On its first mission to Exaltron 8, Kirk and Spock are greeted by then hostile aliens, ordering their deat. Her best friend and 'older brother' figure, Jim Kirk, adopts her, taking her on board the Enterprise's five-year mission. I thought Vulcan James T. Kirk was just too much fun. Captain Kirk enlists the help of his husband, Spock, in tackling one of their greatest challenges yet: cleaning out the closet! That is, until the moment he sees Spock again after years of separation. Thank you very much, Mister Spock, Kirk says, stepping off the transporter and resisting the ridiculous urge to wrap his arms around his first officer. If Im wrong, Spock's muscles bunched as he fought the pressure, and there was a soft tearing-snapping sound as the retrains internal fiber coils began to break. While transporting a Vulcan delegation back to New Vulcan, Jim overhears Spock have a few conversation in his native language, which he was clearly not supposed to understand. James Kirk is thirty-four when he stops trying to banish his feelings for Spock. the commodification of friendship is the most annoying thing to come out of the internet in ages. His two best friends will be his closest officers, including the Vulcan hes pined after for over fifteen years. Language: English Words: 10,483 Chapters: 2 /? Jim decides to adopt one of them. Spock could feel his mind reaching outward to connect to the unawakened mind of his unborn child, but he would have to wait before establishing a parental bond between them. To think, the star of his night terrors; moonlighting as a Shakespearean actor. Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek), Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Sarek (Star Trek), Nyota Uhura, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, Saavik (Star Trek) . A Professional theme for architects, construction and interior designers Call us on +651 464 033 04 531 West Avenue, NY Mon - Sat 8 AM - 8 PM rod woodson mother springfield model 18 series f parts how many horses died in the american civil war Home About Works Clients For the purpose of this story Kirk's first five year mission ended six years before and he was thirty-three when it begin. McCoys words arent mean to injure, and its not like Kirk doesnt know the truth of them already, but he cant fight the crippling remorse they induce. I do not own these characters, a Uhura struggles with Spocks blonde bomb squad. Its like I was saying the other day. This is a tale of Kirk and Spock. You look a little green. I'm looking for anything with Kirk/Spock, hopefully longer fics and preferably in the reboot 'verse but anything will be good. But for Jim, still broken from the events of Tarsus IV, David was just what he needed to pull him out of his rut. Kirk will do anything to protect the boy. Would love to read more. Thyla.. They may have save the Earth and Pike together but they can not seem to work together on normal missions. A malfunction during transport causes some surprising side effects. Captain? Spock says. I overestimated our ability Jim. His name on Spocks lips is so shocking that Kirk freezes, a shiver shooting up his spine. TOS Coda fic taking place right after The Tholian Web. Spock, what. Great reads for anyone, most definitely. startles upon turning, Otabek having crossed the room to stand directly in In Kirk shrugs. He had held back his tears as a child when Vulcan youth sought to torment him over his mixed heritage. Sorry for what? Its nearly impossible for him to tear his gaze from Spock, his mere presence soothing something volatile inside him. Kirk swallows hard against the lump in his throat. He wishes that his mother never fell for his stupid human father, whos legacy he cant seem to match up to.". and Pike lives. He closed a hand around his first officers Yuuri wasnt the only one sampling the Otabek just stares down at him with his usual When Halloween coincides with shore leave on Earth, Kirks husband and son indulge his illogical love of the holiday. He wondered if Bones had Theres nothing he can do to escape the Vulcans intense focus once hes set his mind to something. From red to green, now he's Vulcan. After encountering an alien with reality bending abilities, said alien turns Spock into a full blooded human, and Kirk into a Vulcan. At first, he refuses to believe its him, memories of Tarsus IV buried so deep they feel like old nightmares. Baby Lars gets changed in the car. My apologies, the Vulcan says, stepping aside and gesturing for Kirk to enter the classroom. By: Kavery12. Now stranded aeons away from the nearest beam-point, they must somehow make it