mold lawsuit settlements amounts california

Between 2010 and 2014, Ordog billed Medicare for $6,524,660 in services and was paid $2,573,667. Black Mold is appearing in my apartment I did some looking around in the rest of the apartment and it looks as if the just painted over it on the walls, vents, and floors what should I have a 3 year old son my husband and I never feel good neither does my son. When your landlord either delays or refuses to fix the mold problem, the health of you and your family are at risk and you can sue. Should he be held liable, since according to renter rights its up to the landlord to ensure his tenants have a safe habital place to live, and if so what should my next steps be. My mother and I have had a house fire and have been moved into an apartment on the third floor. I hired an attorney because after spending months cleaning, painting, laying carpet, etc and being so sick I could barely move the landlord decided unless I found someone to take my place and move into the home he wasnt giving me back my 500.00 deposit. It is time UNITED WE STAND If nothing else I dont want anyone to go through what I am I want to make people aware.. My mother and stepfather have symptoms mimicking what mine were just weeks ago And they are also progressing the same steps I did. They sent me home with hospital pneumonia. The landlord sent his friend who was supposed to be a plumber to install a second sump pump but unfortunately this plumber installed it wrong. We have the children living here Please help! She did give me an inhaler as I have trouble breathing in the apartment. During this time, your landlord may call you to try and settle the case. A week later same issue in the bedroom. my boyfriend said it was in a small crevasse in my shower but it was already there when i moved in. Please help!! Ive recently rented an apartment I just found out kitchen had caught fire last Dec 2019. Sincerely, so I am not clear on the details. The worst of all about this situation is the landlord wants us out Asap. right now they are only held by 2 dowels? I thought maybe someone spilled Coke or something on the floor or it was discolored from the sun and moving furniture. If you have mold-related losses (for a health-related problem or property damage), you might be able to sue your landlord in small claims court, if your claim is in the $3,000-$10,000 range, (the small claims court limit in most states). I printed out the email (which is the first paragraph above) and mailed it to AHA. All the while not knowing the home had been growing mold due to previous flooding in the basement. Can you identify who the two ladies in DE were who were successful in suing their landlord or perhaps give me the name of the attorney who represented them? Otherwise youll lose.. Baybish, you need a really good immunologist/allergist. we also reported roof problems. Thereafter, a mold remediation protocol is prepared based on the results of that mold testing. Given my current state of health Id do my best to have everything out by the end of February, however I highly suggest they have the house tested before re-renting. This process likely contributed to the deaths at UPMC. Its purple mold. Ive not worked in over 3 months because I am too sick to get out of bed. I have a very hard time breathing and my skin gets irritated now also, it turns red and then if anything touches it, it becomes itchy and little solid bumps that look like pimples I get on my face. I mean do we need to sell too???? If can give a lot more info if you need it. Since the bathroom at tile floor and tile surrounding the tub they didnt do anything but replace drywall and paint. When they sold me the home it had a new paint job and new carpet so I would not have noticed if there was mold prior to me moving in. I figured that it all had to to with the ceilings being messed up but didnt know there was mold under them too. I have had 5 leaks in last 5 years in the roof of my bedroom and every time they do superficial cleanup. 21515 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 670, Torrance, CA 90503. Do you have homeowners insurance? When contacted by Insurance Journal, Rick Rodgers of Dillion & Rodgers in Sacramento, who was counsel for the defendants, said only that, Were going to file standard, post-trial motions and an appealand are, therefore, not releasing comments at this time.. My husband wanted the roof repaired and so he helped the man since another rain storm was coming. my 70 yr old mother just returned from a trip to Florida. This is Kendall and I have a site from the HUD house ing for financial help if you are in a moldly home , sick, cant work , depressed, sad , pissed off no one is listening, cant even find a friggen Dr. To listen to you , and all the while the world keeps going and all of a sudden your priorities get all mixed up. Be sure to