simparica trio for dogs side effects

(147 Reviews) $18.38 - $44.91. I am so angry, frustrated and overwhelmed at how many have posted comments here and having similar experiences. I hate that I did this to her and I hate that the Vet does not seem to care. My other Lab after 5 days started having severe diaherria (black at first, now golden) and now throwing up too. Tell your veterinarian if your dog has a history of seizures or other neurologic disease. Vet gave him three different kinds of pain meds thinking he might be having hip or back problems. The vet just gave our 16lb shorkie this on Tuesday and he still has the tremors really bad and very lethargic, Im very worried and concerned. This class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including tremors, ataxia, and seizures. Unfortunately, I didn't realize the tremors were possibly caused by the drug. I feel so sad for you Camelia. So, I gave it to him. Seriously I have had the worse luck. We started the medication on Dec. 1st and 3 days later it started with vomiting and loss of appetite. My husband said that he felt like it would just make his coat shiny. She became extremely lethargic and feverish so we rushed her to Hospital. He was diagnosed with "Sundowners" . My 5 year old Bichon Frises, Ivy, was on NextGard for years. It causes paralysis that leads to death of hookworms and roundworms. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Started in February and within a couple of weeks ears started twitching. all my dogs were prescribed and my eldest dog has had a strange reaction hives all over his body, panting, restless started same night he took the pill but has had the product on previous occasions with no side effects but this time he had a that reaction,had to administer meticam for the pain and antihistamines for the hives - he is still not right after 4 days and my other dog louie has always suffered from seizures since a pup vet say possible epilepsy - managed without medication at present and I do always try to avoid medication with him as they always make his seizures worse - I am so angry for not researching this further before .. The following day she got diarrhea and was extreemly quiet. I am also very worried about him. If this is a long term issue, I doubt they would be willing to cover all visits in the future. I just gave him heartgard and nexgard about 2 weeks with no issues. We contacted the company using the phone number supplied in the under in the box and shared our experience with the new drug. I have had German Shepherds for 40 yrs. When did you stop giving the Simparico Trio? Please, nobody ever give SIMPERICA I have always given Frontline never anything else never had any problems my vet which was not my vet, but a person that was hired in there suggested some Perica that was the worst mistake of my entire life. He has been eating the same organic GF food for the past several years. Its a horrible product and our puppy experienced a horrible reaction that eventually in a very short time took a young vibrant active very intelligent pups life in a horrible way - our Frazier would have turned 8 this past Memorial Day and we miss him everyday, I should have clarified Frazier was walking in circles because the siezures blinded him - our other puppy Watson has since only used next guard and heart guard without any further incidents but along with us showed signs of compassion during Fraziers last days and grief towards the loss of his brother Frazier. My dog was HEALTHY and HAPPY prior to giving him this drug and literally days later he is struggling to recover. The vet doesn't seem to really want to blame it on Simperica Trio and wants to treat these symptoms which he says are life threatening. She probabpy had some in her system (which is quite common, even for well-cated-for puppies), which would explain her diarrhea. I switched all three of my dogs to simparica trio and ironically my one that is a simi feral h/w+ hound disappeared. I pray for my baby to be ok and all of you who are in this battle. This was the 2nd does I have him. It has been demonstrated to be safe for puppies as young as 8 weeks old weighing 2.8 pounds or more. Took a dose of simparica trio.second rose in second is having tremors. Instead, it kills larvae, allowing your dog to avoid infection. She vomited twice and became so lethargic that she couldnt walk. Hey Sara I was wondering how you contacted Simparica because after taking her to animal emergency room then the vet next day. How is your puppy now after 7 months leases our 2 yr old frenchie just spent 3 days hospitalized and clearly has neurological symptoms. I'm so upset. 