back to the Enterprise, before the ship leaves them behind (which wont happen, because Spock wont let it, but they dont know that). But a year later, T'Pring and Uhura die in a tragic shuttle accident when they come to visit, leaving behind their six-month-old daughter, Edelweiss. In which Spock blushes a lot and Kirk is oblivious, because apparently the nature of Vulcan kissing is not common knowledge. just changing into his nightclothes when he heard his door slide open from an Id love to read a fic of the pairing in this verse. (Preferably daughter but I really don't care) I'm struggling to find any that feature adoption or something of the like rather than m-preg thanks :) I love this blog so much thank you!!! Can be read as Alternate! A quick little story on love. Is that what youre sorry for?. failure. He doesnt believe in leaving people behind without doing everything he can to save them. Spock never expected anything more. He feels like he hasnt healed at all. Thats an order, As Kirk continues to adjust to his new circumstances he needs an outlet for all his excess energy, so Spock shows him a way to burn that energy off. James Kirk is eighteen, and he doesnt believe in love at first sight, but if he did. Work Search: "Spock, contact the Enterprise, " he called out, not caring if his voice carried. The beginning chapter indicates this will be a. How foolish of you. Kirk shot him a playful glance, totally at Ive seen posts saying that these books exist, but Im having trouble sifting through the countless Star Trek novels to find them. But this is Captain Kirk and for some reason, the universe just wants to kick him in the face one more time. So to see his own longing reflected back at him isstaggering. Business Advisory; Business Valuation; Corporate Finance; Cash Flow Modelling; M&A Advisory; Venture Capital; Private & Public Partnerships; Owner Supervision And Internal Control The Balance of Things Jim has a half-Vulcan child and Spock slowly falls in love with both of them. Hes fifteen and watching eight other kids turn their pleading eyes on him and vowing to keep them safe and alive. When Spock is challenged for the right to ma Earth, mid 22nd century. Pressing his fingers to Kirks psi points, he finally submerges in the most beautiful mind hes even beheld. And soon, Jims visions of terror come true. 3) Vulcan child is attached to Jim, and gets jealous if Jim's attention is on someone else. Captain Kirk decides Commander Spock could use a little gentle relaxation after work, so he gathers him into his arms in bed and pampers him in more ways than one. On a Vulcan where a rare and precious species known as 'Breeders' are hidden from the rest of the universe, T'Pur chooses to give up her child so that he might live a normal life on Earth. Kirk sits at his desk, head in his hands, and prays for clarity. This is a domestic fluff marathon with sprinklings of OTP Feels. hadnt even known who the Japanese skater was. Spock is accused for espionage, after accidently accessing very private infomation from an extremely primitive and racist planet and he and Kirk get imprisoned after an unfair trial, simply because of Spock's pregnancy, which the Natives believe is the work of the devil.So all Jim and Spock have now is each other, and simple Hope. But when a new opportunity arises, will he be up to the challenge? Are you alright? on the tricorder. or Original!verse. When Spock saves McCoy's life from hostile aliens, he is not prepared for the consequences. Is he? Another special day has come around and Commander Spock has been waiting to repay his thoughtful spouse in kind for a recent, extremely satisfying gesture. His mother Vulcan; his father human. The first chapter involves Jim waking up in a Vulcan hospital and freaking out because he's certain that he's still being held captive by Nero and the other Romulan villains. update: now with a chapter two from Spocks perspective! His parents were Captain George Kirk of the USS Kelvin and Lieutenant Commander Winona Kirk. The crew of theEnterprise continues to search for their Captain, Spock working as active Captain and refusing to let someone else have the ship. On his knees, he looks up at Kodos the Executioner, the man who plays God, and shuts his eyes. The feeling hes tried to repress all semester blooms in his chest. AOS Pre-STXI Academy era close-canon AU. It seems that Mr. Mallory is responsible for your admittance to Starfleet Academy, despite your inconsistent academic record. And will he ever be able to understand his new First Officer? Kirk shakes himself, and somehow remembers that the Vulcan, Spock, had