The dank hallways are barren, except for the presence of the Myrkulites; worshipers of Myrkul that are looking for the same person you are. You can earn some Chaotic points if you attempt to do so, though. They have some pristine and brilliant essences for sale, so nab those if you like. Ok then i'll go with Longswords since at the end the base damage difference between a Longsword and a Bastard swrod is negligible. Since its not an evil action, you can feel free to do so; youll net a Ring of Divine Power (5) and some more magical items off of her crazy followers when they come after you. Youll need to overcome these obstacles, then bash your soul out of the wall. When you speak to the Shape, you have the choice of helping him burn down the grove, which will presumably draw out the Wood Man and force him to face you, or attempt to extinguish the fire. The new MotB essences are dropped by monsters. Safiya is one of the best utility characters in the game, as she can buff every party member quite thoroughly, create magical arms and armor, create wondrous items, and use her familiar to pick locks and detect traps. To the northwest and southwest are exits to various ruins; theyre dead ends and not necessary to visit, but youll get some loot if you explore them thoroughly. If you didnt complete Fentomys quest, then hell summon a couple of his earth elementals and attempt to take you down, as well. Whatever! You know from the gargoyles that its been to Okkus barrow, but that doorway has been shut; youll need to find more doorways that connect to this one before you can use it. West Harbor has been the scene of battles before, but nothing quite like this. When you attempt to leave the Sloop, Zorah at the door will make you pay 500 gold for starting a fight. The enemies within are quite tough for level 20 characters, so youll probably want to come back a bit later before tackling the challenges within. Unfortunately, after you eliminate Dalenka, Nadaj will return and set the remaining berserkers onto you. You'll be coming back later to drink deep of the water here. After inquiring about the golem, tell Safiya to resurrect it (just say "Do it, then"), and youll gain some influence with her and will be able to add the golem to your group. 13 Fortify Stamina Stamina is the best friend of any heavy attack character. 6. Begin by exploring the northern room here. Go ahead and rest after you do so, cast her buffs, and get going. When the enemies are dead, loot the bodies and head through the portal beyond. I am open to enchanting already existing items, especially Sergei's falchion (forgot the name) and boots of sun soul. Elsewhere in the Skein, youll encounter unkillable air elementals (you can temporarily eliminate them by beating on them), packs of spirit rats (useful for supplementing your Spirit Energy), as well as various hagspawn that will attack on sight. Reorganize her spellbook, rest, and rebuff. Gulkaush is located in the middle of the Skein, in a large room thats only accessible after you complete either the Lost in the Skein quest or kill the earth elemental on this level. Shes surrounded by a frightful aura that will probably cause most of your party members to flee in terror; Gann seems to be immune to this, and Kaelyn may be as well. Acid damage is also one of the least resisted types of damage, so that's one of the better choices. Dwarves love to work with adamantine, fashioning it into sturdy armor and deadly, beautiful weapons. The death of the elemental will cause the Skein to begin to collapse. Eventually youll reach the bheur herself, who seems to mean you no harm. Following the climactic battle against the King of Shadows, the player awakens alone and stranded deep beneath the earth. You can repair your golem in between each round by speaking to it, but our souped-up model actually managed to win all five rounds without ever taking damage, so hopefully the model that you construct will be as hardy. Matthew Rorie If you destroy an earth elemental for him, hell give you your weight in gold. Still, hes a single target taking on a well-oiled machine, so he wont be able to stand for long against you. When theyre hot and bothered, move up and finish the group off. You can touch the operating table if you like; itll show you a strange vision of what happened to yourself when the shard inside you was removed from your chest. Can replace the above effect IF there's not maximum effect on weapon. Kill them while whatever summoned creature you have keeps Akachi busy, then return to attacking him. The Soul Repository is at the center of this area. On the other hand, he, like your Ravenous Incarnation ability, can periodically zap you and steal some of your spirit energy. People over at the official forum even started dozen of threads for Owlcat Games to start another kickstarter just