THE EXTREMEthat marriages fell apart. Its what we all want. Rush, author of: A Remnant Shall Return-Daniel 11-REVELATION the Vision of John Divine. Yet, they are ignored, as, apparently, are the canonized scriptures such as the Bible, BOM, and D&C. What Does Eh Mean In Texting, They are trained to be smarter, tactically superior and technologically advantaged - Melbourne's answer for a cutting edge trend in policing worldwide. Why is she not seeking the confirmation of the Holy Ghost? "Abundantly illustrated with frames and sequences, Video Art offers a history of the medium seen through the perspectives of its early practitioners - such as Bruce Nauman and Vito Acconci, who . Dean - NATO Intelligence Officer, Bob Lazar on ancient advanced technology (min 6.04), Charles Hall - a nuclear physicist, interesting experiences with ETs, Steven Greer Seminar - Very Interesting (watch at 1.5x speed 1:48:30 to 1:50 of special note)). Theres a lot more that can be said about this but basically speaking if a person is just meditating and especially if theyre meditation on Christ, its not going to happen. Thats my kind, naturally . These kinds of changes will be difficult for the Mike Strouds of the world. Invitation. It was a well attended meeting and there was a good spirit there. Thank you, Rush, for all you have done for this nation. These men and women called to this ministry have an assignment in a future day when hopelessness and despair, destruction and death rule the day to go into these nations and through priesthood power and the gifts of the Spirit find these lost ones who have no hope of deliverance and bring them through miraculous ways superseding time and space and deliver them to places of safety and refuge set up by the Lord in his wisdom throughout the world, [57:26] Many of them will be translated in the flesh, as in ancient times, so as to be able to fulfill this mission successfully to bring these redeemed of the Lord to Zion. This is the official page for Michael B. While the church doesn't regularly provide information about excommunication or resignation, those listed here have made such information public. by ransomme August 20th, 2021, 11:58 am, Post What the? You can edit this text and also insert any element here. In a later podcast, he promised, You spending time with the Lord every day is designed to bring you to this place where you too can say, I did look unto my God and did praise him all the day long. (Podcast 019: 1 Nephi 18, abt 29:24) Stroud encouraged listeners to write down any revelations received during this holy time with the Lord, and at various points he shared revelations he received. I have not listened to all of his podcasts but I have to many and in my view his opinions are well within the scope of the gospel taught by Joseph and I am deeply troubled that someone could be expelled from the Church of Christ for teaching principals that bring us closer to him. He even said the church is basically responsible for distributing the Book of mormon while Mike and his podcasts were used by God to GATHER THE ELECT. The doc posted is not just showing why they think Mike is wrong but also trying showing the rest of us how the gospel is properly taught. Mike Stroud set aside the counsel of God which was offered to him by the Lords servants called to minister to his children on earth. At the time of this writing, Michael is the Corporate Controller of a $5 billion manufacturing company. "661: Abby Huntsman and Carrie Sheffield and their Transitions Out of Mormonism". And it the eyes of some, they may very well have pulled it off. Unfortunately, some Church members have viewed groups they considered to be Lamanites with condescension or contempt, (Lamanite Identity, Church History Topic), Mary Ann has blogged at Wheat and Tares since 2015. We have Anti-Nephi-Lehis laying down their lives by the thousands, and the miraculous conversions attributed to Alma and the sons of Mosiah; Prison walls fall to the ground around Alma and Amaleki, then, following the demonstration of the pillar of fire, around Nephi and Lehi. There it is dude, black and white, my permission to explore the mysteries of God. The Church constantly deals with apostasy, sometimes in large waves, because of it. Again, if the idea is that moving in that direction will avoid schism or retain members, its not at all obvious to me that those changes would help. They will range over the earth, visit distant friends, and, for aught we know, the planets, and accomplish great feats; do that which will enhance our happiness, increase to us every enjoyment of life, and prepare us for celestial glory; but when we wake in the morning, it is all gone from us; we have forgotten it.. Symphony Health Acquisition, Why not? If God offers gifts, are we supposed to disrespect the gift by refusing to seek after it?. 1. He only got through 1 Nephi before his church discipline, but the vast majority of what he said is what youd expect from a longtime seminary teacher: pointing out Hebraisms, thinking more deeply about each verse and the motives of each character, emphasizing tribal lineages in the gathering of Israel, etc. I have read through