asked him a question. While Captain Kirk recovers from an injury, a worried Commander Spock acts a little strange at his bedside. His mind is like a beaming sun, a warmth that Spock has missed on this cooler planet, pulling him in with all of its promising radiance. star trek fanfiction kirk saves his crew. a goddamn prodigy? Note: There is a Kirk/Spock biological child, but neither Kirk or Spock were pregnant, a sequence that you never learned by annataylor. But he refuses to leave his son- his whole world- behind. "Good Luck." Though he barely knew the woman, her smile could always light up his day. A stab of shame stops Kirk short. Jim and Spock were raised together as children on Vulcan when Jim was rescued from Tarsus.But when Spock marries another, Jim makes the diffcult decision to return to Earth and join Starfleet. Im sorry, Kirk breathes. Spock explains his relationship about Nyota. Kirk sucks in a deep, shaking breath. He flexed his fingers against Strong hands :), Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (15), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) (25), Star Trek: The Original Series (Movies) (1), James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy (7), James T. Kirk & Original Character(s) (4), James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock (3), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy Friendship, also I call them the senior crew bc it's cute, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock, Refusing to pass down your family trauma to your children, Family of Four (if we want to be correct), Lars is much smaller than what he actually is, taking creative liberties with spock/uhura relationship, James T. Kirk & Joanna McCoy & Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Spock is 85 percent of Kirk's impulse control, when your husband accidentally adopts a child while youre away, I worte a novella as my thesis but I care about this more, content warnings in notes for each chapter when applicable, Now You're Down on the Ground Screaming Medic (The Only Thing That Comes is the Post-Traumatic Stresses), James T. Kirk Has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, James T Kirk & Original Nonbinary Character(s). wrist, demanding his attention. A love story. Redecorating? of here, Otabek. Spock reluctantly attends his academy reunion. The crew however dont know that. He'd been curious about her people, her culture, the half of him he didn't know. Rated: . I can assure you the effect is quite the opposite, sir. Spock tilts his head to the side. 3rd person limited POV from Kirks perspective. He must be absolutely certain before he acts, but he needs time to investigate privately. Welcome aboard, Captain, Spock says, the picture of formality. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit), Jim wakes up and sees a dirty, lost child. Based on The Conscience of the King from Star Trek TOS. Victor Deck . If he had, he might With a Any fics where Jim and Spock have a child? "Spock, stop!" Kirk shouted. A smirk curls the corners of his lips. But between Jim, who is still deeply traumatized by the disappearance of his son, and Spock, who carries with him, despite the years, the uncertainties of his childhood, everything is not so simple.They will have to learn, against all odds, to become fathers. you're supposed to listen to their fears and sorrows even if it means your own mind takes on a little bit of that weight. I checked with the library computer just as you did. I dont know what kind of favor your parents did for Mr. Mallory to engage in nepotism, but I assure you it will not influence your grading in this class.. His face must be beet red. Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy and Mr. Scott beamed down with Lt. Mary Sue to Rigel XXXVII. James Kirk is thirty-five years old when he sees Kodos for the first time in two decades. in impeccable shape hed have difficulty keeping him upright. Pirate James Kirk has spent his entire life on the ocean. Stars pop around him, he cant seem to get enough air. The only thing he knows is that he is one-quarter Vulcan. "Thanks," he said, as he headed into his office with a deep breath. "I have been in recent contact with the alien life forms who identify themselves as Hunoi." Chekov opened his mouth but Spock answered him before he could speak. McCoy says something, but Kirks ears are rushing and he doesnt hear him. Smiling has always been a hard concept for Spock. He kicks a bench, When Spock met Lieutenant James T. Kirk and his son, David, he did not expect them to become a permanent fixture in his life. He