document as much as you can for an attorney and/or insurance. I have allergies to pollen,grassweed mix,hormendrum mold which causes asthma and can exacerbate a previous respiratory condition . Duty to Clean and Ventilate: In order to address the increasing concerns about mold and mildew, Tenant hereby acknowledges mold and mildew can grow in the Premises if the Premises is not properly maintained and ventilated and it is important for Tenant to allow air to circulate in the apartment. Im your tenant, you need to tell me when, and if things are going to take a while to get fixed and WHY. The median amount awarded in auto accident cases was $16,000. The plaster behind the paneling upstairs is falling. I have a case with this but dnt know where to strt. Elizabeth Urias, see me other posts. With cats I know that they tend to mark areas and decided I really needed to scrub carpets. When you fix things that arent in my apt., like the roof, you need to let me know that it actually got fixed. I would be interested in signing up if you do. More than that they lied on the stand about it. The Board of health in Gardner Mass told the landlord he had to remove and remediate all mold/mold sources.the landlord didnt do it and is trying to evict me.I have constant headaches, cronic fatigue, memory loss, shortness of breathI am on SS. I currently live in subsidized housing and Ive been having a huge mold problem. I think my best bet, which I am afraid the realtor and the landlord are going to do what they can to dismiss my claim and then get an eviction going on me. which Ins. LISTEN TO YOUR GUT!! This was covered by my insurance company. On this date, October 17, they told me they would have someone come on Monday (10/20/14) at 10:00 a.m. to do a humidity test, then they would assess the damages that I was liable for. Patio door/front door would get saturated with water ODOR increased, immediately notified manager of complex he would have the company that cleans the carpets for the complex come to extract the water and shampoo that carpet. They assured us when we moved in that all the mold was removed and treated. Which I have no doubt that this is whats been causing all of mine and my families health problems , it would be easier for me to tell you the syptoms I havent had compared to the ones I have had. When I returned, I found a work order on my kitchen counter for the laundry room door, but no humidity test. After 5 weeks, we had the first heavy rain of the season. I am not a county employee, so they are a third party. I spent a month calling to see if I could get a look, but they had nothing available to show me. I live in a duplex with my fianc and my 8 month old son in MA. Make no claims that cannot be supported by evidence right now. In all 50 states, this is a Breach of Warranty of Habitability. 3 days after here return home she has lost her voice and her throat is very sore. Other claims are pending. I need compensation for all those months I stayed there in the heat and cold, with leakage and mold. How can I prove we have mold and Can I sue for the negligence of the owners of my apartment building? We emailed the clerical worker/landlord for the complex. It took her a couple days to figure out where it was coming from. Can someone please help? The visual, on-site mold inspection is the essential part of the investigation to make sense of the lab data. One day i saw a dark area in the corner by the patio door on the baseboard pulled back the carpet the ODOR unbearable the tact strip was softer than a sponge and black,padding soaked with black areas/ black areas under the carpet/ black areas around the baseboards. Ive told the office for two years now that Im moving in a week they say they are going to rEplace the wall. Then Ill be on the streets just wasting away to nothing. Our landlord is taking us to court for the rent we owe. I told them I wanted a mold test done and he said it was getting done. Weve asked the landlord several times to remove the unit but they refuse. The manager of the property was notified and nothing was spoken about it again. it could be severe ezcema. It is not easy for me to just pick up and move as I already struggle We have lived here for almost 3 years now. A mold problem has occurred as a direct result and the contractor was not sufficiently insured. Is there a way to take my landlord to court and get my rent back that I paid him in July, Aug., and Sept.?????? my 4 month old daughter has been sick since birth, in and out of the drs office. Dr. Ordog's biggest mistake was to charge Medicare for these questionable services. Recently they evicted the last tenants and sold the house to a long distance buyer. took damn long enough!!!! I have a hx of sarcoidosis and sinusitis. Is there a lawyer in Chicago we can contact about our mold problem which is going on right now. Could this be the result of