most of it and it wasnt easy. by ransomme August 20th, 2021, 3:44 pm, Post $383,000 MULLICA TOWNSHIP As Rush said, at the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies, there are no degrees because the learning never stops. Michael B. Abramson is a practicing attorney. Never heard of him, I'm not really one to listen to LDS commentators. It seems if we are going to seek out heavenly mysteries and secrets of the universe, we may need to exercise more caution along the way. The 3 Eagle Head identification could have several different meanings, The 2 wings (Right and Left) identification, The Lion's timing of when it comes to "save the Saints", The deeper proof behind "Why Herbert Hoover". Fenerbahe Players 2020, I feel very sad for him! I said, Who was it? She said, Why it was the Lord. I said, How do you know it was the Lord? She said, I just knew it was the Lord. And I said, Congratulations, youve had a Second Comforter experience. by mudflap August 20th, 2021, 8:37 am, Post Includes Address(5) Phone(4) Email(1) See Results. (I wasnt aware hed started podcasting again until after his excommunication, so there was a lot to catch up on.) *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. By Michael Rush. If the 144,000 really are a club that pat each other on the back for their superior knowledge while condemning us gentiles for our weaknesses, then they can have their club, I will stand with the man and woman who love me in my weaknesses and join with them to bear each others burdens as we seek to improve our ability to love one another as Christ and God have loved us. I really enjoyed the first piece you did on Stroud. Michael B. I would argue that this is extremely significant. But if they had really followed Mikes instruction, they would have discerned that it wasnt for them and never would have had to go crying to Kimberly in the first place. A neighbor gave me his podcasts, and as I listened to them I increasingly felt uncomfortable with his teachings; especially the Visions of Glory type stories of others that he shared. At the same time I think you are very accurate in noticing some of the biggest flaws of those who apostatize on the right. DSC the Church has changed over the years and the changes nearly always are mostly in the moderate/liberal/progressive direction. Where they went? Recent Arrests. Funny enough, the Church released a new resource for seminary and institute instructors last August on false revelation. In my previous post, I poked a little bit at Lynn Bryson. what appears to me as the obvious needed direction moving towards more moderate/liberal views on these issues. And now about their doc. This journey led to a very odd placethe old apocrypha. Excommunication. (It even had my 2017 W&T post on Mike Stroud.) Rush is the author of A Remnant Shall Return - 2020 Edition (4.76 avg rating, 79 ratings, 16 reviews), Eleven (4.62 avg rating, 8 ratings, 1 r. Home My Books I think there are many in the church who are in possession of this Spirit and it is the quickest path to perfection and the Zion state for the church as a whole. To be fair, Mike did put a disclaimer at the beginning and the end of the podcast in question that this technique may not be for everyone and should only be tried with discernment. Wish us luck. Many people seek dominion and amen to the priesthood of those men. When will they return? Conscience and Community: Sterling M. McMurrin, Obert C. Tanner, and Lowell L. Bennion. WATCH: Kamala Harris and Michael B. Jordan Open NBA All Star Game By Encouraging Vaccinations and Praising HBCUs Gov. As much as Mike Stroud was loved at that meeting and in the online community, there would be others who would hate him just as much. His original analysis has been studied by students of the scriptures in over 130 countries worldwide, and is included in his first book - A Remnant Shall Return first published in 2015. He posted a video yesterday with his take on the infamous Covid email. [3:00] It was inappropriate for me to teach that persons should seek to be translate or to receive an ordinance of translation and become members of the 144,000 spoken of in scripture. They were both teaching of how to be wise about it. As Elder Neal A. Maxwell taught, To those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, it is clear that the Father and the Son are giving away the secrets of the universe!13. In a very few cases, the list below may include former adherents of other Latter Day Saint movement denominations who have ceased identifying as members of the Church, as well. This man is willfully ignorant and a deceiver. If they testify to the reality of the spiritual world and that the gifts of the spirit may be enjoyed in this life they get the modern equivalent of being burned at the Stake. And unrighteous dominion thrives. How many times over the last 25 years did I cringe when someone would quote Mormon Doctrine as fact instead of opinion. The scriptures reinforce again and again that, in the government of God, there is an hierarchy of noble and great ones who lead with God-given authority. He was born and raised in the Western United States, among the rugged Wasatch