so that they'll release a toolset like Neverwinter Nights 1+2. Basically nil. Your first encounter with Okku won't be your last. There are plenty of enemies in the woods, so be mindful of their presence. I keep hearing all this awesome talk about Scimitars because of their Crit rate. He speaks of many things, including the fact that you have to find the true Sword of the Gith, which will unlock a door in the dead gods vault, which will let you recreate the original fight to destroy the Wall of the Faithless, where your soul apparently now dwells - as does Araman. The most experience here is apparently gained from letting him off the hook, however, via the second option. In addition to mundane gold-selling, though, theyll offer you one of the four keys to Nefriss doorif you can find them a special soul. First of all, you will require an item called Enchantment Focus which is sold within the Laboratory in the Lower Ward. Ask Imsha and Tamlith about the gigantic rock in the Immil Vale, and theyll tell you that its called the Mosstone, and apparently has the ability to cause wondrous dreams to those that sleep under its shadow. This means you can upgrade certain unique weapons. If youre unsure of your prowess, bring plenty of Heal potions along with you. When you Suppress, you'll reduce your craving and gain a bit of spirit energy, with a bigger reduction in craving being effected for each spirit around you; use it in a large crowd of spirits for the biggest gain. With that done, return to the corpses that you found earlier and tear off a piece of cloth from one of them, then return to the dog and show it to him. Mask of the Betrayer will continue the story that began in Neverwinter Nights 2, and you can expect many high-level adventures because you have the option of carrying over an existing. to whomever holds it in their inventory. Hes a bear! Youll spot the Vault ahead, but dont go in yet; feel free to explore this area, kill the enemies, gain some experience, and loot the dirt mounds and unmarked graves. If you head to the northeastern corner of the zone, youll encounter a trio of spirit bears. Safiya and she will converse first, and Safiya confirms something you probably long suspected. You have two options: attempt to destroy him, or claim to be his master and gain his services. If you fought them, then all of the petitioners and guards will be hostile to you. I started a ranger with the intent of moving him into an assassin or invisible blade PrC, but I think I missed the boat. Araman, along with his Mykrulite cronies, are waiting for you before the door that leads to the Founder. So long as Okku isnt in your party, its a pretty simple procedure (theyll refuse to speak with you if he is). When Gulkaush is defeated, shell go through a lengthy speech about how she came to dwell in the Skein. Golem Fighting Bugfix. Inquire as to why theyre waiting for the Coven, then "ask nicely" to see if you can get past them. We managed to finagle a Brilliant Spirit Essence by devouring its soul, so you may want to perform that action on it. In this post, we'll go through all the cheats and console commands in Neverwinter Nights 2. Kaelyn doesnt offer much in the way of out-of-combat utility. By Its a mighty helmet for any character, so its worth getting. Nab the Swift Golem Legs off of the golem on the ground here before examining the elemental itself. Now that youve added Kaelyn and Gann to your party, its time to take down Okku, the bear god, who waits for you outside of town. There are four unique soldiers here, each of which will drop some pretty good weaponry, including a +8 shortbow with unlimited +8 piercing damage, 2d6 fire damage that Gann will make good use of, as well as a simply insane +10, Keen, Massive Criticals 2d10 dagger that will be a must-have if youre using any kind of rogue class. Anyway, if you have Stoneskin or Premonition on your characters, then the Gnolls are really just a distraction. Wipe them out, then choose how you wish to deal with the younglings to end the quest. She doesnt attack for much damage and if youre properly buffed shell have a hard time hitting you. Gann doesnt really have a lot of spells that benefit from Empowerment or Maximization or Persistance, so the metamagic feats arent really worthwhile for him. Windelhelm made a deal with a devil to achieve greater power, but now wishes to reclaim his soul. Weapon forged from scratch (wooden spear): 7 vamp regen, 5d6 cold, fire and acid, 1d6 magical, 1d6 positive, 1d4 . For whatever reason, his plan didnt work, and he passed away before completing his necromantic rites. Then there was the permanent true seeing and haste; improved evasion, +15 to saving throws (8 of them being only vs spells via spellcraft); +10 con and cha, +11 str, +8 dex; 30/- fire and 40/- cold and 75% immunity to both, 40/- acid, 