breathing that air in. It is black in color. Health & Safety Code 26147 (2022).) I do not know where you live but some states do have a number for what amount of mold is dangerous to a human being. I was constantly cleaning. then take all your doctor bills, prescriptions, journal, pictures and find a attorney. I remember telling my landlord last spring about mold and it was affecting my twenty year old sons health. There is no fan or vents in our restroom rather than the window which we leave open while we shower until all the steam has released it still does no help. Another ended up with a skin rash after helping me deliver my baby in my home. He also said that about my bathtub-see below. All he did was sanding in the kitchen and living room. And I honestly dont know what to do. I have bleached and scrubbed everywhere at least once a week and it still grows back strong as ever. Conal Doyle obtained a $350,000 settlement on behalf of a family of three who were exposed to toxic mold over a three year period in Orange County, California. Could she possibly be getting exposure from the neighbors house? Hello, Since Last November 2011 I have experienced Asthma this past month I had a bronchoscopy done and aspergullis was found in my lungs. i hope I could be of some help. Later his girlfriend was upset that I saw it and worried the hotel would think they did it.. people ha.. On Feb 12 my husband and I rented a small home. Start a fund raising campaign, watch it build, and cash out when the time is right. There are big black spots that continue to reappear in our shower tile even after cleaning it thoroughly. We rent a townhouse in California. Upon moving in I was told I couldnt hook up washing machine due to leaking pipes. The room was remodeled and the mold was painted/ dry walled over. I have a question Even if you havent fallen ill, toxic black mold is a violation of the implied warranty of habitability. Shell come and look and say well I dont see any holes or leakes so I dont know where it is coming from. The only thing I do in this bathroom is take a shower because it is really small. I am 27 and new to buying homes. 801-634-8261 or [emailprotected]. I dont know how to proceed in order to protect ourselves. After more than a decade and a half of legal battles over which personal injuries can be attributed to mold exposure, the parties liable for those injuries, and the extent to which mold is a health risk, controversies remain. Theres no way the problem wasnt apparent to them. Well finally theyve had enough and with the advise of their attorney they have decided to find a new home to move into. Meanwhile, our neighbor start to notice mold and high moisture in their units that share the leaky exterior wall. I contacted the property manager to ask for My roof started leaking and I had a contractor come out to fix it, he advised me that there was no black tir paper under any of my shingle on my roof it was never put down also upon inspecting the home he found several of my walls to be rotten mostly behind cabinets in the kitchen he also found that the house is full of mold.!!! Damages from a physical injury are not taxable in general. Went to the Doctors and they said that it is a good Possiblilty the reason we have been sick is cause of mold. I have been residing in my apartment since 2009. A word of caution though, manufactured homes are engineered for only so much weight on the roof, so you should make sure the new roofing isnt too heavy for the structure. On December 12th of 2006 I was hospitalized and had an IV of amphitocerin B (or something like that, I cant remember how its spelled but its a very potent antifungal). In addition, the lab report is only one part of the story. I also dicovered black goo substance im the ice machine so i have decided to quit and not come back. I dont know much of mold but this entire house could literally fall if there was a really big rain. In Jan 2014, my home flooded due to my tenants leaving the outside hose connected during freezing temperatures. Whos Responsible for Mold in a Rental Property? I am trying to find out all the information I can in regards of suing due to mold. (Hasnt even cleaned the rugs.) The wall doesnt hit an inside wall so I thought I was ok. Nope..all furniture ruin and replaced, this time with plastic under. Both claimed that they had become "extremely" sick as a result.Attorneys for the Federicos made claims for both breach of contract and negligence per se. Called the Housing inspector said to pull up carpet in the other rooms as well,manager left the other carpets. His lymph nodes are swollen on the one side, his body aches all over constantly, he has had 2 small seizures, a euphoric feeling all the time and he actually went crazy a few times in the house pacing the halls while his skin crawled for hours on end. Could i sue them for this? Stachybotrys