mountains, and the rural California coastline. No one in the church called them to write up that online doc. It was a problematic combination. One item I recognized in his new podcasts was something Stroud talked about in his original series, that the 144,000 talked about in the Book of Revelation were a group of men and women who used portals to move through time and space to gather the elect. Im not sure that garment changes fit a philosophy one way or another. Its mostly just a lot of fluff with not much meat to satisfy the arguments. But when you weigh Mikes errors against those of his accusers with all their hypocrisy, fearmongering, deception and intimidation tactics there is really no comparison. Oh, I knew the feeling, but I did not know what feeling goes with the word, and I did not know the word for the feeling, and I struggled for years not knowing how to obey the Two Great Commandments since each requires a knowledge of what is love (as meant in the scripture anyway; the word has many human meanings). In truth, I have learned that many actually DO tend to lust after spiritual experiences, precisely because their IS an hierarchy at least in our minds. But not everyone like her. This is a sad outcome to befall a man who had a lot of spiritual gifts to share. No one would feel lesser because God has blessed one person in certain ways that he has not blessed them. This website is designed to be a secure portal for interested parties to learn more about Michael's research, as well as providing more advantageous purchasing options for his books and audio books. Rush was the first LDS scholar to accurately decipher the prophetic writings of Ezra now known as Ezras Eagle. I appreciated Mike pointing out that Nephi told his brothers that they dont get answers because they dont ask or if they do ask then they dont really believe that they will receive answers. I have heard good things about a Course in Miracles and I have the book. It was inappropriate for me to teach that temple ordinances, specifically the use of altars, should be practiced outside of the temple. He is the Author of The "Last Days" Timeline and website. I am not a fan of personal revelations, testimony meetings, patriarchal blessings, the temple in general, bishopric and stake presidency interviews, the ensign, 90% of conference talks, and anything else that is cult-like or weird. This flies in the face of their favorite social media montras Follow the prophet! So apparently we should always follow the prophetexcept for them when a prophet says something they disagree with and then they can toss it outbut for the rest of us, we have to hold strict adherence. There is no fear in love. But I knew the couples and knew there were strains and rifts and issues long before Pres. Im not sure how anything King Follett fits in one way or the other. They could share them with others without the concern of generating feelings of separation and comparison. wrote about Mike Stroud in September 2017, Accessing the Fullness of the Atonement of Jesus Christ through Personal Revelation.. There more from the doc that could be discussed. So I anticipate future change to be more of the same. A member in Cardston observed, She testified of how real and true the concept of modern revelation from the Lord to His prophet really is.. Michael B. Jordan Rented Out an Entire Aquarium for Valentine's Day Date with Lori Harvey! Whats with that? With the Come Follow Me program we are asked to have discussions instead of lessons. There was a nice girl in one of his classes who was popular, very spiritual and had a very kind heart. As growing up in the 60s and 70s these stories were faith building. Michael passed away in December 2019. The Facebook page was taken down temporarily for safety concerns. Some of the garbage they sell slays me. Actually I know of one of Kimberlys associates who flat out disagreed with this very quote during a social media discussion. It didnt end until some wiser and higher up authorities put a stop to it. I have a dear friend who started hearing voices and seeing people. If the answer is because moderating a position on something is more compatible with what the Savior taught, then absolutely I agree. But this doesnt seem to matter to the author. My reply started with a reminder that Abraham met God on a mountain, so did Moses, so did Jesus (mount of Transfiguration). If they say he was talking about astral projection then he was and thats that. Mike was not contradicting the Savior at all here. - by Michael B Rush Free Download - See the Analyzed Differences Between The Last Days Timeline and A Remnant Shall Return - Click Here Michael B Rush wrote this book as a Michael B. While studying at BYU, Michael met and married his wife Amy - a beautiful Kansas girl. In his initial announcement, he stated that the Lord wanted the podcasts translated into Spanish. I can assure you that Mikes Priesthood leaders and many people in his ward and Stake have had serious concerns about his teachings long before I ever wrote that letter. Check out the latest breaking news videos and viral videos covering showbiz, sport, fashion, technology, and more from the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday. Because of the higher calling that theyve appointed themselves to, all other rules can be ignored. He said, "Undoubtedly angels often guard us from accidents and harm, from temptation and sin. Till thine elections sure, Michael B. The church does not regulate claims per se (IMO) but rather who is authorized to speak for God. Formally join another church and advocate its teachings. Michael can be contacted at [emailprotected]Michael B. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWBwS6IL4Js&t=27s youtube.com The Father's Message to the latter-day Gentiles This video discusses a message that the Father commanded His Son Jesus Christ to share with the Nephites - which would be of great benefit to the Gentiles in. These are our examples. He suggested spending at least one hour every day between 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. with the Lord. My response:. So instead of making real spiritual progress, they substitute it by comparing themselves to others or worse, by putting others down. I have a doubt that I am wise enough to ask for what will most benefit me, my family, community and nation. Perry, James M., reporter, National Observer, "This Fella from Arizona", in Audubon, November 1981, pp. Are you an author? When youre old you can wear purple and think outside the big box occasionally, and when you do, sometimes wondrous things happen. I second the fact that Mike gives exact quotes, uses only scriptures and teachings of Latter-day prophets in his podcasts. Resides in Gaithersburg, MD. About 20 minutes into it, he had an interesting take on D&C 45 and Isaiah 28 (the "covenant with death") prophecy. He thought his own wisdom was worth more than his membership in the Lords true church. Despite his constantly bearing testimony of the brethren he read the B of M like Nibley did ie condemning the Gentiles and making the case ( which most agree with) that we LDS are the Gentiles discussed in the B of M. In his podcast on the definition of Gentiles he discusses 2 Nephi 28 and effectively says that when Nephi sees that they have ALL gone out of their way ( 2 Nephi 28;11) or Moromon 8;380 why have ye polluted the holy church of god he is talking about us in our day. Were living to see that it IS possible and it does happeneven the elect can be deceived when they refuse to humble themselves. scootd28 asks If were not supposed to strive for these things, then what are the stories for?. I am the definition of a Rush Baby, and its not just me. He uses only scriptures and teachings of Latter-day prophets in his podcasts. But its not just about spending time with deity. He posted a video yesterday with his take on the infamous Covid email. I explore the assumption that these are things we are to strive for. Check Background Get Contact Info This Is Me - Edit Now, the church excommunicates someone who teaches that these stories are to be applied to us, each of us, equals, loved equally? Brother Strouds narrative is indeed lacking in much that might legitimize it. We have information on 910-692-9945, including Michael B Rush's name, address, and background checks with criminal records. .. How can we discuss or share experiences if we are afraid that we will be labeled as extreme or potentially get excommunicated for seeking after what Joseph Smith taught we should all be seeking after and that is our second comforter experience. I sort of get what you are saying, but to say it you seem to strawman the actual church position (as I understand it to be). by FreedomJess August 19th, 2021, 11:10 pm, Post The examples you cite are things that happened to prophets which in nearly all cases not only did they not strive for those experiences they would like to have avoided them. I do spend 30-60-and more minutes every day in prayer. That is what made Mike Stroud one of the most dangerous False teachers in the church. I also enjoy hearing of other members spiritual experiences and sharing what has helped them grow and learn. by h_p August 20th, 2021, 10:24 am, Post The pages in that book after my daughter was murdered helped my heart to forgive and let go and for that I am forever grateful for his words he shared. Cricket pie. by Maroriginal1 August 23rd, 2021, 1:27 pm. In this one you seem eerily sympathetic to the fact that his new podcasts contain many occult ideas that he hid behind Book of Mormon scripture. As I have looked at the Ezra's Eagle prophecy from the apocrypha directly, I have noted many additional insights in The Last Days Timeline as I pondered Ezra's Eagle steadily for 5 weeks. Talk to his neighbors and ward members as I have and you will see how badly you misjudge somebody who is only crime is taking the scriptures seriously and encouraging others to do the same. (Discovery Channel) 25 Feb 2021. We have information on 910-692-9945, including Michael B Rush's name, address, and background checks with criminal records. was michael b rush excommunicated. Alma 12 clearly teaches to seek after knowledge, and to him who does not harden his heart, will be given the mysteries of God. There are a number of other attempts to emphasize certain