25% slashing immunity, 62 ac and 29 regen. When you do that, opening the door will cause lightning to kill a random mephit. Escort him out of the prison after his creepy conversation with Tirzah and return outside for more exploration. His Barkskin spell is probably going to be the most useful buffing spell that he has to offer, as itll offer a +5 bonus to natural armor when cast. Doing so will cause your spirit energy to reduce at a rate of six points per five minutes of gameplay or so, which may not sound bad, but can definitely add up. If you offer your services, shell ask that you return to the exterior of the cave and melt all of the ice that she caused to come into being when she entered. I did a few things different, like going with the Watch and sparing Okku, so I won't be as op as you. Individually the foes are not very difficult, and if youre properly buffed, the group shouldnt be all that hard, either. Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the game NWN2 wanted to be. As far as epic feats go, try to let her nab Epic Spell Penetration and Great Intelligence, alongside any of the epic spells that you find useful. Dont promise the gargoyles anything; you can goad them into attacking you by trying to bluff them into the third door, then kill them and take the magical items and essences that they drop. Before you talk to any of them, though, you can enter the dreamscapes of the remaining thralls here and attempt to rescue them; that will eliminate them from the upcoming fight (if indeed there is a fight). Luckily, you can prepare yourself for this fight and choose when to become hostile. Kaelyn isnt going to set the world on fire with her combat damage; she doesnt have much strength to work with, so shell struggle to hit the high-armor enemies that youll be encountering. One of Many is an interesting follower, but also a problematic one. Mindflayer: The illithid here has been trapped in a mine prison, and needs to escape from the clutches of the githyanki that patrols. Theres a barrel near one of the homes here that will have a number of Mass buff spells; memorize them and cast them on your party, along with the usual Premonition/Stoneskin buffs, before you open the door and head through. If you manage to suppress your addiction, however, your craving will reduce and you wont drop in spirit energy by as much as you would otherwise. (This may have been a bug, and if so may have been patched out, but still, it made him pretty annoying to party with.). Gann also has a number of spirit-related abilities, but well be honest and say that we never used them and still got through the game just fine. Youll also find the aforementioned Codex. If you attempt to prevent the thing inside you from eating his soul, then Okku will join you as a party member. The other two options will have you facing off against either the two Death Knights in the room, or the Death Knights and a resurrected Heilari. Youll be able to loot all of the bloated corpses that were previously floating in the water, and they have some decent stuff on them, which will certainly enrich your coffers when you manage to find someplace to sell all the loot. Hell have plenty of protections, so if possible, cast something like Mordenkainens Disjunction on him to strip them away, or simply unload on him with attacks and spells until he falls. Killing the elemental will unlock the door leading to her chamber; completing the water-draining quest will open a shortcut around the door. It seems powerful, but since our main character was a scythe weaponmaster, we didnt really have much chance to use it. With a lot of work, you can cash out Durler, but the difference between winning multiple rounds to cash him out and letting him win is a scant 2,500 XP. The former two can only be found at night, while the one in the Sloop is open all day long. Its pretty amazing, too, with a damage bonus of 4d6 negative energy, Damage Reduction 10/-, and a +10 Enhancement Bonus. As soon as he charges, start your summonings: Safiya can bring in a Mordenkainens sword, and you may also be able to summon Orglash if you picked up his crystal earlier. Doing so let her leave with Lady Daniyarra and gave us access to her room where you can find some more treasure. In terms of combat spellcasting, Kaelyn has a full suite of summoning spells at her disposal (including her racial spell Summon Planetar), and is probably a better healer than Gann, since she can cast spells like Mass Heal and Greater Restoration that he cant, although shell need to keep her Concentration score up if she intends to cast in combat. Its not an evil or a good act, so feel free to partake as you see fit. She also has no combat-oriented feats save for Power Attack. You can speak to him for as long as you like to learn a bit more about your curse, and how it came about, but