100% effective, zero side effects. I am keeping a close eye on her and will take her to the vet if she hasnt improved by tonight. Today started diarrhea & he has gone 5 times so far while not eating much. CET HEXtra Chews. Please do not use this drug. It is like night and day compared to her regular personality or demeanor. A week after I lost her I got COVID and was in the hospital for 20 days. Shes not the carefree setter she was prior to this medication. Simparica Trio has been extensively tested on various breeds and on dogs of different ages. At the same time, it opens glutamate-gated channels, which adds to the flood of nerve communications. I'm so sorry. Gave my Olde English Bulldog puppies Simparica Trio on 4/7/21 they are almost 4 month now. The only change I could think of he started taking Simparica about 4 months ago. I just hope he has a turn around . This can help with feelings of anxiety, stress, and fear." All three drugs are pesticides that work by attacking the nervous system of the fleas and ticks, causing death. He had it once before with no issues. This is still going on weeks later. Decreased conscious proprioception. All we want to do is take the best care of our animals and trust the people (Vet's) who specialize in this to do what's right for them. It's important to ensure that your dog eats the whole dose and that part of the dose is not lost or spit out, so I always watch my dog eat and make sure she got it all. It definitely can cross blood brain barrier and cause other neurological issues so it makes sense it could do this too, but clearly they havent done enough research to understand how. Banfield Hospital pushed" Simparica Trio" on our 16 year old Toy Poodle which caused a neurological disorder of sundowner to the point of him having two days straight of constant seizures, repetitive pacing and extreme agitation. I suppose with any drug, during trials, there will be some who have side effects ranging from negligible to life threatening. So here we are on the 2nd dose. Side-Effects Of Simparica Trio Tablets There are some mild side effects like Vomiting Diarrhea Loss of appetite Dog owners should be aware that these tablets are not suitable for all dogs. I am interested in the petition and the company's response. He has all the symptoms Eveyone is describing. For dogs with a history of seizures: consider carefully. The more we complain the more chance we have of saving other dogs. The topical solution offers 12 weeks of protection against ticks and fleas and eight weeks of protection against Lone Star ticks. The leaflet inside at least needs to be changed to have the correct information on it. What is a good replacement? This is terrible. Meaning he is suppose to get it today. She had terrible vomiting and diarrhea for a week and also weakness and staggering three weeks later. Im seeing an improvement in my dog, and am crossing fingers that this continues! I gave our 9 month old mimi labradoodle her first dose of Simparica two days ago. and like everyone else says, no vet will ever admit her sickness is due to the monthly preventative and excessive vaccines. I will keep a close eye on him and hopefully nothing else come about, we will NEVER take this medication again! I dont want to have to put my dog down but hes suffering. After a day one back leg started working and after six days the other one began to have feeling in it. It should be given to your dog once a month and comes in a liver flavor and dogs will likely enjoy the taste. I looked up side effects for this drug and was horrified to find that the flea med can cause tremors seizures and worse. Took her to her Vet where I was told she had another tremor. This month 5/1 gave him another dose and here we are 12 days later with diarrhea and no appetite. Im certain that its the simparica. Hi there, So sorry to hear about your dog. Next day, he was suddenly 1000% worse, would not touch food, could not move. I found a warning from the FDA about the potential for neurologic adverse events in dogs and cats when treated with drugs that are in the isoxazoline class. Today shes acting better, finally, but her back legs are still collapsing and she is weak. She seems so much happier in herself but until she comes off the keppra completely I wont know if it's a reversible problem. I'm so sorry. We gave Simparica two days ago and he's not had an appetite, he's eating grass, is drinking a lot of water and sleeping. I started my 6 year old golden doodle on Simparica last fall because we had many ticks in the back of our yard. This sounds so scary. My lab puppies have been taking Simparica Trio for 2 months. Also I read on Dr Mercola site that heartworms is in the dogs blood not the digestive track and garlic won't work. This simple-to-give oral monthly treatment protects dogs against heartworm disease as well as against ticks and fleas and intestinal worms like roundworms and hookworms. Thankyou to everyone who has posted their dreadful experiences of this drug. I'm so angry this medication is on the market. Just gave 3yr old OES first dose yesterday (her half sister got one too) and today she has uncontrolled urination. I gave the 1st one to my dog, 1st of this month. I shall be looking for a natural product from now on, k and g pet supplies on amazon do a good mange spray so hopefully that will be all they need from now on. Although the mother that took the same had not shown any effects. He was very anxious when I left him and picked him up. Gave our 6 month old Bulldog puppy Simparica TRIO (this is his 3rd dose) now realizing this is the culprit to what happened with him last month. With Entyce she is getting her appetite back and seems a little better. This may post twice - I didn't see my original post so I'm trying again! Kind of ooze. Back to the vet and I hope they credit my money. Has anyones dog stopped having seizures when the medication wore off or is this going to be a permanent issue possibly getting worse? My pup is scheduled to see a neurologist Monday ( today's friday) to evaluate. You ask why they are giving this poison to our furbabies, it's easy. Moreover, the safe use of this product has not been evaluated in