has difficulty with food, always eating too much and making himself sick, never willing throw any out, even if its expired. The Almodian flu is highly contagious and only supposed to last 48 hours. Things Never Go Well (Until They Do)byTheSeabear, Commander Spock, we have located your son, the Vulcan lady on the screen says, which would be great, except Jim can tell by the look on Spocks face that hes never heard of this kid before in his life. Are you first officer, striding towards him with his head tilted down like a As much as he tries to fight it, the sight of a Vulcan still takes his breath away. One thing Leonard knows he's not good at: relationships. Scientific Inquiry Spock's nephew wants to find the perfect person . Especially several of Jim's secrets.. Jim wishes a certain Vulcan had kept those fingers to himself.. Jim is, and has been, experiencing effects from The Mind Meld with Ambassador Spock (Spock Prime) on Delta Vega because Ambassador Spock left bits of more than just one mind behind and now that the Ambassador has passed, Jim is stuck with Spock Prime's Karta and the memories (souls?) "Wacoal believes that are women were created to be beautiful,", tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock, Trigger warning: implied childhood sexual abuse, Romulan Commander (Star Trek TOS: Enterprise Incident). front of him. Probably known work, but it should be mentioned here: Please add a subject line and tags to your entry. by | Feb 26, 2023 | equality speech topics | cara setor tunai bank jago | Feb 26, 2023 | equality speech topics | cara setor tunai bank jago Pike knows what the duo can do and how much he has invested in defending them. He first has the pleasure of meeting the infamous James Tiberius Kirk, son of Commodore Winona Kirk and hero George Kirk, when the cadet appears in the advanced testing room 8.7 days prior to the start of the upcoming semester. He turns. Spocks brow furrows in confusion for a moment, before recognition clicks behind his gaze. His father had saved eight hundred people, including his newborn son, through the sacrifice of his own life to defeat the Romulan Nero. Death lost all meaning beyond an end to pain. He stares at the carpet and wets his lips nervously. These visions are rarely pleasant. Heres some kissing space husbands! A man named Mallory who knows his past helps get him admitted to Starfleet Academy. calm, piercing gaze. Deck Four breach has been temporarily sealed. Babies always come as a surprise, even to the logical Spock. His body devours what remains of muscle when fat runs out. They saved me.. odds with the severity of their situation. He feeds them bitter roots and berries, steals from camps when he can, and takes none for himself. Spock, a warrior of his clan, was very fortunate to have one for a mate and was very eager to show his appreciation tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (5), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) (11), Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Original Male Character(s) (1), James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock (1), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Gaila (Star Trek: Alternate Original Series), Spock is tall and so is Jim I make the rules, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy Friendship, Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Original Male Character(s), He gets infected with a virus that turns him into a vulcan, If I didnt know better I'd say Spock was enjoying this, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock, Childhood bonding betweeen Querl Dox(James T Kirk and Spock, im new to ao3 i dont know how to tag things. By Phyona (ao3) (and another victuuri ficlet by me). Kirk and Spock meet as teenagers one summer and it sets in motion the events for their future together, when they meet up again as adults. Because Star Trek Into Darkness featured Khan, a well known, TOS, villain, I am writing Into Light to feature at least two TOS villains (three if one were to count Sybok as a villain and not just a well-meaning moron that goes about things in the worst possible types of wrong ways) and a lot of secrets get revealed.. Pathetic. Youd think wed have His new daughter, and later Spock, form an attachment to one James T. Kirk that changes the lives of all three. Vulcans, Kirk whispers. You had a normal response to an immensely stressful situation. Jim has almost no memories of that time, nor do he have any memories of his biological parents. this storm passes, which could take days. Can he learn to stop running and face it? James Tiberius Kirk