chartarum often begins colonizing in specific areas, like alongside improperly sealed windows and ceilings. Please advise? For instance, it could be the result of construction defects, faulty materials, poor architectural design, or the previous owner's failure to disclose known problems. Mold Lawsuit Settlements We are recognized for our success in bringing toxic mold cases on behalf of individuals who are injured or damaged by mold. You have yet to, at the very least, tell me why it is taking so long. I am wondering if there is any legal action our students and teachers can take to get this mold out of our school. I went for an upper endoscopy and the first time the doctor could not do it because my esophagus was irritated and he took a picture of what he thought was a yeast infection on my esophagus. Angela, simply withholding rent will get you evicted. We are waiting for the air testing to come back but my 2 yr and 10 mth old and I are staying at my parents until we get the reslts. Hi There, On my move in date, I went to the office to set everything up and they wanted all the paperwork signed. Miller added that there had been other sources of water intrusion through exterior siding into the apartment from a sprinkler spraying the T111 wood siding. I dont think that is anything related.. Hum, then i meet a young couple, and in talking to the couple on this that and the other, I brought up mold.. did it discreetly so not to cause harm in the business.. but he opened up and took me to the first floor area where they apparently removed drywall in the halls, said it was mold. I dont know if its water or Freon from the A.c. any who the walls are moldy. The contracting company cut out the drywall in the laundry room and only part of the bathroom (the wall just behind the toilet where the broken pipe was)the water damage company set some machines out in the den (which covered the laundry room, kitchen and den) and the master bedroom they came by each day and took some readings to see if the moisture was gone. I found black mold in my bedrooms closet. Damages often include medical costs, related losses (such as time off work to recover from injury), and the cost of cleanup and structural restoration. I came back home with the kids (who by the way have been sick on and off since October for my son and end of December for the newborn)to find about a week later I had water in several spots on my ceiling. So my thoughts are, if the mold needs to be tested in any way it needs to be done before April 2nd when they will become aware that we have moved. She knowingly let us move into the home as many others knowing the house had this problem and for a fact i know this because they actually lived in the house we were the first to rent this house upon them moving out which she admitted to us upon renting that there daughter was very sick with allergies and they only wanted to sign a years lease in case moving didnt make her better and they wanted to move back. But they dont care, they just want the money (pum parum pum pum pum pum) Because if they ever get a suit against them, they have the big dogs to release the legal mumbo jumbo to combat the language of the court. I read your post about the dresser the dresser you keep tyour childrens clothing in. He wants them out so he can update and rent at a higher price. I am renting an apartment where I signed a one year lease. Firms, theories of liability for toxic mold injuries, Baxter Healthcare Corp. North Cove Plant, North Carolina, attorney who specializes in toxic mold litigation, Notice for Breach of Construction Contract. There was a big gap in the side of the window sill for my windows behind my bed that got filled in. If youre subjected to any type of mold exposure, you should be concerned. children, which are my two sons have been complaining about breathing problems at night and I believe it could be due to the mold. July 30th, 2017 we had the same situation but in our patio closet where the hot water heater is. Why wasnt it done then? Toxic Mold Litigation Who Is Legally Responsible And Do I Have A Case? Is this legal with a pregnant woman in apartment to take the chance of her getting sick and or the baby? Two days after i was diagnosed with pharyngitis i discovered mold on my side of the room on the walls closest to carpets then alllll my windows in my house have mold in the frames and tracks of the windows. I was given seven days to leave with everything I own. He came back and told me that it wasnt anything to worry about. He reports it every year too. I didnt pay to much attention to that because I didnt own a washer anyway. They did not follow through with seeking funding, so we moved forward with selling the condo. Mold can be toxic to the human body and cause major health problems such as nausea, rashes or asthma. 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