breeding, pregnant or lactating dogs. Saving money sounds great, right? Chris, there is hope, for me, after about 35 days from when I gave my dog simparica trio all side affects went away, his blood levels where normal and no longer pies and drinks water non stop. The vet insisted it was not from the Simparica Trio. My 13 year old Pomeranian just passed away in April, 3 weeks after she was given the second dose of Simparica Trio. The door is open , its where he prefers to sleep on a doggie bed . Instead it has become a world of greed. This has gone on for about half of the day. Well, let me tell you: THANK YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. He has been drinking more water then usual. Animal Health Literacy, Recalls, Market Withdrawals and Safety Alerts, Fact Sheet for Pet Owners and Veterinarians about Potential Adverse Events Associated with Isoxazoline Flea and Tick Products, How to Report Animal Drug and Device Side Effects and Product Problems. Other specific monitoring or routine testing while your pet is on this medication may be recommended by your veterinarian depending on your pet's individual needs. Hope your pup is doing better!! 10 days after taking Simparica, she started having muscle tremors. Linda. My poor baby! And for those who have lost their fur babies I am so sorry for your lost. However, some dog parents prefer to use separate products. None of our pets did they were healthy. We are currently going through this with our nine year old dachshund. After doing some research, we rejected that idea, instead we gave him a charcoal detox, he had recovered the next day. Sarolaner is effective against the following tick species: Moxidectin is an antiparasitic drug in the macrocyclic lactone class. I know it's still in her system because I am still finding dead ticks that I miss because they are the size of a sesame seed. And my 1 year old cockapoo has been having regular seizures and her blood work has come back indicative of liver dysfunction. I say yes! But today, after he ate dinner and drank water, it all came back up. Over time, I spent 7k to save here but to no avail. So no Addisions. Many people have reported this as only temporary. Yesterday one baby threw up four times within one hour of taking her chewable. Oh Lord, back to finding another vet. His motor skills have been affected and hes been losing weight even though he eats heartily. This content shouldnt take the place of advice by your vet. Im wondering if anyone else has seen these types of symptoms. Neurologist doesnt seem to really know if the effects are long term or not. Could the issues with my dog being iffy with the steps be from the medication? After being ingested by a dog, sarolaner is distributed throughout the body. Although the price may be even lower via online pharmacies, Zoetis only guarantees the product when purchased directly though your vet (in the clinic or via their online pharmacy). I'm so scared. Most of us dog parents use some form of heartworm prevention for our dogs. I have an 8 year old Labrador. Is Simparica only available with a prescription? I am giving her supplements to support her heart and nerves and she's a little better each day. Later in the fall I noticed some leg tremors when she squatted. (145 Reviews) $15.50 - $31.09. GAGA-gated channels help to calm nerve transmissions, which sarolaner alters, creating an influx of nerve transmissions. Then the following week 1 pill every other day . Our pups had been on next guard and heart guard with no issues but new vet stopped selling those products so switched to to the simparica trio - gave a dose to our 7 ur old 71 pound blue tick coonhound Frazier and our 10 mo 45 pound labradoodle- Watson. He isnt losing weight but really looks horrible. My Lab mix has had 2 doses of this med. I have ordered what I normally use and will throw this in the trash! Update:(12/20/21) my dog has now been able to go up and down steps with no hesitation. I will use Sentinel and Pet Armor on her as this is what I have always gjven my dogs with no problems. Simparica, NexGard, Bravecto & Credelio may not increase the number of seizures, but the risk is real. Glad i held off on the free sample i was given! It may be that he is getting older as he is now one years old and he was neutered about three months ago. I've had to syringe water in his mouth. I gave my 2 yr old, very healthy, German short hair her first dose on Friday night and by Saturday morning she was vomiting about every 2 hours. He is fully housebroken and just had a running stool accident in the house. She is more worried about excessive thirst, lip smacking and her kidneys. Never happened before. Pyrantel works by paralyzing worms, which are then expelled from the body in feces. Next day she seemed different, standing slightly strangely. This medicine needs to be stopped. I called the vets office and they informed me that this medicine only had vomiting and diarrhea as side effects. Product Information: Simparica Trio (sarolaner, moxidectin, and pyrantel) Chewables are a safe monthly chewable for dogs that prevents heartworm disease, kills adult fleas and is indicated for the treatment and prevention flea infestations, the treatment and control of tick infestations, and the treatment and control of roundworms and . Company asked us to do diagnostic testing at vet. DO NOT give this poison to your pets. I will not give it to my puppy again, but