no matter what you do, Araman will leave, with seven instructors remaining behind to take you down. The beginning of the game is a confusing one for your character. If you didnt like the character you played in Neverwinter Nights 2, you can also make a new character and level them up to level 18 to try out a new style of play. They always show up when you least expect them to. If you leave Mulsantir on foot, you can head to either The Wells of Lurue to continue the Hill Tribe quest, or head to the Sunken City to find out more about the hags that have somehow caused you to come to this land. When everything is in the table, right-click on the hammer in your inventory and use it on the table to create your golem. She can wield a shield as well as the next guy, though, letting her be a frontline distraction if your main character isnt a melee class. If Gann is with you, you can get a big influence bonus by agreeing that his search for justice is necessary. If you wish, you can simply kill all of the berserkers here in the hut. Myrkul has much to reveal to you, including the fact that the spirit-eater inside you is all that remains of Akachi, the Betrayer that raised an army and attempted to overthrow Myrkuls city of the dead. Attack the four small loci and the big one on the ash tree itself. If you have Okku in your party and three Brilliant Spirit Essences, return to Nakkai and have him begin the ritual. Poke around in Immil Vale until you spot a cave; its actually an abandoned mine. If you like, you can try using something like Dismissal to try and get yourself rid of them and let you focus on the casters. Even if you tell Dalenka of the plot against her, she wont react, so all you can do is head to the remaining berserkers and attempt to talk them into the resurrection. Note: other than. Apart from that, her next feats will probably start getting into the Epic levels, so you can continue to give her Epic Wisdom, if you like, or simply start letting her learn the Epic spells that become available to you. Gann can cast Recall Spirit, so thats taken care of. Itll come in handy during a quest youll pick up downstairs, but for now, if you want to look around, feel free to do so. Cast enervation on a magic workbench containing the above. Keep in mind that after youre automatically disrobed, you may wind up losing hit points due to the lack of Constitution-enhancing items. Other spirits populate the cursed furnace here, and some will speak to you as well. Bloody ass you all, I love The Wheel of Time series, This game runs better on Linux than Windows 10. Djafi will probably be the first one to die, assuming you managed to convince him to join you; most of the enemies will attack him first, leaving you relatively unmolested as you cut a swath through the casters. Speak to him when he leaves, and offer to help him out. Head to the south to the Burning Grove, which youll need to reach through a map transition. One of the vaults should have some hidden Dread Wraiths inside, which will be handy for refilling your spirit meter if you havent fed in a while. If you speak to the two pit fiends in one of the rooms here, youll be able to buy and sell items. You'll face a couple of barrow guardians in these spots. Using it will turn the machine on, net you some essences, and reduce the water levels throughout the area. Requires: Caster level 11, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat. Alignment ain't an issue, I'll happily play whatever's fun. Since youre kind of low on party members, Mordenkainens Sword will also be a good addition to the party. Mold Spirit comes by default, and will let you enchant items with Brilliant Spirit Essences; you obtain Malleate Spirit in the Thayvian Academy via the Mysterious Object quest, and it'll let you use Pristine Spirit Essences in your crafting. When youve dealt with the bulk of the petitioners, speak to Guard Turlok at the gates. So Scimitars are out i'm glad, i never liked those weapons anyways. The first option (demanding cash) will shift you a few points towards chaotic. Either way you go, search the packs here to find the Ring of Frozen Falls and the Sacred Pouch. You may want to have them cast Elemental Swarm and their other high-level summoning abilities here, as well. Fortify Health Regen is just the enchantment for that. One of the baseline abilities. Despite the fact that you can reach the Vault now, you might not actually want to head down that way. The first thing youll want to do here is cast Mordenkainens Disjunction on the group of spellcasters; thatll drop much of their protections. This article contains a list of essence item codes for Mask of the Betrayer (NX1: MotB). You need to take these aspects of Akachi first; while they live, he himself is unkillable. This will be important in some of the upcoming quests. Hes not going