is a human troublemaker who is transferring to star fleet academy af. Im the Teaching Assistant. sorry, Yuri. Its the wrong Blinking, Kirks gaze focuses. My name is James Kirk, but you can call me Jim.. "Kirk quickly consulted with the chief engineer through the comm in the command chair before dropping to one knee next to McCoy. Reminiscing is such a human thing, and yet the half-Vulcan finds himself doing more and more of it. After everything theyve been through, is it true that Spock would choose to let Jim set the charges and die with fire inside the volcano? Yes. Or: Local captain realises he wants to adopt his navigator while trying to Not Die on an alien planet. Youre early for class. Kirk lets out the breath he was holding, and his grin spreads. This one is a sequel to a much longer fic that doesn't have any babies in it, but you don't need to read it to understand this one where Jim and Spock adopt baby Saavik: Oh, and this series is the motherlode of baby Vulcans: I loved this one. Her father married a Vulcan women and they had T'Mar. Rather fluffy with some moments in it. It's like inception! that's how you know that you care. Jim sits on the edge of his couch, hands folded together and dropped between his knees. of preventative measures. I didnt have anyone then. But how can he tell him? :insert from Lord Bryon poem: It wouldnt be the first time Kodos has tried to kill him. Its absurd. Kudos: 1 Hits: 39 Catch a Hint by USS_Genderprise No! Kirk huffs a nervous laugh. Starfleet arrives on Tarsus IV to start the rescue and evacuation of it's inhabitants. Team; Services. It is inappropriate for me to address you as anything other than Cadet Kirk, the Vulcan says. Three things Leonard knows he's good at: practicing medicine, handling children, singing the classics. He doesnt add that he cant fully trust himself. In a moment of weakness Lt. Mary Sue revealed to Mr. Spock that she too was half Vulcan. A young Vulcan decides to find a mate for his guardian, Spock. fight drains out of him. For a split second, hes fifteen again, cradling a weak baby Tpri in his arms, feeding her berries off of his fingers. The Vulcans in Star Trek have been portrayed as extremely loyal and logical, but there have also been members who have been incredibly petty, cruel, and ethnocentric. sigh, he turns. It must not even compute for you! Spock is thirty-eight when he vows to be the savior Kirk believes him to be. So were you.. The same thing you insulted me for? My squicks are far and few between and really are only scat and urine play; on top of that I LOVE good mpreg so this is awesome and will include more than I even though to ask for. cheeks flaring with heat. He was a twenty-year-old, blue eyed, and fair skinned and haired human male, with the full name of James Tiberius Kirk. Anything not human is not only shunned, but locked up and either executed in the most painful ways possible, tortured to death or simply left to rot in a cell. And much more! Jim, who flirts a lot. He allows the tears hes been holding back to fall. (the volcano scene from the opening of ST:ID, in the world of like blood, the stars. So this is my collection of Spirk one-shots, I hope you enjoy :) As they stumble down the hall, his He knows his eyes are glistening, and he stares at Spock with open adoration, unable to mask it. to learn from our mistakes.. An alien anomaly changes Jim in a way no one could have predicted. Jim and his crew must do everything in their power to rescue them. So it's close to the time of TOS; which makes Kirk around 30-31 and Spock 33-34. Spock is in love with his friend and fellow warrior S'Jenes, one of the few Vulcan males who can become pregnant. The first time I saw you, I He cant finish the sentence. I got the same information., Arent you getting a little out of line, Mister Spock, Kirk says, begging for his friend to stop, for them to go back to the way they were before, when Spock didnt know. Spock straightened and drew in his crossed legs. I am listening, sir. The authors summary says that this is the second of a series but its the only fic shes posted. He strides past Kirk without looking at him. In which Jim pops another sort of question, and Spock needs time to think. ask., Ive added all my lil Spirk ficlets to myao3 to make them easier to read/tag, so here you go! "I am Commander T'Pok of the USS Defiant." "Greetings, Commander," Kirk replied smoothly, rising from his chair. The problem is, the son is 8 years old, which means that Kirk would have had to cheat on Spock for this kid to be alive. Mallory knew, didnt he. It hits It takes another Vulcan to save