what is a safer med. Has anyone recently started simpatico trio on their fur baby and noticed any kidney problems? Called Vet tonight and got a first appointment for tomorrow morning . She has what is called knuckling. Customer: Took a dose of simparica trio.second rose in second is having tremors JA: I'll do all I can to help. No more simparica for her or my other 2 dogs who each still had a dose of comfortis. Just hoping you can give me something good and tell me your dog recovered. The doctor did blood work and gave him steroids and said to watch him carefully for the next few days. My 3 month old shih tux Juno took her second dose last week and for the last two days shes vomited and has been eating grass nonstop! Never any issues with bravecto so we'll return to that medication. It is yet too soon to state an accurate number of dogs that have been affected, but for such a young drug, the growing total of already reported adverse reactions is . I am continuing to recover at home and have to use an oxygen tank. I guarantee he will not take this trash again. No more of this med! Sorry to hear about this happening to so many. Hello! It is still hard for me to get through this because I cant believe a company is getting away with killing animals and they dont care, so please , I know a lot of pet owners have no issues but do you really want to take that chance? Come to find out Akita blood platelets can explode in storage causing hi readings. Zoetis (Simparica, Simparica Trio, Revolution Plus): 888-963-8471; If you prefer to report directly to the FDA, or want additional information about adverse drug experience reporting for animal drugs, see How to Report Animal Drug and Device Side Effects and Product Problems. I hope I have found the culprit to his digression. No way I will ever give it to her again. I gave my dog his first dose the first week of April. Doubtful our dog will be given Simparica again. I went to banfield hospital and they prescribed this medication for my dog and had thrown up non stop since he was given the pill and wouldnt eat anything and he passed away 10 days later (yesterday). Gave my 3 year old Yorkie Simparica and 24hrs later he became hyperactive panting pacing and started hiding in dark places. Ticks are horrible here in Maine. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. I am so sorry to all of you and my heart goes out to you and your babies. Bella is a very anxious dog and is my husbands shadow. I just wish I could find a vet who honestly loves my animals as much as I do. However, doing nothing is better than giving her the Simparica. Never saw tremors before. He is a 89 lbs 5 y/o pitbull who has never had any issues before. Then he starts scratching and as time goes on he seemed like something was wrong. ALL oral tick meds are in the same class of drugs, so cannot give anything with that in it. This is happening now and she is still nowhere near 100% but I am hopeful that she will eventually fully recover. Ekko then started having seizures in May,June and July. Gave my 4yr old lab/husky mix simpatico trio in April and then monthly after. And then when we finally stop for the evening - she crashes. Now her dog is very sick and she has to take the dog to the vet every day in the past week. Can anyone tell me how long it takes for meds to be completely out of system? We are already close to $2000 in Vet bills not counting the poison we bought her. Vet did all kinds of tests but said it couldnt be simparica. Would appreciate any opinion you all may have. Do you really really want to take that chance and end up in the same situation that me and my family had to end up in and suffer and he had to suffer, which he didnt have to if that company wouldnt have killed him with their deadly med SIMPARICA please think really hard and research before you give your pets anything that can do the same because like I said he had no medical issues. We rescued another dog. I have a vet appointment tomorrow to figure it out. Puppy Simparico Trio for the first time 2 days ago. Did your dog pass away? The Simparica was recommended by the vet. Sorry but keeping it caged due to a suspected side effect is is uncalled for. The term off-label or extra-label use means that a medication is used in a way or in a particular species that is not specified on the medication label. I find it odd that this was around the time she was due for her next dose that she didn't get for obvious reasons. Lone Star, deer, and American and brown dog ticks to prevent up to 15 tick-borne diseases in dogs. I am sure simparica caused a fatal seizure in my boxer. My Pomeranian is on a steady decline after taking 1 dose. I definitely will not poison her with this garbage anymore. He also would have crying spells while trying to sleep but showed no signs of pain. Also vets needs to tell the truth!!! Is effective against the following tick species: Moxidectin is an antiparasitic drug in macrocyclic! Him steroids and said to watch him carefully for the past several years anyone tell me how long it for... 'S easy could not move we have of saving other dogs i my. She started having severe diaherria ( black at first, now golden and... Here we are 12 days later with diarrhea and was horrified to find out Akita blood can! To go up and down steps with no hesitation company asked us to do diagnostic testing at vet each had... 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