to dish out as much damage as a fighter or barbarian, but hell ping away at targets from a safe distance and contribute to the fight as well as he can. If you choose to fight, your other teammates will rejoin you and youll have to wade through the Coven. If Okku is in your party and you attempt to devour the Wood Man, hell automatically turn on you and youll be forced to kill him. +8 ac, +8 regen, 25% slashing immunity and something else. Bring that soul back to the pit fiends and trade them for the soul you need to unlock Nefris door. Valeria adds epic-level enchantments to weapons for both herself and her party members.For my guide on playing NWN2 MotB, at Sorcerer's Place, see:http://www. Note that most of the essences will require Protection from Energy in order to enchant armor; make sure Safiya picks that up. Either way, you'll earn 4000 experience points after the battle. Don't spoil me, but you could set me on the right path to enjoy the best dialogue / plot outcomes. If you head here now, youre unlikely to be able to proceed very far in their ranks, as you have to pass three challenges before youre allowed to do so, and statistically you probably wont be able to pass two of them. Kill it, then search the scrolls nearby to find a quest: The Betrayers Crusade. If you have Gann in your party, then feel free to go crazy with Sunburst spells; Kaelyn will obviously want to go ahead and use Turn Undead to try and make a dent in these guys. Some of the items you picked up in the cave will be worth the maximum of 25,000 gold, so if youre not using them, go ahead and get some cash for them. My final rig was a joke, though. Summon helper creatures if you can to help in the battle. The southwestern vault contains no Tomes, but it does contain a solder named Kelthanos who drops a Belt of Storm Giant Strength and a Talisman of Pure Good. If only Gann is capable of fighting here, however, then have him summon an elemental and Shapechange into something a bit more damaging to Gulkaush. After youve completed the Re-Exile, Left to Rot, and Burning Hatred quests, return to Nadaj in the Lake of Tears Garrison for one last task. You get more experience for running the Count off (by about 400 points), but if you kill him, hell drop a nice kukri that you can sell for 25,000 gold. If you head inside, Inarus will appear behind you, blocking your exit, and start to buff himself up. - George Carlin. If you manage to succeed in an Appraise check, you can knock the price down to 20,000 gold and two souls. Move near the Mosstone with Gann in your party and hit the R button to enter your dream. You can kill them, sure, but you can also challenge the jarl and attempt to take his crown. 5d6 cold (Would replace this with electricity if not for class feats). If your main character isnt a warrior of some sort, shell be immediately valuable as a frontline fighter, since she can wear heavy armor and shields as a cleric, as well as heal and cast offensive spells. Download the best games on Windows & Mac. Kill him and his men, then loot the bodies. Or mephit characters. Death knights are tough individually, but three of them put together is an even tougher proposition. Keep clicking on the door lever until all the mephits are dead, then pick up and drop the bodies so that all of the red mephits are in one room, and all the white mephits are in the other. If you return to the bheur, though, and tell her that the spirits now believe her to be gone, she probably also wont believe you! Ankhriva will drop a very nice wand when he dies, and youll net a couple thousand experience for the kills. If you choose not to devour spirits, you can attempt to Suppress your craving. The soul you need is soul 346 in the Soul Repository upstairs; its located on a shelf on the northern side of the room. You can find a Crossbow of Murder inside, along with some bolts and cash. If your character isnt an arcane spellcaster (and perhaps even if you are), youll probably want to keep Safiya by your side from the beginning until the end; she brings a lot to the table, and her neutrality makes it relatively easy to increase your influence with her, unless you wind up being downright cruel to her. Lastly, you can pay the boatman in Mulsantirs docks 10,000 gold to allow you to head north of Mulsantir to the outpost there. Ammon Jerro lies, soulless, in the corner of the same room as Bebtu. They should be held to account for what theyve done."). These undead are not in the mood for chitchat. Now, return to the Middle Barrow. When you think youre ready to move on, head to Shadow Mulsantir and enter the Death Gods Vault. The ability to use items, scrolls, and armor/weapons that you couldn't normally use is GREAT! , after you do so, though 10/-, and if youre unsure of your prowess, plenty! 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