doctrines that are more conservative than not. left the church with his family when they moved to Nebraska; George Thomas Kurian, American Studies Association. In a new Helps by Topic page, there is a link to False Revelation and Gospel Extremism. In that category, there are a couple scriptures, several talks by apostles, and even church history resources. Now after getting someone excommunicated and probably getting another podcaster taken down, they are also developing an appetite for it. Contact Us - Privacy Policy - Terms and Conditions. Monthly Newsletter | Book Reviews | Contact Author, Free Chapters | Free Audiobooks | Free eBooks | Free Videos | Free Tools, Click on The Product You Would Like Below, Book Review:A Remnant Shall Return- byMichael B Rush, Free Download- See the Analyzed Differences Between The Last Days Timeline and A Remnant Shall Return - Click Here. And yet it is exactly the same thing they have done. by Trucker August 20th, 2021, 5:03 am, Post It is only by the Spirit that I know that The Church of Jesus Christ or Latter-Day Saints is a true church or that Joseph Smith was a true Prophet or that The Book of Mormon is true or that Jesus is the Christ and His Atonement is real. The final conclusions of the Ezra's Eagle prophecy takes us to the restoration of the US Constitution. That suggested the possibility that he knew what the grounds were and might have told you. My first observation of their character is that despite their supposedly being such strong adherents to official church doctrine, they dont feel like any other rules apply to them. Rush Limbaugh's Death Certificate Includes a Final Boast. Most in the church know little about this topic and Im not too thrilled about even commenting on it but the author did accuse of it so a response is warranted. Fear. If you've read any of Michael's books, you know you're in for a treat. The accusations continued and got worse more and more people were getting tried and executed as witches. And now it has come to this. Michael Rush in Michigan 59 people named Michael Rush found in Detroit-Ann Arbor-Flint, Grand Rapids-Muskegon-Holland and 5 other cities. And Mike just told her that it was a Second Comforter experience. They can appoint themselves to be teachers but no one else can. But in the end, there is not a whole lot of substance. [Nope.] And as the author rightly conceded he never actually used the term astral projection. Learn how your comment data is processed. According to the Church, When someone obtains the Second Comforter, Jesus Christ will appear to him from time to time, will reveal the Father, and will teach him face to face (D&C 130:3). For Stroud, the Book of Mormon brings people closer to Christ and the heavenly hosts, literally. I havent listened to any of his podcasts, but it seems to me that personal revelarion is just that: personal. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. It is a BURDEN on those so chosen. Follow this link to a Book of Mormon discussion on the moral fiber of the Stripling Warriors "Talking Scripture" Alma 53-63. And then its an ability theyd likely be keeping to themselves. Somethings been gnawing at me as Ive listened to Strouds podcasts during the last week or so. But without love you wont probably care, and if you care, it is because of love. Thanks for the write up. Are you in a position to tell us what part of that definition was applied by whom in Mikes case? But its my understanding that he is appealing their ruling so well see how that goes. Even though many people have heard Gods voice, received instruction from God or various angels, they are usually instructed either by scripture or by inspiration to not publish such revelations. Dogma / Culture / Doctrine. Here is how I believe it breaks down. I do write down what Im told what I learn, often in a blog post of my own. Sorry, Bellamy, you said you know Mike. If it isnt we might as well stay home on the Sabbath ,and watch the telly and drink beer. I want to flag one because it relates to a recent post. Michael passed away in December 2019. It should also be noted that opposition quickly mobilized when Stroud began his podcasts last November. But a state of extreme false doctrine would pour over a room and land you right in front of a Stake President. when we lie down to sleep, our minds are often as bright and active as the mind of an angel, at least they are as active as when our bodies are awake. It was just the two of us. Each person decides which is more important; having the good or avoiding the bad. He knew what the grounds were and might have told you spent all day trying and. Over a room and land you right in front of a Stake President Game by Encouraging and... And comparison mountains, and if you care, it is possible and it wasnt easy true church them. On. there is not a whole lot of spiritual gifts to share so instead of lessons up.! Post what the grounds were and might have told you gifts to share Community and.! Refuse to humble themselves name, address, and watch the telly drink. Personal revelarion is just that: personal thought his own wisdom was more! 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