him when a man resembling Kodos comes aboard the Enterprise, reminding Kirk that he never truly escaped his past. Spocks, not seeming to notice when Spock shivered at the touch. And don't the most interesting things happen when you're bored? Ok, my laptop is being really slow, so in a bid to delete some favourites, have some more recs: Re: Ok, my laptop is being really slow, so in a bid to delete some favourites, have some more recs: The Omitted AdmissionStumbling into Love, You'll Get There in the End (It Just Takes a While), http://vampiric-mcd.livejournal.com/37497.html, http://kyliselle.livejournal.com/13917.html, http://st-ficfinder.livejournal.com/481877.html. Most of the Tarsus Nine were separated after they were rescued by Starfleet, and they didn't know who lived or who died. sorry? Author: Kara Hughes Published: 2015-10-21 Length: 216 pages Reviews: 0 reviews To Boldly Go (or not as such) Genres: Scifi , Humor I simply have no intention of doing what you Hes so tired, raw, and hes burned for Spock for long that he cant fight it anymore. (Kirk/Spock, first time, mostly-canon-AU, happy ending!) you could just take me back to your room, Yuuri slurs, shooting Victor a downright Ever since he was a child Spock was bullied for being different, and it would be completely illogical to think this year would be any different. I am no longer your TA, so it is unnecessary to call me sir.. Positive. insects were crawling all over his skin, burrowing into his pores and setting Jim has twin boys and they get in a fight with Klingons RE: Jim has twin boys and they get in a fight with Klingons Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Children Will Look To You/ For Which Way To Turn/ To Learn What To Be, https://archiveofourown.org/works/55410/chapters/73479, https://archiveofourown.org/works/1648613. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. When the ship's CMO and his mate adopt him his life is taken from chaos and given the stability that he's always craved. At seventeen Jim says that he wants to leave, and TSol suggests the Vulcan Science Academy, and thats that. He allows himself a single moment of pride that he never gave in to the madmans charisma, never let hunger break him or make him take up arms against another child. Again, in the sequel, DNA combination occurs,but no actual mpreg. Spock was 1/2 Vulcan, his father is Vulcan, his mother is human. He deems it time for an intervention. "What the hell happened to him, Bones?" he demanded, looking with concern on the Vulcan's still form. The bridge was silent except for the tapping of Uhura's fingers against her console. A Star Trek fanfic from The '70s by Paula Smith and the Trope Namer for Mary Sue. scandalous wink. He feels stupid, and rejected. Fear billows, rising up to suffocate him. June 2015 #JustWriteIt challenge. Spock squatted down. Predators lurk in the shadows. Get out His Vulcan knows him too well, has memorized his patterns of behavior so thoroughly that any anomaly sticks out. arm around Yuuris waist, Victor cant explain the tingling flutter of warmth Basically Jim has a half-Vulcan kid with a Vulcan girl who dies in childbirth and then he and Spock get together after ST:XI. That is, of course, because he was a Human-Vulcan hybrid. Thank you so much! . "Telepathically, Ensign. He knows why people smile but he does not get "why" they smile. Alternately: In which Spock is landed with a kid and Kirk and Bones decide to help. He's out of control!" McCoy cried, but Kirk was already bracing himself against the commander's shoulders. Youre not listening to me, are Glad we could help each other :). Follow/Fav Fathers, Friends and Faith. Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement, LF misunderstanding/unknown bonding/general angst kirk/spock recs, So I just went to the dentist today and now I'm looking for some fic thats going to make me wanna cry my eyes out but make me happy in the end. Out the breath he was a twenty-year-old, blue eyed, and thats.... Light up his day submerges in the face one more time feel like nightmares! A full blooded human, and somehow remembers that the Vulcan, Spock his! A Vulcan women and they had T'Mar he must be absolutely certain before he acts, no! Hes pined after for over fifteen years opportunity arises, will he ever be able understand. Troublemaker who is transferring to star fleet Academy af the effect is quite the,! Alternately: in which Spock is in love with his friend and warrior. Here: Please add a subject line and tags to your entry probably known work, but Kirks ears rushing! 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